
And here we are now

A Failure To Plan

First Published on American Values

I have been reading recently how radical Islamists set out to capture American universities over the past few decades. (Hereand here.) They saw “higher education” as a way to influence debate and policy and a way they could “win” over the long term.

Billions of dollars poured into American institutions to fund new departments and programs focused on the Middle East and Islamic Studies. Of course, the great majority of these professors espouse anti-Israel views.

Communist China has a program to take over American universities

Communist China has had a decades old program to take over American universities. Beijing put Confucius Institutes on more than one hundred campuses.

Communist China also poured millions of dollars into American universities. They sent tens of thousands of Chinese communist students to be educated in the United States and to spy on other Chinese students on campus.

Books have been written about how the LGBTQ movement set out to take over American culture and to own the schools from the earliest grades through the universities.

Why are all these groups so focused on schools? Because capturing the rising generation is how you win. It’s how you “fundamentally transform” a country.

It seems that virtually everybody had a plan to use American education to promote their agendas, often radical and suicidal ideas, except for the United States. Our elites did not have a plan to preserve America by teaching our children why this country is an exceptional nation worth fighting and dying for.

In fact, if they had any plan at all, it was the exact opposite – to use our universities to build the new socialist, neo-Marxist America.

And now we are where we are.

Donald Trump tried to warn us

Abraham Lincoln warned us. He was concerned that veterans from the Revolutionary War were rapidly passing away and that the young people of his day would not see their wounds and would not know the sacrifices made for their freedom.

Ronald Reagan warned us. In his Farewell Address, Reagan talked about the need for “an informed patriotism.” He asked, “And are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world?”

During the Reagan administration, I went after textbook publishers for teaching American students to be neutral in the struggle between America and Soviet communism.

I was dragged before the Senate by outraged Democrat and Republican senators. They weren’t angry at the textbook publishers – they were furious at me for raising the issue!

Donald Trump tried to warn us. He based his campaign on the theme of American greatness. He created a commission to report on how the schools could teach patriotism and love of country. But Joe Biden disbanded the commission on his first day in office.

And here we are now.

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Gary Bauer——

Gary L. Bauer (American Values) is one of America’s most effective spokesmen for pro-life, pro-family, and pro-growth values. Bauer is a frequent guest on a wide variety of political talk shows and a much-in-demand speaker nationwide.

Bauer is the author of Our Journey Home, published in October 1992; co-author of Children at Risk: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Our Kids written with Focus on the Family Chairman and Founder, Dr. James Dobson; author of Our Hopes, Our Dreams: A Vision for America, published in 1996, and Doing Things Right, published in 2001.
