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a nation of wimps

by Klaus Rohrich
Monday, July 4, 2005

Now that we have watched the fireworks, sang ‘Oh Canada’, celebrated our moral superiority and drunk our beer, we can return to doing what we do best: stand in line and apologize. I can’t think of another country that isn’t under the thumb of a military dictatorship that lets its government get away with the things Canadians allow their government to do. The idea of ‘democracy’ is predicated on the principle that the will of the majority prevails. In Canada it’s the other way around- the will of the minority prevails.

Polling has consistently shown that a majority of Canadians are in favor of capital punishment, yet there isn’t an ice cube’s chance in hell of the question ever even being discussed in Parliament, much less brought to a vote. It isn’t like the common people are a bloodthirsty rabble; it’s the fact that the so-called penal system makes it possible, no, likely, for seriously violent offenders to re-offend after serving a relatively light sentence at a club fed.

While over 65% of Canada’s population is in favor of preserving the traditional definition of "marriage", a small minority of left-wing activists in Ottawa enacted a law that totally negates the concept of marriage as we know it. While we were assured by Paul Martin and his Liberals that this would go no further, clearly the Pandora’s box has been opened and the definition of marriage will be revisited, mark my words. Who’s to say that polygamy is any less legitimate than a union of people of the same gender? In fact, given that we are such a "diverse" and "inclusive" nation, polygamy has a much more legitimate place in Canadian society than the law just passed. after all, Islam, one of the world’s major religions allows for polygamy, so why not allow it in Canada?

Some 75% of Canadians are either strongly in favor or somewhat in favor of exploring the idea of health care being provided by a combination of the public and private sector. Let’s make no mistake; the vast majority of Canadians are in favor of keeping health care in Canada in public hands. But clearly the system is broken and people are dying as a result. Yet Canada’s minister of health is totally opposed to even discussing alternative forms of health care provision, much less allowing private clinics to open. all this in light of a ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada that clearly states that our waiting times are unreasonable and the current healthcare system is flawed beyond what might reasonably be acceptable. Thus, the Court has ruled that private health care insurance should in fact be legal in Quebec and by extension in the rest of Canada. Yet Martin and Company behave as if the Supreme Court had never ruled on the matter at all.

We have just finished hearing six months of evidence that the ruling party of Canada has appropriated tax dollars for its own use through a series of spurious schemes worthy of a Columbian drug cartel. Yet very few people in Canada seem outraged by these criminal acts. In fact, the more that the Gomery Inquiry revealed about the Liberals’ sordid dealings, the more their numbers rose in the polls. Of course, the eventual outcome of the adscam scandal will be that a few low-level players will plead guilty, have their wrists slapped and the Liberals will claim that it is a vindication of their involvement.

We are among the highest taxed jurisdictions in the free world. The federal government is running a "surplus", which put another way is that they are taking a lot more of our money than they actually need. Of course the "surplus" is being kept carefully tucked away for that rainy day in the future when the Liberals will need it to purchase our votes. Economists, academics and business leaders in Canada have recently expressed concern over our declining standard of living. Not that this would have any effect, as it appears the Canadian electorate is anaesthetized beyond caring. One is given to wonder what it will take for voters to demand fiscal responsibility from its government, a recession or worse?

For a country as morally superior as Canada, we sure don’t display a lot of moral outrage at anything our government does to us. On the contrary, the worse we are treated, the more we seem to like it. all the cheap tricks the Liberals have foisted on Canadians in the past eight weeks proves that our democratic deficit has grown to a historic high. But then the quality of those who govern us is a direct reflection on the people who have voted them into office.