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Vintage Marsala

Women Of Iraq- Rend Your Veils and Begin Your Shoe Smacking!

by Kerry Marsala

February 2, 2005

It t'was the night before the election in the land of Iraq, but all through the eastern seaboard Democratic senator Edward Kennedy could be heard roaring, "President Bush your Iraq policies are  ‘a catastrophic failure.’" Over a scotch on the rocks, Kennedy demanded that the american troops immediately begin to withdraw. Kennedy then turned his head like a jerk, belched and declared, "We have no choice, but to make the best we can of the disaster we’ve created in Iraq." Thusly certain Democrats began to distance themselves from the swollen red-faced man when all of a sudden he fell from his barstool and made such a clatter. Then lying sprawled out on the floor, he laid a finger inside of his nose and declared that the retreat of american forces should be completed "as early as possible in 2006."   Lastly, as the bloated old senator arose from his prostrate position and staggered towards the bar room door he, suggested that, in Iraq, american troops are a bigger problem than terrorists.

 Once upon on a time there was a man named John Kerry, who wore a red cape with a hood, and served in Vietnam.  He spent Christmas in Cambodia and voted for the 87 billion before he voted against it.  With well thought out speeches and quotes, Kerry and his wife named Thresa, spoke to the hearts and souls of americans as they tried to win back the White House from the big bad wolf…I mean the Republicans.  Kerry and his good-looking southern haired boy Edwards took their liberally stuffed picnic baskets to america’s front porches during their campaign and we were feed pseudo pastries called, Bush’s plan in Iraq was just another Vietnam.  The last bitter morsel little red Johnnyhood delivered to the gullible grannies in america was Iraqi’s Election Day quote on Meet the Press with Tim Russert.  Kerry stated, "no one in the Unites States should try to overhype this election."  I think little Johnny’s liberally filled basket of pseudo pastries has become overgrown with the mold of green envy. 

How can an oversaturated senator from Massachusetts demand that we withdraw our troops by a certain date?  as the head of terrorism lies within Syria, its body strewn across many parts of the Middle East and the black heart of terror pumping in Iraq, Kennedy demands that the completion of withdraw by american forces must occur as early as possible by 2006. How Senator do we set a deadline?  according to your bottled state the deadline for withdraw must come by hook or crook, hell or high water, continuing threats world wide, terrorist roaches blowing up more Twin Towers, Embassies, Discos, Military barracks, ships, etc…

 Why Russert wasted valuable TV time (Sunday January 30th, 2005 Meet the Press) interviewing the loser (former presidential hopeful) John Kerry is incomprehensible.  Kerry’s pearls of wisdom dripped forth during the interview and he warned america not to "over hype this election."  Set aside political views for a moment Kerry, set aside your doom and gloom view of the world, and place your ego aside Kerry--Iraqi by enormous numbers got to vote for who they want to run their country.  Celebrate with their success at least for a brief moment.  a basket of molded pseudo pastries never sits well with anyone.

 Some people are just plain ‘ol sore losers. 

Without a doubt Sunday's euphoric accomplishments of holding an election in a country that was formerly run by a ruthless dictator, has many days ahead of it filled with terror bombings, suicide attacks and the hard work of bringing together a country with many diverse religious and political views.  However, let us appreciate the moment and rejoice with the Iraqi citizens.  Ponder for yourselves what the Iraqi people, the United States, the various military sources, and our allies did to help bring democracy to a nation hungry for freedom. 

Why are the wined, dined, and pickled dinosaurs of the democrat party so anti-freedom? 

Speaking as a woman, who lives in a country where I am free to do as I please, the most momentous part of Iraq’s Election Day for me was the fact that women who have been oppressed, tortured, raped, and murdered had a vote Sunday.  Iraqi women actually voted.  Do we understand this or even appreciate the depths of what this freedom to elect our own government leaders means to not only men, but women as well?  Iraqi women actually chose who they wanted to write in and place it in their country’s ballot box.  They didn’t have to stay at home with the kids whilst only the hubby went and voted.  They didn’t have to be told who to vote for by their husbands, boyfriends or by a tyrannical leader.  Iraqi women, who were oppressed under the Baathist Regime and were treated many times as nothing more than a piece of property, were able to get ink on their finger. 

Historically by comparison in Iraq’s earlier decades and studying side by side their bordering countries, Iraqi women have been the most educated on one hand, but at the same time, they’ve been the most oppressed. Independent political activism was never accepted under the rule of Saddam Hussein.  This hindrance had prevented any form of women’s organizations to materialize. The abhorrent suppression of Iraqi women had reintroduced the appearance of a severely strict dress code- the Hijab.  The Hijab became the only garment seen on women in Iraq from the very young to the very old (let the women choose when they want to cover themselves completely, I think they can handle it).  The forced wearing of this widespread veil was not simply an expression of increased cultural codes, but it was an increase of oppression by the Baathist regime.  The increased restrictions on women’s movements, clothing and the close monitoring of their behavior have been nothing but an excuse in the belief that there needs to be constant concern over a woman’s honor (which was and is not honorable at all to women).   The most atrocious facet of monitoring "woman’s honor" was the rise in honor killings. Iraqi women, who were suspected of sexual misconduct were killed by their husbands, brothers, or fathers to save the ‘honor’ of the family.   So how many honors killings were performed by an overly suspicious father or a husband, who was tired of his wife?

May the Iraqi dress code stay modest, but give honor to the woman who doesn’t deem it unholy not to cover herself in cloth from head to foot.

This is only the beginning in what women now in Iraq will be able to do.  I pray the Iraqi women build their women’s organization, but that they don’t follow the pattern of the far left feminist.  I pray the Iraqi women find a comfortable dressing style of their own, but that they don’t begin to undress their bodies so that no part is left for discovery by her husband to be.  May the women of Iraq pursue what is truly vital in developing a democracy and that is regaining their level of educational status, so that their voting and societal involvement will be filled with knowledge of their process.  Encouragement needs to be sent to the Iraqi women to serve their government on many levels and contribute their points of views to build a democracy that fits their religion and cultural standards.  May the Iraqi women be honored and respected by their peers, and by the opposite sex.  Who knows what great things will be accomplished by the hands of a fellow sister striving for peace, honor, dedication and the anticipation that only comes from a world full of the hope of freedom.

The veil of tyranny is slowly being rent asunder and intelligent, caring, and hard working Iraqi women have begun their journey towards self-discovery.  People such as Kennedy and Kerry need to be smacked with the shoes of Iraqi women.  Better yet, they need to go back to their corners and think about changing their envious and pious views towards a day filled with jubilation for a people who’ve lived under tyranny.  Within the layers of freedom, Election Day in Iraq has meant so much too so many. 

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