
Trump must continue a talking point drum beat of open borders, inflation and crime, and he must outline how he will make life better for Americans. With respect to the day of reckoning awaiting Dems, he needs to keep that to a whisper and his back

Trump Is A Galloping Certainty And The Left Isn't Half As Clever As They Credit Themselves

Hello, this is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press, because without America, there is no freedom.

Regular listeners will easily recall that I’ve mentioned a number of times that Joe Biden will not be the Dem presidential candidate in 2024. How could he be? His policies have failed us; he is massively unpopular; and an enormous percentage of the country finds him too old, frail, and decrepit for any job beyond occasionally sweeping off his front porch, let alone president of the United States. And yet…And yet…

The left’s hemorrhaging of Hispanic and black voters

Despite hand wringing and complaints and some coordinated media panty soiling, it appears that against all odds, the Dems are going to run Biden. I have to repeat it because it defies belief: The Dems are going to run Joe Biden. It’s the most astonishing thing I’ve ever beheld in American politics. It’s as if I’m watching a man cover his body in bacon grease and then jump into a lake filled with hungry alligators. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m happy to watch the result, it’s just I don’t understand this level of risible stupidity.

At this point the chords of November’s election are weaving themselves into a pellucid current of political certainty: Donald Trump is going to win the presidency going away. This election is his to lose; to take from the inimitable former Louisiana governor, Edwin Edward, Trump’s only chance of defeat is if he’s found with a live boy or a dead girl.

Forget the polls that show him ahead 2-3 points here or there, or 5 points in this or that swing state (and he’s ahead in all of those). These are the same polls that predicted a Hillary win. They are missing as widely now as they were then. What they are getting right is the trend and, more importantly, the left’s hemorrhaging of Hispanic and black voters.

The importance of the Dem loss of minority voters cannot be overstated. The Democratic Party has not won majority support from white voters in 60 years; Dems have relied on overwhelming margins from Hispanics and Blacks. We’re talking 60% to 70% of Latinos and 85% and above of Blacks.

In November this year, Trump is going win a majority of the Hispanic vote, and he will clear north of 20% of the Black vote. In those places showing him up 2 or 3 points, he’s going to win by 5; where he appears to be up 5, he’s going to win by 8.

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Minority voters are not simply supporting Donald Trump, they are leaving the Democratic Party and becoming Republicans

This is massively important because it’s beyond the margin of cheat. Where elections are tight, victory margins of 1% or even less, the fraud can be slid past with plausible deniability no matter how despicable or mendacious; but when the victory margins are in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands or even more, the capacity to cheat is exceeded. Trump is galloping in that direction, and only he can stop himself.

There is something that is equally as important, but I haven’t yet seen mentioned in detail: minority voters are not simply supporting Donald Trump, they are leaving the Democratic Party and becoming Republicans. Trump and new Republicans are twin pincers surrounding the progressive army; Donald Trump is the hammer and newly-minted GOPers, the anvil on which the hopes and dreams of 6-decades of Marxist-globalist dreams are going to be smashed and obliterated.

Dems will be on the defense in states such as New York and California; Trump won’t win those states, but he will force the Democratic Party to spend money defending them, and he will enable victories in House races. Donald Trump will have coattails, and new, minority Republicans are making the coat.

How and why have Dems let this happen? Donald Trump should have been easily defeated. He is surely the candidate that 3 years ago they would have been happiest to run against. I think we look too hard for answers that are easily found.

You’ve heard me say this before: The intellectual left (an oxymoron, I know), the progressive thought leaders, academics and politicians are atheists; but having renounced God, they’ve assumed His mantle of infallibility for themselves. They simply can’t be wrong. As night follows day, this leads to a lack of self-awareness; it makes for the breathtaking projection and relentless display of hypocrisy. An assumption of infallibility erases humility and in its place is left a hard shell of impermeable stupidity.

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Joe Biden’s decline into decrepitude

The result is, for instance, Kamala Harris. I’m not speaking of the woman herself, although in terms of fitness for office, no vice president has ever been more perfectly fitted to a president. In a waking nightmare fit to inspire a science fiction novel, imagine the minatory and lubricious mutant this dyad might have spawned! But the stupidity I’m talking about is that owned and operated by the decision makers in the Democratic Party.

Joe Biden’s decline into decrepitude was in evidence in 2020; that’s why he was kept in a basement. Kamala Harris was a cipher to fellow liberals in the 2020 Dem primary, but they put her on the ticket and now they can’t get rid of her. How could they not have foreseen this moment? Critics on the right did. Biden’s penchant for dishonesty and Hunter’s corruption were absolutely known. How could they not have seen what this would lead to? Critics on the right did.

The lawfare and 2-tiered system of justice ginned up and employed against Trump and his supporters was always certain to solidify Trump’s base and eventually bring over those--even many who are not Trump fans--who perceived this as government persecution and therefore un-American. Again, how could they not have seen this? Plenty on the right predicted it.

The only possible explanation is that they did see all this, but were certain their policies were superb and winners, and none of the rest mattered. Well, had their policies worked to benefit people, it wouldn’t have mattered, but…

Open borders, pornography in schools, lax treatment of criminals and demonizing police, government spending leading to unending inflation, none of these things were ever going to be popular or accepted because they fail and harm people. How could they not see this? Critics on the right always knew it, and now independents and former Dem voters have joined the chorus. Dems still can’t see it, and if they do, they can’t admit it, or they lie about it. This has the potential for Democratic Party Armageddon.


Democrats are, shockingly, evidently prepared to die on the Biden-Harris dung heap

I know there are people listening to this who think I’m wrong or overstating things, but to them I say: Paint me a picture of Dems losing even 40% of the Hispanic vote and 15% of the black vote that isn’t a catastrophic event for them. You can’t do it. And by the way, the Asian vote is trending the same way, as is the secular Jewish vote. Gee, can’t imagine why.

The certainty of their righteousness, coupled with an ugly power lust has led Dems into a boxed canyon. They are, shockingly, evidently prepared to die on the Biden-Harris dung heap; but, truth be told, their policies have been so bad and so painful, that I’m skeptical a political genius could head off their coming eclipse.

And always and to this moment, like Hitler frothing in his bunker, most progressives remain too stupid, too unaware, too encased in their bubble of counterfeit superiority to see, let alone comprehend, the train rapidly bearing down on them.

In my opinion, there is an important lesson to be taken from this: Progressives may be conspicuously educated; they may have reams of credentials and some of them high IQs, but they are not smart, and they are whatever is the opposite of wise. Never, never, never grant them an unearned or assumed cleverness. They want and demand an assumption of knowledge that they have not earned, but believe should be bestowed upon them. It is never more than the robe of a naked emperor.

Now, I can hear my skeptics: The Deep State will never let it happen. I maintain, as I’ve said, the cheat demanded will be too great. Well, they will jail or kill Trump. If so, the risk is absolutely civil violence on a massive scale that will lead, at best, to their imprisonment or the nation dividing, or, at worst, to their execution by mob.

That may be a risk they are willing to run. After all, they will be faced with a Republican Party led and galvanized by Donald Trump that has little resemblance to the Bush-Romney-McConnell led genteel folk who were always pleased to lose graciously. We want our country back; we want justice and we want revenge. We are angry, and we’re not turning the other cheek.

There are members of the Deep State, in the IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department who may be provably guilty of crimes

There are members of the Deep State, in the IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department who may be provably guilty of crimes. Donald Trump and a muscle-flexing and empowered GOP are their worst nightmare. With that in mind, I am certain that the moment Trump wins, we should expect lawfare and riots on an unprecedented scale.

That will mean two things: First, and as you’ve previously heard me say on this podcast, the violence will be combined to the blue states; for those of us living in civilized areas that will mean “Oh, well”; second, the lawfare and violence will prove so unpopular that it will lose support of a majority percentage of Dems. They may still want out of the union, but they will have realized they cannot defeat us. And that’s a topic for another time.

For now, Trump must continue a talking point drum beat of open borders, inflation and crime, and he must outline how he will make life better for Americans. With respect to the day of reckoning awaiting Dems, he needs to keep that to a whisper and hide the cudgel behind his back. Win first and then improve our situation. The polity, elevated, benefitted and secure, will then help him build the scaffold for his and the country’s enemies.

Before closing, I want to mention a personal note. This week, I unexpectedly lost a very close friend. Canada Free Press readers knew Doug Bronson from his “Ridin’ Out The Recession' with Doug and Deb” posts. I knew Doug as a friend from boyhood, with whom I spent countless hours at work and play. Doug was doubtless a toxic male and would have been honored to accept that designation. He was always reliable, always dependable and resourceful, and he was the best farmer, except for possibly my dad, that I ever knew. Doug is responsible for my having a podcast with CFP. I will miss him to my last breath in this world, and I look forward to seeing him in the next. Put simply, I loved the guy.

This is Charles Martel for the Canada Free Press. You can catch me on Instagram at CharlesMartelCFP.

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Charles Martel, laying down the Hammer for Canada Free Press
Charles can be found on Rumble and on Spotify  as @CharlesMartelCFP
