
Your "warriors for the middle class"

Are Democrats Your Friends?

With the close of 2011 and the dawn of 2012, the Obama administration is trying to portray the president as a "warrior for the middle class".
Traveling with President Obama in Hawaii, Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest was quoted as saying, “We’re going to be doubling down on our commitment and our message in terms of fighting for the middle class.” This sure sounds like a great marketing campaign. But let us take a closer look at what we have in this champion for the middle class. Studies have borne out the fact that the majority of Americans consider themselves members of the middle class. Exact definitions of "middle class" are difficult to pin down since there are a number of factors that enter into the equation. For example, the number of children in a given family impacts this as does geographic location. A $50,000 yearly income in Mississippi is considered reasonably affluent whereas such an income in California should qualify one for public assistance. It would probably be safe to say that, on average, the middle class would encompass two-person families with incomes of $50,000 per year and include those with incomes up to, but not including $200,000 per year. We will use the $200,000 value since that is the income level at which the Obama administration has, since day one, set their sights upon in terms of increasing taxation.

Now, consider what the Democrats have given you, the middle class, since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of Congress five years ago. Take this consideration a step farther and take into account what impact President Obama and his administration have had upon your life since Obama's election in 2008. If you are among those that are fortunate to have a good job, you are, no doubt, thankful. It is a safe bet that you know someone - perhaps many "someones" - that is unemployed or is struggling to make ends meet toiling at a job that is paying him or her less than what he or she once earned. Have you been in a grocery store in the past year? If so, assuming that you are not blind, you have seen what has happened - thanks in no small part, to the reckless fiscal policies of the Federal Reserve and complicit politicians - to the purchasing power of the dollars that you work so hard to earn. Even though governmental agencies report extremely low inflation numbers, anyone that purchases food on a regular basis knows that inflation has taken a big chunk out of the average worker's paycheck. Of course, along with energy, food is one of the parameters that government excludes when it calculates inflation numbers. Speaking of energy...here is yet another line item that has been eroding your purchasing power over the past three years. In the waning days of the Bush administration in late-2008, gasoline in Florida could be purchased in many locales for around $1.50 per gallon. In all but a few areas of the country, gasoline has been at or above - and for most of us, WELL above - three dollars per gallon for over a year. What else has taken place since the Democrats took over the federal government in January of 2007? What has happened to the value of your home? Again, if you are like most Americans, you have seen the value of your home, at best, remain stagnant. Most have seen declines; many have seen extreme declines. What about your health care? Have your health insurance costs gone down as a result of the passage of the Democrats' Affordable Care Act two years ago? Probably not. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. If you are like most working folks, you have, most likely, seen a steady increase in the cost of your medical care and insurance premiums. How about the costs of a college education? Do you have children in college? If not, consider yourself lucky. If so, have you seen those costs decrease at all? Again, as with health care, probably not. What have the aforementioned increases in prices of consumer goods and decreased real estate values wrought in terms of standard of living? Are you living "in tall cotton"? How about you and your spouse? How often to you go out for a night on the town? How about that cup of Starbuck's coffee? Are you still buying it every day? Or are you looking to cut back on frivolous expenses where and when you can? Have you purchased a new vehicle lately? Or have you found yourself more willing to put money into your old car having it repaired rather than opting for a new one? Are you finding yourself less likely to jump behind the wheel and take the family out for a Sunday drive? Or would you rather stay at home and watch a movie rather than burn a Grant's-worth of gasoline? Look around your community. Take a drive through any commercially-zoned section of your city or town. What do you observe with respect to vacant properties? Are commercial buildings fully-occupied or do you see a large number of "FOR LEASE" signs? In most areas of the country, it is probably the latter rather than the former. Last but not least, let's take a look at the national debt and what it represents in terms of your personal obligation: In January, 2007, the federal debt stood at approximately nine trillion dollars. When President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, it was just under twelve trillion. In mid-November, it surpassed fifteen trillion and is already nearly twenty percent of the way to SIXTEEN. Per citizen, this amounts to nearly $50,000 ($48,542, to be exact). This is the amount owed by EVERY man, woman, and child in America today. Look at it another way: Every child born in the United States enters this world with a $50,000 liability. And this is before he or she has soiled his or her first diaper. When the Democrats came to power in 2007, this figure stood at around $30,000 which was, by anyone's measure, an obscene number. But your "warriors for the middle class" have increased this by two-thirds all the while portraying themselves as your friends. With friends like this, you do NOT need enemies!

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James Sharp——

James Sharp is a middle-aged, middle-class, middle-management salesman who believes in secure borders and fighting our enemies with a strong military.  He also believes in limited government, free markets, and unlimited opportunity and personal liberties for all citizens of the U.S.
