
Mike Castle team promotes Joe Biden's son as Delaware GOP refuses to run candidate against Democrat AG


(WILMINGTON) -- The shameful insider political games continue for Liberal RINO Mike Castle and his political team in Delaware.

The Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party, who has become one of the principal spokespersons for Mike Castle's campaign for U.S. Senate, has decided to run cover for Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden. Astonishingly, Ross and the Delaware Republican Party have decided to not even field a candidate to challenge Democrat Beau Biden as he runs for re-election as Attorney General for the state of Delaware. Delaware Republicans are outraged that Ross and the Castle team have orchestrated one sellout to Democrats after another. Here's just one of the latest outcries of frustration by the state's rank-and-file GOP voter: This acquiescence to the Democrats has emerged as the greatest liability for Mike Castle and his campaign. During his time in Congress, Castle voted for Barack Obama's agenda (on issues where Obama took a position) nearly 60% of the time. To understand how significant it is that the Castle political network has once again protected the Democrat Party's agenda, consider what Tom Ross (again, Castle's biggest advocate in the state, a spokesperson for the campaign and the state's GOP Chairman) has had to say about Conservative Republican, Christine O'Donnell. It is astounding, shameful, and wholly unacceptable to see a state GOP Chair rip a stalwart conservative of his own party, while repeatedly engaged in running cover for the Democrats:
"She's not a viable candidate for any office in the state of Delaware," state party chairman Tom Ross, who is backing Castle, said in a telephone interview. "She could not be elected dog catcher."
-Tom Ross quoted at Slate.com (via Associated Press) on 9/2/2010 While Ross and the Delaware GOP refused to run a candidate to challenge the Democrat Attorney General, they have actually launched a hit website to smear their own U.S. Senate candidate, Conservative Republican Christine O'Donnell. Tom Ross, state committee chairman of the Delaware Republican Party, defended the negative nature of the site. "The stories might not be flattering, but they are factual. ...Sometimes it is necessary to make sure that the facts get out there," Ross said. -Tom Ross quoted at CNN Political Ticker on 9/4/2010
"Is Christine O'Donnell actually this unhinged from reality? Or is she simply a liar, whose total lack of respect for Delaware voters leads her to deliberately and repeatedly deny the clear facts surrounding her many personal and professional failures?"

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