
Turnaround of the USA

Campaign to Renew America

By Guest Column Judy Taylor——--August 11, 2012

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Last week, I was ruminating on the fact that the Romney campaign isn’t saying the things “We the People…” need to hear from the GOP. Out of my ruminations came this: Our goal this campaign isn't about electing Romney (although we must); it's about a turnaround of the USA.
The USA is, frankly, struggling. Our economy is in a four-year funk and our citizens have lost their mojo. We need a turnaround. Enter Mitt Romney, a turnaround expert with a sterling reputation. What he needs to do, and the GOP Convention presents the first best opportunity, is reassure the folks that he and WE have what’s needed to turn things around. We have our Constitution, a masterwork in responsible governing. We have the American people who, descended from waves of immigrants who risked all to come here, have created a strong and diverse nation that is, indeed, exceptional. We also have the Tea Party patriots, who will hold our feet to the fire if we don’t deliver on our promises.

Our platform is so simple it doesn't get boring: Fiscal Responsibility (job of our leadership) and Personal Responsibility (job of our citizens; government gets out of the way.) Our citizens don't need the boot of government on their necks. Most of us are responsible and everyone has a shot at being exceptional if we are freed up to do it. We don't need a civilian army to get things done; we HAVE an army of citizens who WILL get things done. Note that our platform doesn’t address social issues. They aren’t high on anyone’s list right now and they come under personal responsibility. We can be in favor of civil unions and leave marriage, a sacrament, up to the churches but not right now. Given this background, here’s how the GOP Convention could become more citizen-friendly. First day of the convention, introduce Romney as our Turnaround candidate. Mitt Romney is a low-key confident guy; he doesn’t need four days of adulation and Greek columns; he needs to get to work. SO, on subsequent days, we showcase the Romney Team: People who will tackle specific challenges: Energy, EPA, Regulation, Education, Treasury/the Fed, foreign relations, etc. Speakers (or panels) will show why the Romney Team will do better than the current occupants and ask for the job. If we have nominees in mind for key posts, let them invite people currently in those posts to debate. (They won't agree but imagine if someone were to ask Hillary how the heck "she" lost the Middle East to the Muslim Brotherhood" and can you see John Bolton debating Susan Rice?) So now we have a Romney Team and, since Romney needs the House and Senate, GOP Congressional candidates will run as part of Romney’s Turnaround Team. The grassroots appeal is that it will be more motivating to call and canvass as part of a Turnaround Team than as a Republican. It's energetic and not your same-old-same-old Convention drivel. As for the Tea Party Patriots, it’s time for détente. Make sure you include speakers from this new wing or there won't be a new wing and the GOP will become a withering husk. The structure and money of the old GOP and the energy and passion of the Tea Party types would make a strong party and, right now, the power is up for grabs. So let’s underscore a new covenant with the people by rebranding the GOP as the "New” Republican Party (a carat can do the job) for the convention. You know this is better than what you have planned. So do it. If you need me, call. I have more ideas and I don't need money or credit. I just think we have the chance of a century to turn the nation around and the alternative is unthinkable. Thanks for your consideration. Judy Taylor is a marketing specialist

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