
Congressional Progressive Caucus, Hope and Change, the Alinsky Model

Comrade Bernard Declares, “Greed is Like an Addiction!”

My mother, God bless you Mom, is known by all who know her as rather “long-winded.” The expression, “She loves to talk” is putting it very mildly to say the least. My Dad, a few years back, became “stone deaf,” and had a chip implanted below the skin on one side of his head that allows him to hear once more. Technology today is absolutely amazing, but the point being not so much that, but in reality now, all he has to do is turn his hearing aid off, profess to Mom his batteries are dead, “voila,” total uninterrupted silence!

I wonder how many members of our Senate yesterday would liked to have had the same freedom my Dad now enjoys of claiming “their batteries were dead,” in regards to Sen. Bernie Sanders lengthy speech over the proposed tax cut compromise? How lengthy? Try 8-1/2 hour’s worth. Mom, I gotta tell ya, up against this guy, you don’t stand a chance! First, did we the taxpayer fund 8-1/2 hours of this? Secondly, couldn’t someone have inadvertently turned off the mike? In so doing, could this possibly have freed up some time to do something really constructive? How about actually reading the legislation you intend to vote on? That’d be a start in the right direction, wouldn’t you think?

Congressional Progressive Caucus, “Hope and Change, the Alinsky Model"

I thought I’d heard somewhere there were a few “insiders” who knew of Sanders intent of keeping the Senate occupied for the entire day. If so, this explains why there were a few members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus outside the Senate passing out coloring books titled, “Hope and Change, the Alinsky Model,” in order to give the more radical left members something to occupy their time during Sanders “speech.” In regards to the coloring books, there was one other thing I thought strange…the only color of crayon that came with each book was red. Now again, I only thought I’d heard this, I very well may have been mistaken. Before we look at what Sen. Sanders had to say, let’s first look at who Sen. Sanders actually is. Some of the info here was taken from Discover the Networks and Wikipedia. Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders Vt.-I, has been involved, on and off, in politics since 1971 when he joined the Liberty Union Party (LUP). He ran for Senate, unsuccessfully, in Vermont in 1972 and again in 1974. He also ran for Governor of Vermont in 1976. He resigned from the LUP in 1979 and ran thereafter as an Independent. He continued his political career, became Mayor of Burlington, Vt., in 1981, and won three more terms. During his first term his supporters formed the Progressive Coalition, forerunner of the Vermont Progressive Party. In 1986 he ran unsuccessfully for Governor once more, and failed in a bid for the Senate in 1988. In 1990 he was elected to Congress and held his House seat from Jan. of 1991 until Jan. of 2007, when he was elected to the Senate.

Sen. Sanders is a self-described socialist, and the first person in the U.S. Senate to identify as a socialist

Sen. Sanders is a self-described socialist, and the first person in the U.S. Senate to identify as a socialist, and has praised the European social democracy. When asked by a Washington Post reporter, “Are you now or have you ever been a Socialist?” he replied, Yeah, I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic Socialist.” Speaking of which, that “social democracy thing” sure seems to be working out good for the Europeans today doesn’t it? Riots all over, and just yesterday the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla along with her hubby Prince Charles, were attacked by a mob while on the streets in their new GMC Volt, no actually they had borrowed the Queen’s “wheels” for the night, just a Rolls-Royce VI… regardless of the auto type, they were swarmed by an angry mob, some shouting “Off with their heads!” Once in Washington, comrade, oops, Sen. Sanders founded, along with Rep. Ron Dellums (D.-CA.), Rep. Lane Evans (D-IL), Rep. Thomas Andrews (D- ME.), Rep. Peter DaFazio (D.-OR.), and Maxine Waters (D-CA.) the Congressional Progressive Caucus. If you’d like to see for yourself a state by state breakdown of its members, and former members of the House and Senate look here. Sanders is also an advocate of Global Warming/Climate change and declares it is chiefly caused by human industrial activity, and it must be kept in check by means of legislation strictly limiting carbon emissions. We all know you don’t have to look very long or hard to see this entire topic is a hoax! In 2007, Sanders, and (would you please call me Senator) Boxer D-CA, proposed the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. According to an MIT study this “act” would have imposed a financial burden of $366 billion annually, or a cost of more than $4,500 per family. In Feb. of 2010, the good Senator charged Climate Change non-believers as being the same types of people who denied the threat of the Nazi’s prior to WWII. "It reminds me in some ways of the debate taking place in this country and around the world in the late 1930s. During that period of Nazism and fascism's growth — a real danger to the United States and democratic countries around the world — there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said 'don't worry! Hitler's not real! It'll disappear!" Well, since we all have a good idea of who Sen. Sanders really is, let’s now look at a couple of his comments made yesterday while addressing the Senate. Sanders made the statement yesterday, “Greed is like an addiction.” Is sustained political power not a form of “greed?” If so, Sen. Sanders is the “pot calling the kettle black,” is he not? This man became involved in the political arena in 1971, that’s 40 years of public service. This is what I consider a “professional politician,” and I feel strongly this is one of the major concerns in our country today. We desperately need strict term limits imposed throughout our country starting “yesterday,” from the House and Senate, right down to the local community level. One to two terms, max. If we don’t come to grips with this as a nation we are going to reach the point of not being able to sustain our elected officials, along with all the other public employees’ salaries, retirement plans, or health care. The cost is too great. Look at some of the states right now and see the burden that just this, is placing on our country’s economy. California, New York, Illinois, etc., all faced with billion dollar plus deficits, and much of it from what we’re discussing now. So Sen. Sanders’ calling greed an addiction really ought to know of this first hand.

Our government has become the definition of greed

Our government has become the definition of greed. Look at the legislation they pass, many, many examples of this we see daily. The legislation they seek pertaining to Global Warming, not only a scam, but also redistribution of our wealth. Health Care Reform, in reality, redistribution of our wealth. The welfare and our entitlement programs are also redistribution of our wealth. Illegal immigration and the money needed for the illegal’s health care, education, and even prison incarceration, redistribution of our wealth. The community organizations, many of whom are funded by, or at least partially by the taxpayer, are a means to redistribute our wealth. So in reality, the taxation imposed on the American people to run these programs…also redistribution of our wealth. So as you can see, all of this is in fact being condoned by our elected leaders in their knowledge that by doing these things, they’re literally “buying the votes!” By doing this, they’re making it very clear to everyone, to hell with our country! This being the fact it is… I have to agree with Sen. Sanders, yes, greed is addictive. Take just a quick look at the welfare programs. These things have been in place for forty years now. The poverty in the inner-city neighborhoods, is it any better? No, in fact it is worse now, trillions of dollars later, than it’s ever been. What does this mean, besides the obvious, it isn’t working? It means the Democrats, the progressive’s, nor the far-left care about these people. They dole out “chump change” and that’s what it in reality it is, from an individual standpoint, “chump change.” But now, with the vast numbers of people on some type of welfare program, it has gone from being “chump change” to billions and billions of dollars a year just to sustain it. You see, the progressive approach to this was not to get these people better qualified, better educated, and show them how to better themselves. It was done with the knowledge of knowing eventually, these people wouldn’t even bother to look for work… they knew the day would come where they’d be dependent upon our politicians to take care of them, and that’s exactly what our politicians were looking for. Dependency on the handouts by the people, and from our politicians continuing to give them, they created a voter base that would never stray, a voter base indoctrinated in how to vote, forever! These types of policies are what I’d call, the true essence of greed!

Socialist utopia

With Sen. Sanders being the self-described socialist he is let’s take a quick look at this “socialist utopia” they claim it to be, with everyone working for the “collective,” etc., etc.

This, in my opinion, is as fine an example of the socialist utopia as you can get. Unionization, taxation, and government regulation! All three job killers and all three examples of…greed! The old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for,” and if we don’t stand up for our freedoms, liberties, values and morals our Founding Fathers laid out for us, this is exactly where comrade Bernie and Co. are taking us! Through…greed. Sen. Sanders also asks, “How can anyone be proud to call themselves a “multimillionaire?” Well, for someone who has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of forty years in public work, and has never attempted starting a business, or making a payroll on his own, I can see where he might feel that way. It’s a pretty comfortable statement to make being as your whole life in general has been paid for by someone else, the taxpayer. These socialists, first of all, don’t want you to be proud in the first place. They want “yes men,” people they can control, or their agenda doesn’t work. People in the private sector, the money-makers, are who they fear, why, they can’t control them… they’re independent and not thinking like the “masses.” They’re dangerous to the whole process. When you first start a business, even prior to starting it, you have apprehensions you must deal with. What if I’m not successful, should I quit my job in order to attempt this, how will we live until I get my new business off the ground, there’s hundreds of little thoughts popping up in your mind. But you have to block all this out and take what I call, “the leap of faith,” faith in yourself, faith in your family supporting you in this, faith in your country to provide you with this opportunity, and faith in God. You then, through hard work and long hours, I know of very few, if any, that have become successful with a forty hour workweek, apply yourself, and with a little luck and a lot of perseverance you achieve your goals. By no means is it easy, but I promise you it is achievable, and no I’m not a multi-millionaire, but I am proud of what we’ve accomplished! You can do whatever you set your mind to do, and this is what separates America from everywhere else…she provides this opportunity for every last one of us. So with this in mind, I do see where successful people are indeed PROUD, of what they accomplish. Don’t ever let the Sen. Sanders and Co. take this away from you! It is a liberty far too great to give up! God Bless!

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Doug Bronson——

Doug Bronson is a small business owner in Florida and has written a book, “Simple Man…Simple Wisdom”
