
Tasmanian Devils, Maldives, Rising Sea Levels

Devils Drowning - Nope

Are the devils drowning? I mean the Tasmanian Devils, mammals of a medium-sized dog, native to New Zealand and Tasmania.


If you remember, a few years back, Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted an accelerating and catastrophic rise of ocean levels, claimed to be caused by rising carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. To add fuel to the fire, or rather water to the oceans, a number of scientists reported that sea levels were rising at sharply accelerated rates. Atolls and islands from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean to the many Micronesian islands in the Pacific were all to be drowning in a rising sea in short order. At least Greenpeace claims so.

Ross Benchmark

The Ross benchmark is a 50 cm long horizontal line with a V on top, carved into a vertical rock face on the ‘Isle of the Dead’, not far from mainland Tasmania in 1841, on order of the acclaimed explorer Capt. Sir James Clark Ross. The benchmark has been well described in several of Ross’ own records and observations by numerous visitors to the site since. More recent analyses of the Ross benchmark have shown that the claimed ascending acceleration of sea level rise to be false. In fact, the latest analysis by A.A. Boretti [1], if there is any change in the rate at all, shows a deceleration of the rise. Moreover, much of the historic rise occurred during the period of 1900 to 1950, and not since.

Maori Canals

The indigenous people of New Zealand, the Maori have had built various canals near Blenheim, NZ, approximately 200 years ago. These canals were described in detail in a paper by W.H. Skinner in 1912. Comparison of recent satellite data with Skinner’s drawings also shows a lack of the claimed acceleration in sea level rise. [1]


The Maldives and other oceanic islands with low elevation above the sea have all experienced steady population growth and increasing GDP in recent years. New 5-star luxury resorts are catering to increasing numbers of tourists to these exotic destinations. The IPCC fostered notion that these islands’ inhabitants are fleeing to save their lives from rising sea levels are clearly false. The natural build-up of coral-deposited limestone along their shores actually results in a slow but steady increase in elevation above the sea.

Micronesian Islands

The Micronesian islands comprise hundreds of tiny atolls in the western Pacific, belonging to several nations. The IPCC, WWF, Greenpeace, and many other lobby groups have long been fostering the idea of them going under in rising oceans. Pictures of near-shore huts being damaged in typhoons are supposed to be proof of that theory. Surprisingly, repeat visitors to such places observe that after such storms, the huts still stand and there is more land between them and the sea. The reason is that these storms pile up more coral sand on the existing land mass from the submerged surroundings. Of course, that is natural and that’s the process that has lead to the formation of such islands in the first place! In short, neither the Tasmanian devils, nor the inhabitants of the Maldives or the Pacific island nations are in any danger of drowning from rising seas. To the contrary, these islands are increasing in land mass. [1] Boretti, A.A., 2012; private communication.

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Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser——

Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser is author of CONVENIENT MYTHS, the green revolution – perceptions, politics, and facts Convenient Myths
