
Beer Drinkers, Global Warming

Green Propaganda Machine Overheating

It had to happen sooner or later. Canadian, and I assume American, beer drinkers are being blamed for, you guess it, global warming. But, unlike the belching cows issue (remember that one?), it is not for the reason you might at first think.

The University of Alberta, which obviously had a surplus of cash and deficit of creativity, decided to jump on the already overcrowded Dire Warnings Bandwagon, and study the habits of Canadian beer drinkers. One can only assume most of the more controversial subjects have already been taken. In any event, this eminent institution found beer drinkers are more likely to be harboring, in their basements of all places, the dreaded beer fridge. I kid you not. Mind you, they solemnly state the old fridges must be booted out because they use too much power. And, to prove their point, they trotted out figures provided by the Canadian Appliance Manufacturers Association, to show how we could save more than a billion kWh of electricity a year, if only the beer drinkers would upgrade their refrigerators. Naturally, the manufacturers of such appliances have nothing to gain by all of this. It seems the Global Warming Salvationists just can’t find enough grist to keep their overheated propaganda machine churning out the fear. Earlier this year a list of things caused by global warming was circulated around the world. The list was prepared by John Bignell of Number Watch. Bignell has been targetted by the eco-alarmists to be discredited and a number of articles have been produced in that direction. But Bignell’s list is a real mind-opener of some 300 items to which he could provide a link to prove the claims had been made, and slavishly reported by media in one form or another. One I did not see in the latest list is a reference to HAARP. The acronym stands for High Frequency Active Aerial Research Program established to study the Earth’s geomagnetic Environment. Global warmers are saying HAARP, in reality, is being used by the U.S. military to control the jet stream for nefarious purposes. For the sake of brevity I will list only a few of the global warming events on Bignell’s list. You can find Bignell at [url=http://www.numberwatch.co.uk]http://www.numberwatch.co.uk[/url] and check his work out yourself. Well worth the effort. According to the alarmists, here is a very small sampling what you can expect: Alaska reshaped, increases in asthma, billions of deaths, billion dollar research projects, bubonic plague, coral reefs dying, coral reefs growing, deserts advancing and deserts retreating. If that isn’t enough how about: Earth slowing down, Earth speeding up, Europe simultaneously baking and freezing, evolution accelerating, five million illnesses, hay fever epidemics, psychosocial disturbances (perhaps we are experiencing one now), squirrels reproducing earlier, wine industry damage and wolves eating more moose. According to the author, this list is growing by the day. Not surprising. Louis Hissink, who reviewed Bignell’s book, The Epidemiologists: Have They Got Scares for You! produced these tidbits of food for thought. “The ease with which a specious theory such as global warming can be imposed on the world constitutes a textbook example of political chicanery”. And once a theory reaches a critical mass of acceptance, no matter how stupid or scientifically specious, it becomes established fact. Hissink also wrote: “This book is a welcome relief from the usual pseudo-science we are deluged with in the media. It is an excellent source of fact, and lists and explains important concepts so that anyone can separate the wheat from the chaff in their daily newspaper. All in all, a significant contribution to the demolition of quacks, charlatans and junk-science.” We would do well to contemplate where this crusade is actually going. Will the Green Shirts of the Earth Salvationist crusade be allowed to impose their vision on the rest of mankind ostensibly for their own good? All this smacks of the emergence of a Taliban-style theology when you see claims that the science is irrefutable and climate-change deniers should be sent to re-education camps. Will the Green Shirts be visiting our homes soon, to rid us of beer fridges, aging automobiles, synthetic fabrics and wood-burning fireplaces? Will they succeed in turning back the social clock and ban real science so as not to challenge the variety they espouse? Many feel the world is becoming a scarier place, and it is, but not because of Global Warming. It is scary because of the rush to embrace the nightmarish theories of those who wrap themselves in green and proclaim the ushering in of a new world order. CFP Senior Columnist Klaus Rohrich’s statement in his column on the Kyoto Accord scam could not have been better. He labelled the accord, “a poorly thought-out and patently transparent extortion racket that not even the dumbest mobster would attempt to pursue.” That same comment can be directly applied to the entire Global Warming crusade.

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Bill McIntyre——

Bill now devotes his time to his media/communications consulting firm while fighting for time to pursue freelance writing assignments, promote television projects and create the odd movie script.
