
Islamist supremacism

Huma Abedin and the Republican Betrayal of Michele Bachmann

By Steven Simpson ——--September 11, 2012

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On June 13th of this year, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), and four other Republican House members issued a letter to the State Department's Deputy Inspector General requesting that various Government agencies investigate charges that the Muslim Brotherhood, (MB), has penetrated into the American government in their well known attempt "to destroy Western civilization from within." The letter also named other Islamist organizations attempting to do the same, and alleged that Huma Abedin -- Secretary of State Clinton's deputy chief of staff -- as well as her family has deep ties to the MB and other Islamist groups.
When Bachmann & Co. issued their letter alleging Islamist infiltration into the highest echelons of the American government, they might as well have thrown a firebomb or hand grenade into the gilded chambers of the Republican controlled House, as well as the Democrat controlled Senate. Indeed, it is Michele Bachmann who has suffered the most from her courageous stand, and she apparently has been designated as Enemy Number One, not only from Democrats, but from the Republican Establishment Elite. Leftists and Islamists must be laughing hysterically as they see Republicans commit verbal cannibalism against one of their own. Instead of Rep. Bachmann - who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - being supported by her "colleagues" for taking such a brave stand, she was singled out with relish by 21st century versions of Brutus, Judas, and Benedict Arnold on both sides of the aisles. Rep. Bachmann seemed to be targeted especially by Republicans who verbally pulverized, pilloried and lambasted her. This even included self described "conservatives." Even the leftist establishment media had a field day with Republicans besmirching Rep. Bachmann's intentions to wake -- and shake -- this country up as to what Islamic extremism represents. Indeed, the Republican establishment did a better job than the leftist media in trying to portray Rep. Bachmann as some sort of Islamaphobic racist lunatic. ("Islamaphobe" and "racist" now being the two most dirtiest words in the English lexicon.) A country that survived a mass murder atrocity only eleven years ago seems to have forgotten who the enemy is. To these elitist Republicans, it appears that the messenger (Rep. Bachmann) and her message (Muslim infiltration) are the real enemy. And that message and especially that messenger must be silenced.

The other four signers to the "Bachmann letter" are: Rep. Thomas Rooney (R-FL), Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), who like Rep. Bachmann both serve on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX), who sits on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee). These officials hold very sensitive positions and are privy to intelligence reports that the public rarely, if ever, hears about. It would seem absurd for such officials to jeopardize their own careers if they thought that their allegations were somehow "crazy," "lunatic," or nothing but lies or hearsay. The allegations against Abedin, the Brotherhood, and other Muslim "organizations" appear to be air tight. Attempts to Islamize America through peaceful methods were already thoroughly documented in such books as Infiltration written by Paul Sperry back in 2005. Sperry was also co-author with P. David Gaubiz of the 2009 book Muslim Mafia which continues where Infiltration left off. Another 2005 book that talks about Hezbollah cells in America as early as the 1990's is Lightning out of Lebanon by Tom Diaz and Barbara Newman.. The books are shocking, disturbing and infuriating as the reader realizes just how inept, callous, ignorant, and arrogant the American government is to Islamist terrorists and extremists in our own backyard. More recently, experts on Islamist extremism -- both domestic and foreign -- like Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy and Andrew McCarthy, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, have thoroughly documented how deeply embedded Islamists have become in the Government and intelligence agencies of the United States. Another individual who has been trying to wake the American people up from their decades of slumber has been Walid Shoebat. Mr. Shoebat, perhaps more than anyone else should know about Islamist supremacism. A Palestinian Muslim by birth and a radical Muslim at that, Mr. Shoebat became a born-again Christian in the 1990's and went from being virulently anti-American and anti-Israeli, to embracing both America and Israel. His website has kept up an almost daily account of the "Abedin affair" and those Republicans and "conservatives" who have acted more like collaborators of the Islamists, than American patriots. It has been eleven years since 9/11 and it appears that Americans -- from politicians to plebeians -- have gone back to sleep in the face of the Islamist menace. Perhaps most unforgiving is the fact that politicians -- particularly Republicans and "conservatives" have tried at every level to stymie Rep. Bachman and her few brave colleagues from making the American people aware of how lethal the Islamist hydra is. Indeed if another 9/11 type atrocity were to take place in America, there is no doubt that Americans would be asking the very politicians who are flaying Rep. Bachmann as to what they have been doing in trying to keep America safe. But who are these Republicans and "conservatives" who have skewered Rep. Bachmann over the coals and shamelessly played to the leftists and Islamists? Well, they are establishment and elitist Republicans like the 2008 stain of the Republican Party, John McCain, and the vanilla Republican who is House Speaker, John Boehner. Perhaps even more disturbing have been so-called "conservatives" like Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), and the new conservative "kid on the block" Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). The above politicians, who apparently are terrified and terrorized of being labeled "Islamophobes" have called Rep. Bachmann's allegations everything from "ugly" and "sinister" (McCain) to "pretty dangerous" (Boehner), to "the wrong thing to do" (Sensenbrenner), and finally to "I don't share those feelings" (Rubio). Not satisfied with verbally crucifying Rep. Bachmann, each of the above issued their own panegyrics and odes to the character of Abedin. Indeed, how well do they know Abedin and her "character?" All the while, these craven and cowardly politicians ignore the call for an investigation into undue Islamist influence that grows like a contagion by the day in America. What are they afraid of? And why? If there is one positive sign from Congress, it is that Congressman and former Lt. Col. Allen West (R-FL) has backed up the claims of Rep. Bachmann. Colonel West gave the American people an excellent and concise history lesson on Islam and Islamic extremism. Indeed, if anyone knows what Islamist supremacism and expansionism is all about, it is Col. West who heroically and valiantly fought against Jihadis in Iraq and Afghanistan up close. Also recently backing up Rep. Bachmann has been Rep. Steve King (R-IA). Though this story may sound old, it is not going to go away, because Islamist expansionism appears to be in America to stay. From the White House to local governments, the call for "religious tolerance" and literal prostration to the practitioners of the religion of Muhammad grows stronger by the day. Those who laugh and scorn at Rep. Bachmann today, may yet come to rue the day in the future. Islamist extremism may not be going away, but neither is the intrepid Congresswoman from Minnesota. Indeed, it is only true conservatives like Michele Bachmann and Allen West who will be able to have the intestinal fortitude to take on the Herculean task of taming the Islamist menace to American society. Unfortunately, it appears that it will be a long struggle. Steven Simpson has a B.A. in Political Science with an emphasis on Middle Eastern studies, as well as a Master's Degree in Library Science. In addition to Canada Free Press, Steven's previous articles have appeared on the American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Front Page Magazine, and Hudson-NY.org. Steven can be reached at: ssimusa@hotmail.com

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Steven Simpson——

Steven Simpson has a B.A. in Political Science with an emphasis on Middle Eastern studies, as well as a Master’s Degree in Library Science. In addition to Canada Free Press, Steven’s previous articles have appeared on the American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Front Page Magazine, and Hudson-NY.org.</em>
