
What pains the little guy is a big joke to Obama

Humor is ridicule Marxist style

By Judi McLeod ——--April 30, 2012

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imageGet ready for ridicule as the latest means for Marxists to hobble their enemies. It starts with President Barack Obama kickstarting toilet humor at the White House Correspondence dinner Saturday night: “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and pit bull? A pit bull is delicious,” is joking uncouth Barry Soetoro style. It picks back up tomorrow with May Day anarchy dressed in canned laughter:
“Our movement goes geopolitical later in May,” (Adbusters Tactical Briefing 30: The May 2012 Insurrection, April 26, 2012). “We swarm Chicago and confront NATO. We tell the military elites there to stop their saber rattling against Iran, halt the global arms race and get behind what the majority of the people on Earth want: a nuclear-free world starting with a nuclear-free Middle East that includes both Iran and Israel.”
That sounds more like an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) founding Adbusters lecture than an attempt to tickle John Q. Public’s funny-bone. But wait...”And then when the G8 leaders meet in Camp David, we create a global spectacle the likes of which the world has never seen before...millions of us...individually, in flash groups and en masse, we burst out laughing at the lunacy of the eight most powerful political leaders on the planet thinking they can dictate the people’s business from behind closed doors and barbed wire fences. For one day, we take over the global mindspace with a whirlwind of #LAUGHRIOT jokes. (Like: Why did the G8 chickens cross to Camp David? Cuz they’re on the other side. haha!) We laugh our heads off on every news broadcast in the world.”

Sort of like Obama on Saturday night, whose latest prop was a flushing toilet. “President Obama Opened Correspondents’ Dinner with a Toilet Flush....Really” was the headline on the Blaze, April 29, 2012. Everyone who saw it would get the analogy of a United States in the toilet with the man who put it there now a standing comedian mocking and laughing in reverie of his work. “President Obama‘s presentation started with a little sketch that poked fun at his recent ’hot mic‘ episode with Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev by having the audience believe that we were listening to the leader of the free world complaining about having to be at this dinner, while sitting on a toilet. That portion ended with a flush and Obama craving a cigarette,” said the Blaze. “It’s not often that we get to see the most powerful man in the world tell jokes about eating dogs, craving cigarettes and imposing his rumored “radical socialist agenda” on the country. And yet, last night in Washington, D.C., we were treated to just that. Wait, let’s not forget the toilet flush. Did we really need to envision the president sitting on the toilet, seconds before he was to address the White House Press Corps? “Saturday night‘s White House Correspondents’ Dinner was well-attended — most of the familiar faces that endure the daily press briefings and follow the president around the country put on their formal attire and squeezed into a packed Hilton ballroom to watch Barack Obama open the show for Jimmy Kimmel. There were also a healthy number of famous faces from the showbiz world: Big money Obama donors George Clooney and Steven Spielberg were there, along with Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, and members of the cast of “Glee.” The Blaze stopped short of calling them what many others call the rat pack, “Obama’s Toilet Tankers”. Obama comes on like the modern day wolf from the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood, big ears and all. But you can bet he gobbled more instructions from Saul Alinsky’s malevolent humor than he did Indonesian dogs. Here’s an excerpt from Dreams From My Father about Obama’s dog eating days when he was still Barry Soetoro:

“It had taken me less than six months to learn Indonesia’s language, its customs, and its legends. I had survived chicken pox, measles and the sting of my teachers’ bamboo switches. The children of farmers, servants and low-level bureaucrats had become my best friends, and together we ran the streets morning and night, hustling odd jobs, catching crickets, battling swift kites with razor-sharp lines -- the loser watched his kite soar off with the wind, and knew that somewhere other children had formed a long, wobbly train, their heads toward the sky, waiting for their prize to land. With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share. That’s how things were, one long adventure, the bounty of a young boy’s life. ...”
But Barry grew up to be only a paper tiger, and by swallowing Saul Alinsky whole, he missed that good humor comes from couth of which Obama has none. Back at the dinner, President Obama‘s presentation started with a little sketch that poked fun at his recent ’hot mic‘ episode with Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev by having the audience believe that we were listening to the leader of the free world complaining about having to be at this dinner, while sitting on a toilet. That portion ended with a flush and Obama craving a cigarette. What pains the little guy is a big joke to Obama. The world’s going broke and falling apart, but it’s a joke to Barack Hussein Obama. But even on his make-fun-of-‘em pitch, he’s only bringing up the rear. The new era of ridicule had already been announced by the magazine that started Occupy Wall Street (OWS). OWS debut in global city parks brought a wave of rapes, rats, and even murder. Back for Act II it’s Hahaha Time. OWS will tell you when to go to school or work, when to protest, when to shut down bridges and businesses and now when to laugh. Everything, including man’s best friend, is a joke when you protest for a better life instead of having to work for it. Now we all know the full meaning when we hear how the mainstream media, Hollywood and OWS are “in the tank for Obama”.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
