
Whether the vested interests in the medical and drug communities really want a cure

Is there a conspiracy to keep Canadians sick?

I have never considered myself to be a conspiracy theorist but recent activities involving health officials and organizations supposedly dedicated to the curing of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and cancer have given me cause to think maybe I’m wrong.

A CTV report involving the coverage of protests by MS sufferers who are being denied what is called the Liberation Treatment in Canada, using an Italian discovery by Italian vascular surgeon Dr. Paolo Zamboni that is helping patients in that country made me sick. I guess the Canadian medical establishment considers him a quack or something. Maybe they think he’s a hockey player or rink rat because of his name. The treatment I am referring to involves the opening of constricted arteries in the necks of MS sufferers that has been shown to dramatically ease or eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Enter Health Canada, or should that be renamed Sickness Canada, and various medical groups arrogantly proclaiming that several years of testing need to be done. Really? I wonder what they would be saying if they were afflicted with MS or their mothers or fathers or brothers or sisters were suffering from it. They would be on flights to Italy immediately if not sooner. In any event enter Dr. Yves Lamontagne of the College of Physicians in Quebec who told CTV Montreal. "Wait a bit, try some conventional treatment, and if in a year or two or six months we have full proof that this is miraculous, of course we would do it." Hey doc, conventional treatments apparently don’t work. But then he or his mother obviously don’t have MS. This made me wonder whether the vested interests in the medical and drug communities really want a cure. After all, what would they do without their MS patients? And what if all these people no longer needed their ineffective drugs? My god, drug companies would lose profits. As I watched this newscast I couldn’t help but think that the Canadian medical establishment would rather see people suffering than giving them an opportunity for hope and normalcy. Applying the same logic (I am sure the medical professionals would call it illogic) what about other diseases? There are a large number of people in Canada, and I suppose the U.S., who believes a cure for cancer has been around for a long time but is being suppressed. You can compare it to the auto and oil industries suppressing the 100-mile-per-gallon carburetor technology. In light of this MS situation, it would not surprise me. Did you know there are more people in the world making money off cancer than the numbers of people who have various forms of the disease? Can you imagine how many billions of dollars are spent on “research” each year with no sign of cures on the horizon? Cancer and other diseases are money machines built on the suffering and corpses of their victims. Recently I tried to research how much money is spent on cancer research each year around the world. Let me tell you that getting an answer is absolutely impossible. I have never seen such a confusing, misleading and outright obscure bunch of statistics on the web as those I found in my research. In short, you cannot get an answer because the medical and drug establishments don’t want you to get an answer. Think about it. Cancer fund raising and so-called research have to be one of the largest businesses in the world. There are branches in every country, labs everywhere, scientists galore (making a pretty good living thank you very much) and fund-raising parasites who don’t want to work themselves out of a job. Meanwhile CTV reported that later this week, representatives of the MS Society of Canada, including its president, Yves Savoie, will be on Parliament Hill, speaking before the Commons Subcommittee on Neurological Disease, part of the Standing Committee on Health, to request more money from the federal government for further studies on CCSVI.. Now isn’t that nice? They want more studies and, of course, more money. Why not send some MS patients to Dr. Zamboni so he can perform the surgery then see what happens? I guess that just makes too much sense and would deprive the MS Society of more cash for its executives. Consider the institutions kept alive by cancer. There are clinics, testing labs, hospitals, doctors, nurses, administrators, equipment manufacturers, drug makers, event organizers and on and on and on. All these people make their living off cancer. Where then is the incentive to find a cure? In fact, where is the incentive to find a cure for any disease? Given the money involved, there isn’t one. I believe that if the cancer research industry had 100 times as much money as they now have we would still be hearing the same old BS that cures are “just around the corner” or “we are extending the lives of cancer patients.” It’s time we held all these people to account for their lack of results. It’s time for people to demand answers and its time for the cancer and related industries to be forced to come clean about where the money is really going. It’s also time to tell the medical professionals to take their condescending, arrogant, pitiless attitudes and stuff them where the sun don’t shine. Enough already.

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Bill McIntyre——

Bill now devotes his time to his media/communications consulting firm while fighting for time to pursue freelance writing assignments, promote television projects and create the odd movie script.
