
Together, you stand, divided, you’ll fall, especially when dealing with double-dealing, professional politicians

It is Time ‘We, the People’ are Represented!

Do you remember how excited you felt the morning of November 3, 2010, the day following the mid-term General Election? What the heck happened? I hope people finally realize that voting ‘Republican’ not only isn’t the answer to the problems we face, but, in many cases, it can be the problem. Policy must trump party for common sense to prevail. It is time ‘We, the People’ (not the wee people) are represented, as our Founding Fathers intended!
I don’t know if the TEA Party is the total answer, but it is evident that the true TEA Party Representatives and Senators are the only agents of change inside the District of Corruption. Thus, all of the professional, party hack politicians, who, long ago, abandoned their oaths of office to pursue personal wealth and power, and insane agendas, fear them. Those in the TEA Party need to consider the following as they attempt to honor their oaths of office to uphold our Constitution and represent ‘We, the People.’ A key concern that complete conservatives (fiscal and social) have about the TEA Party is that it is solely focused upon fiscal issues. Fiscal conservatism is rooted in personal responsibility, which is a brick in the foundation of social conservatism. When looking into the abyss that has been brought upon us by mortal men and women of both parties, isn’t it common sense that our only true exit from their insanity is divine intervention? Our legal tender says, ‘In God We Trust.’ Isn’t it time we live it? It’s obvious most within Congress and the White House don’t live it, so let’s hit them where they’re most vulnerable and we have our greatest strength! And before heading to the District of Corruption, read ‘Throw Them All Out’ so that you know the enemies you’ll face, and what must be done to restore our republic.

Secondly, conservatives (TEA Party, or not) within the GOP House need to reach out to each other, forming a phalanx and a caucus for each to rally towards, offering protection from the vitriol of the elite of each party and the machine politics propaganda media. It would be awesome to have at least one Representative from each of the 50 states (but not limited to just one per state) to be a member of this new caucus, standing for all classes of U. S. citizens, including the poor and middle class, those of faith, and for our constitution. This would mean that citizens in all 50 states have conservative representation inside the swamp of Congress. It is time to ‘Occupy D. C.’ to drain the swamp of the political alligators that have been on a feeding frenzy at the taxpayers’ expense! Next, realize that, as a caucus, you are a force that the GOP elite must deal with if it is to have any credibility and pass any legislation. The war of the political elite and politically connected against the taxpaying citizen must cease. As a caucus and with our support, we are the power, once we realize that those who have usurped our power are no longer to be feared, but to be identified and banished from office, and from all of politics. The next step is to stand together in proposing legislation that returns our government to the people. All proposed legislation should be sponsored by each member of the caucus, and must be subject to a roll-call vote, so that the sinister and the sneaky can’t hide behind a voice vote in Congress. The first piece of legislation is to strip members of Congress from any exemptions they have enacted for their self-protection and as an opportunity to plunder the American taxpayer. Members of Congress must abide by any legislation that it passes upon the masses. There must be no exemptions for any kind of insider trading, and no more exemptions from whistle blowing. If, Heaven forbid, the whole of ObamaCare is not overturned by the Supreme Court, members of Congress, the President and VP have the privilege of being bound by their own creation, retroactive to those who were in Congress during the 2008 – 2010 session. Should this ‘obamaination’ stand, along with the usurpation of the First Amendment to our Constitution, legislation must be drafted, calling for NO EXEMPTIONS from ObamaCare by ANYONE, including any business, organization, or union, and, especially the head of the HHS! Also, the free rein of the HHS Secretary must be reined in, eliminating the potential for abuse by an unelected individual. Undoubtedly, this will lead to corrective legislation and representative legislation going forward. Additionally, there must be no more taxpayer-funded franking privileges (mailing of political junk mail) for all incumbent Federal politicians seeking re-election! As we go down the list, a bill needs to be crafted to eliminate the ‘legal, by Congressional non-standards’ legislation that stipulates ‘If one other person benefits from a piece of legislation, a member of Congress can use taxpayer money to gain financially from this legislation, either by their own writing, or by the writing of a Congressional ‘colleague.’ Transparency is sacrosanct, and all potential for abuse or undue favoritism must be removed from behind the closed doors of Congress and the White House. In order to shrink the scope of the Federal government and its abusive, unconstitutional intrusion upon citizens’ lives, Amendment X needs to be central to all future Federal legislation. Once this protocol is established, attack the insanity of the auto-increasing Baseline Budget. The numbskulls in elective office have placed us upon a path of fiscal perdition with a budget that automatically increases Federal spending approximately every nine years, not including any bailout, TARP, ObamCare, Dodd-Frank, the EPA war on energy, etc.! By eliminating abusive and unconstitutional departments and agencies, the requisite salaries, benefits, rents, utilities, motor pools, etc., will be eliminated, deflating Congress’s Federal budget bubble. Let those employed within these agencies and departments compete in the private sector, instead of hiding out in an environment where poor performance is rewarded by Federal employment guidelines. Again, this should encourage responsible, market-oriented legislation, for a politician’s election or re-election will hinge upon our nation’s economy, not the political spoils system. While you are shrinking the Federal government, legislation must be crafted to eliminate the prospect of czars being used as a scheme to bypass the legislative branch of our Federal government, and our sovereignty must be protected. It is sinful and treasonous that the Lying King and his mutant minions have aborted our opportunities to drill for oil, refine it, and transport it, injecting ‘energy’ into our economy to restore our economy. The current restrictions are regressive, damaging those most vulnerable to high-energy costs and a moribund economy. Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! While addressing energy, the attacks against coal need to be quelled, too. We need clean air and water, but we need to approach these issues from a positive perspective, not a harmful, self-limiting perspective. A moral conscience must be re-instilled within Congress so that a representative government can be revived. Do you remember candidate Obama promising all legislation being placed online for five days prior to Congress voting upon it? Doesn’t it make sense that any rushed legislation is shrouded in self-serving, unethical, immoral and unconstitutional components? Transparency is the currency of constitutional, representative governance. It is apparent that even with a Republican victory in the Presidential race, we will be saddled with a less than an ideal occupant of the White House, so Congress becomes our opportunity to overcome decades of D. C. decadence. It is easy to recognize the evil embodied by the likes of Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, but be vigilant when dealing with the less visible Satancrats and Repugnants. When approached by a representative of the elite of either party, regard him or her as a Tessio-like traitor who is arranging for the compromising of your ethics at the cost of your constituents. As for the current President, if providence abandons us, and he is re-elected, take the Lying King for what he says when it is abusive, unethical, unprincipled, immoral, preposterous and/or unconstitutional. When he sounds reasonable, or possibly bi-partisan, or appears to act within constitutional limits, he is not to be trusted. This is when he is most dangerous. Together, you stand, divided, you’ll fall, especially when dealing with double-dealing, professional politicians. As a caucus dedicated to restoring citizens’ trust in government and halting the regressive-Progressive assault upon us, the GOP elite will be forced to act according to their oaths of office, or expose themselves for the carpetbaggers and scalawags they truly are. We have one election and session of Congress to preserve our cherished republic. To do anything less than what is stipulated above is treasonous, and damns us to the ash heap of formerly blessed countries. May God bless you in your efforts to rescue us from an unrepentant, non-representative government!

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
