
The Carter Legacy

Jimmy Carter and World Chaos

Every President has a library built in his honor. Most Presidents have some exhibits showing their accomplishments. What would Jimmy’s be? He sold peanuts. He helped build houses for Habitat for Humanity. Yes, I think that must have been his best positive accomplishment. But then there are all the negatives. He sold out the Shah of Iran, one of our staunchest Allies, while at the same time subjecting the good people of Iran to a wave of terror to rival Hitler’s Third Reich and Stalin’s Worker’s Paradise.
But his greatest claim to fame (or should I say infamy) is that he opened the flood gates of Godless Islam to destroy the lives of millions all over the Middle East and Africa and to challenge and perhaps finally destroy the mighty United States. Only Hussein Obama has done more damage to the world than Carter. And that is because he had Carter’s legacy to build on. For thirty years, in some cases more, the Islamic countries have been ruled by strong leaders who kept the violence and insanity of Islam under control. Some may call them tyrants or dictators, and it is certainly true that some of them were insane and brutal and enemies of the free world. But at the same time they kept the Islamic revolutions in each country from joining with those in other countries to form a grand coalition against us.

Thanks to the Carter Legacy and Hussein Obama that is no longer the case. The Mindless Morons of Islam took the example of Carter’s dethroning of the Shah as an example of how they could mount a similar wave of terror in their own countries to throw out or kill the Islamic leaders who were holding back the gates of Hell. They could not do that until their fellow Muslim, Hussein Obama, encouraged them and he could not encourage them if it had not been for the example set by Jimmy Carter of how to change the balance of world power from the Western Alliance to the Islamic Alliance. The so-called “Arab Spring” is said to have started in Tunisia in December 2010 when Mohamed Bouazizi the owner of an unlicensed fruit stand was told to dismantle it. He argued and then claimed that a female police officer, Fedia Hamdi, slapped him. Witnesses stated that this never happened. But it would be a very serious breach of Islamic code for a woman to hit a man and Bouazizi escalated this alleged crime into an uprising against the police and the government in general, and eventually committed suicide by setting himself on fire as a martyr. This was the catalyst that was needed by the Muslim hierarchy to force the resignation of President Zine Abidine ben Ali, and on January 14 2011 he was forced to flee to Saudi Arabia. The Muslim mobs in other countries watched with growing interest what was happening in Tunisia and soon started similar insurrections against their governments in several other countries. America, Britain, France and other world powers turned their backs and even gave the rebels cautious encouragement and even arms to further their ambitions. Apparently the Western powers had the naive hope that the anarchistic Muslim mobs would somehow bring about democracies in their countries. All they had to do was take a brief look at the Koran to know that democracy is the last thing a Muslim wants (more on this in the next article). It is not my contention that the Muslim leaders who have been dethroned or are about to be removed are, or were, men of perfect culture, justice, or morality. I simply make the point that things are far worse now in the individual countries and for the world since the world encouraged their ouster. And the worst part is that very soon those mobs will join together to try to destroy Israel and the United States. Let us take a moment to look at some of the Islamic leaders who were holding the lid down in their countries.


Sadam Insane for all his saber rattling rants against the United States kept Iraq divided between five or six sects of Islam and threw trouble makers into jail or murdered them. Despite the unfounded rumors of Weapons of Mass Destruction that could reach to the United States he actually slowed down the growth of the world Islamic takeover. And after all those American and allied lives lost, and all the veterans whose lives were destroyed, what do we have in Iraq today? We have a government and a people who hate us for all our trouble. And only in the last few days hundreds have been killed by bombs and firearms. Why did we spend so many lives and so much money to exchange one vile regime for another?


Muammar Gaddafi was probably the most insane of all the Muslim leaders. I have nothing good to say about him except that once again he kept the lid on the Muslim World takeover in Libya. Now mob-rule has taken the place of a dictatorial government and soon the mob will join similar mobs in neighboring countries to form the united Muslim world takeover alliance.


Pervez Musharraf ruled Pakistán from 2001 to 2008 when he was effictively forced out by the United States. He was a real friend to America for most of his reign albeit because it was to his advantage to be friendly. What do we have now? A militant Muslim regime that harbored the master of all terror, Osama bin Laden. Notice what happened to the doctor who helped the United States track down and remove Bin Laden. Jail for life. This would not have happened under the Musharif government. Women in Pakistan are routinely sentenced to death by stoning for comiiting adultary when in fact they were raped by a man or several men. Is Pakistan better off for removing Musharif? Is America better off since he has been ousted? By the way, Pervez Musharraf also played a leading role in trying to bring about peace negotiations between the warring parties in Afghanistan which if continued could have saved us billions of dollars and thousands of lives..


Hosni Mubarak was a different kind of Muslim leader. While the Muslim fanatics hated him most of the Egyptian people loved him. Egypt prospered under his rule. I know because I was there. During the Mubarak administration I visited Egypt more than 30 times on business. Of course I knew there was corruption; you simply can’t avoid it in those countries any more than you can in the United States. But at the same time the system worked and it was safe for a woman to walk the streets of Cairo at night in most areas (try that in Washington D.C. or New York). Since Hussein Obama helped to ease Mubarak from power there is chaos everywhere. The Egyptian Museum has been looted, so have many of the tombs of the Pharaohs. Women are routinely attacked and raped on the streets and even in full view of western diplomats and reporters in Tahrir Square. There is literally no safety and no freedom for decent people and business has all but come to a standstill. The economy is in ruins and there is no hope for a return to normality unless the Military takes control again. There is also no hope for me to return to that exciting country to cruise on the Nile, visit the Valley of the Kings, or browse the treasures of the Egyptian Museum because Hosni Mubarak is no longer there to keep order and hold back the anti-God hordes of Islam. Thank you once again Jimmy Carter and Hussein Obama. So, in various parts of the Middle East and Africa Muslims, with the help of Carter and Hussein Obama have removed the leaders who were holding back the natural violence of Islam, and the violence is spreading throughout the region. Iran is calling for all Muslim countries to be supplied with nuclear weapons. Soon the Islamic Alliance against the West will move to the next stage of their war for Muslim World Dominance. If you think they cannot accomplish it during the next few years please read the next article in this series. In that article we will discover why Muslims want to take over the world and their plan to do it very soon.

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David Rushton——

David Rushton was born in London where his parents were staunch conservatives. He immigrated to the United States in the sixties and formed a patriotic organization advocating conservative principles which include rallies and marches. He had his own radio talk show for many years and was also a guest on many radio and Television talk shows.

In the last few years David wrote several books about the dangers of radical Islam and spoke on this subject in some of the largest Conservative Churches in the United States.

He now resides with his wife Marcia in Costa Rica.
