
The Right Frequency by Fred V. Lucas

New Book on Conservative Talk Radio Draws Reviews

By News on the Net Don Bracken——--January 13, 2013

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Talk radio is again a focal point of debate in America in light of the recent election. Some argue that Republicans must discard the advice of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Others contend the radio hosts are still the most formidable voice of conservative commentary in the face of four more years of a Democratic president.
The Right Frequency by Fred V. Lucas, a book that traces talk radio from its roots to becoming a dynamic force in conservative politics, has been well received by book critics and conservative commentators throughout the country. Publishers Weekly says, “Lucas’s love and knowledge of talk radio is evident and will appeal to any fan of the medium.” The American Spectator says, “So your burst of sanity from the media world comes from listening to Rush or Sean or Mark or Laura or Glenn or a whole host of others? This is the book that explains the history of talk radio (it goes back further than you think) and explains how it got to be the lifeline to so many millions of Americans. If you’re interested in the personalities, the history and the impact of talk radio, Fred Lucas has the story.”

Talkers, a magazine covering the talk radio industry wrote, “Lucas delves into the depth, reach and power of the talk radio giants in the American political landscape and provides some insight into the personalities of those larger than life figures.” Mark Levin, nationally syndicated talk radio wrote bestselling author wrote, “Fred Lucas not only delineates the roots of talk radio as a venue for communicating conservative political thought in the 1930s and '40s, he explains how it has become, in the 21st century, the life force for the conservative movement and the voice for conservative ideals on the current political landscape. Anyone who loves talk radio will love this book.” About.com writes, “In my opinion, good books take you somewhere you’ve never been before, entertain you, or teach you something you didn’t know. I could say all those things about The Right Frequency by Fred V. Lucas. This is studious but fascinating look at the roots of conservative Talk Radio and how early talk pioneers contributed to the current state of the format and its stars. Fred Lucas has eloquently weaved the details together to show the reader where Talk Radio started and how we got to where it is today.” Townhall writes, “Lucas delivers a book that is sure to please both conservatives and fans of talk radio. ‘The Right Frequency’ successfully captures the spirit of conservative talk radio and leaves the reader both well informed and entertained.” The Blaze says, “Lucas examines the ‘big tent’ of right-of-center talk radio that has changed U.S. culture, media and government—a tent that includes, as Lucas points out, Reagan-style conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin; conservative libertarian Glenn Beck; anti-war Michael Savage; and reserved intellectuals and analysts Bill Bennett and Dennis Prager. This remarkable and compelling look at the history of talk radio shows the power of the marketplace and the dangers of the free-speech squelching ‘fairness doctrine.’ L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center, says, “Author Fred Lucas chronicles conservative talk-radio stars over the decades, reminding us how they kept the American idea alive. Lucas travels back to the early days of radio history, describing, for example, how Fulton Lewis predicted to Mike Wallace in the 1950s that the Republican Party could be a majority party if they would only let the conservatives run it, instead of the wishy-washy, me-too moderates.” Mike Gallagher, nationally syndicated talk radio host, says, “‘The Right Frequency’ is an insightful, thorough, exciting chronicle of the talk radio story. This is destined to be a classic as it perfectly captures the nature of talk radio in a way no book I’ve ever read ever has.” Dick Morris, a former presidential advisor, writes, “Talk radio destroyed the liberal media monopoly and gave the conservatives a voice. But precisely because it brought the giants low, the publishing industry has ignored its history. Fred Lucas now fills that void, explaining from where it came and where it might be headed.” The Right Frequency, published by History Publishing Company, Palisades, NY is in bookstores nationally.

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