
Worried Seniors,

Obama-Care, Euthanasia, and The Boiled Frog Syndrome

imageWe're going to be covering quite a bit of ground in this article: I'll be discussing "Glen Beck's Common Sense," Ezekiel Emanuel (Dr. Death), Collectivism, AARP, Sorelian myths, the Fascist Left, and The Boiled Frog Syndrome, among other things -- so let's get started.

Roger Kimball wrote in his book "Tenured Radicals," “I regret to report that the situation is far worse than [you] are ever likely to have imagined." Kimball was referring to the Radical Left's takeover of our educational system -- especially in the humanities departments of our college campuses. The situation has only progressively worsened since Kimball’s “report from the front lines” almost twenty years ago. The far-left radicals didn't give up after the 1960s, many simply stayed on at the campuses that they had once so vociferously railed against. They stayed and spread their poison -- loudly, and vehemently, or subtly and quietly. They became professors, and they taught. They taught a mixture of Marxist, Rousseauian and Nietzsche-esque ideology, combined with French far-left philosophies. They taught that science was absurd, that logic and reason were meaningless, and that the truth was always relative -- heck, everything was relative. They put "the people" on a pedestal, but insisted that the individual person was subservient to the "general will." They excoriated capitalism, free enterprise, and individualism; while glorifying a collective, narcissistic, nihilistic hedonism. And they taught, oh so much more. My point here is that, while many students rejected this radical indoctrination, many did accept it, and then went on to become professionals in their various fields -- law, teaching, etc. This has been going on for decades, and if you're wondering where all these people with a far-left agenda come from, there's your answer. Add a thoroughly indoctrinated media/entertainment industry, and it's no wonder that the Obamaites had the numbers needed to stage a bloodless coup, and take over the United States. (I should also mention that there were also many people who voted for Obama simply because they bought his song and dance about “transparency,” “post partisan politics,” et al.). At any rate, the end result is that the barbarians aren’t at the gates – they’re in the castle. Now that they’re in the castle, how do they plan on completely restructuring it? Fascists like to use war as a means of implementing their social agendas, but if a war isn't handy, they'll use whatever's available -- any ol' crisis will do. As Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel said, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste." Such societal upheavals are called "the moral equivalent of war" – first coined by the American philosopher William James. It is a phrase near and dear to the liberal elite. Our current "moral equivalent of war" is the economic crisis. The Obamaites are using the economic crisis for cover, as they attempt to push through legislation that will fundamentally change the nature of the United States. The Obama-care package that they are trying to railroad through Congress is all about gaining control. I don't agree with Rush Limbaugh about everything, but he is absolutely correct, when he says that the Obama-care bill isn't about health-care at all. It's about taking away the individual freedoms of Americans, and replacing them with subservience to the state. How else do you explain the fact that the government is attempting to add trillions of dollars of debt to an economic system that's already at the breaking point? It only makes sense if you realize that the current administration is in no particular rush to get America out of its current economic woes, but instead, is using the crisis to push through what they really want -- control over you and me. They believe that it’s for our own good, of course. Yes, our health-care system needs improvement, but this fascist takeover under the guise of health-care reform, is most assuredly not what we want. This bill will ring the death knell of American freedom, if it passes. Americans who still value their individual freedom will reject this bill in a heartbeat -- once they know what it represents. No wonder the Obamaites are in such a rush to push it through. The whole Obama-care package reeks from top to bottom. It's economic suicide, and will bury our descendants -- for who knows how many generations -- under an onerous debt. This bill is a not so subtle attempt to turn our first rate Republic into a second-rate Socialist welfare collective. These things are all a cause for grave concern, and action, but on a more mundane level, do you know what really got my goat? It was the knee-jerk endorsement of the bill by AARP (American Association for Retired People). ACORN and the SEIU both endorse Obama-care – but AARP? At first , I thought that AARP had merely done a leftist lapdog act, and rolled over at the command of the liberal elite, but the more I looked into it, the more convinced I became that they knew exactly what they were signing us up for. In case you aren't aware of them, please let me inform you of some facts. Obama's "health" czar is Rahm Emmanuel's brother, Ezekiel. Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel has this sage advice for doctors treating the elderly, “Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost, or the effects on others.” Kind of warms the cockles of the heart, doesn't it? Not to put too fine a point on it, we're talking about euthanasia here folks -- i.e killing people deemed unfit to serve society, because of mental or physical infirmities. No joke. The "joke" is that AARP is endorsing euthanasia for the welfare of its elderly members. Think I'm kidding, or imaging things? For some good info, and a chronological timeline that shows the steady growth of this insidious idea, check out Tree of Life: [url=http://www.lifetree.org/timeline/index.html]http://www.lifetree.org/timeline/index.html[/url] Read the paper Dr Emmanuel co-wrote with Margaret Pabst Battin entitled, “What Are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?” For even more fun, you'll want to dive into his co-author's “Choosing the Time to Die: The Ethics and Economics of Suicide in Old Age” or the ever-popular, "Age-Rationing and the Just Distribution of Health Care; Is There a Duty to Die?" You might want to look into The Project on Death in America, started and funded by wealthy Obama backer George Soros, and you won't want to miss Anton Chaitkin's short PDF "The Nazi Euthanasia Program: Forerunner of Obama's Death Council." Among other interesting facts, you'll find out about the Hastings Center, which you really should know about. [url=http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/2009_20-29/2009-24/pdf/74-77_3624.pdf]http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/2009_20-29/2009-24/pdf/74-77_3624.pdf[/url] One of the more interesting members of the Hastings Center is the animal rights activist Peter Singer. Here's a quote from his paper "Taking Life: Human," "...the use of the Nazi analogy is utterly misleading. On the contrary, once we abandon those doctrines about the sanctity of human life that...collapse as soon as they are questioned, it is the refusal to accept killing that, in some cases, is horrific." [url=http://www.utilitarian.net/singer/by/1993----.htm]http://www.utilitarian.net/singer/by/1993----.htm[/url] "The doctrines about the sanctity of human life collapse as soon as they are questioned." Really? Gee whiz, I didn't know that. And, gosh, I could’ve sworn that you sound a whole lot like a Nazi-style Eugenics nut. Thanks for setting me straight Doc. According to Chaitkin, "Singer advocates the killing of handicapped infants, to stop them from being a burden to parents and a cost to society. He believes that humans have no right to life above that of beasts, and that it may be more appropriate to do medical experiments on disabled, unconscious people than on healthy rats." Heinrich Himmler, the man in charge of Hitler’s extermination camps, was, like Singer, an animal rights activist. I'm not implying anything, I’m just saying… I just find it an interesting coincidence, is all. Our "health" czar, Dr. Emmanuel, is also a member in good standing of the Hastings Center. How'd you like to be "a fly on the wall" during a chat between Emmanuel and Singer at the Hastings Center? It would be an eye opener, no doubt. Probably a jaw dropper too. I think I speak for a whole lot of retired people when I say, "Thanks AARP! Really appreciate your looking out for us older folks!" God, what a bunch of duplicitous, back-stabbing weasels. (Note to self -- cancel my AARP membership – and don’t leave Mom alone with any people from AARP). The Fascist Left will tell you “Oh, that euthanasia stuff is just slippery slope nonsense. There’s nothing in our health bill about euthanasia.” Don’t you buy into their B.S. for a second. This is one slippery slope they are just dying to slide down (pun noted). As long as we're in the neighborhood, I'd like to discuss the fascist nature of the Left. The Left, especially the radical Left, is, and has always been, closely aligned with fascism. I know, I know, it's enough to make anyone's head spin -- Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Statism, Socialism, Progressivism, and so on. How do you tell them all apart? Which is which, and what is what? The simplest solution is to just put them all under the umbrella term “Collectivism.” Here's the Wikipedia definition: “Collectivism is a term used to describe any moral, political, or social outlook, that stresses human interdependence and the importance of a collective, rather than the importance of separate individuals.” [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collectivism]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collectivism[/url] All of the "isms" that I listed above will fit into the category of Collectivism. The most important thing to know about Collectivism, is that it is ideologically the polar opposite of Individualism. Permit me to rephrase and repeat that: COLLECTIVISM IS DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED TO INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. In Collectivism the individual is always subservient to the good of the collective. (Sounds like a Star Trek episode with the Borg hive -- "You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!" Yikes). At any rate, one of the "isms" included within Collectivism, is Fascism. Obviously, Fascism can't be that far apart from Marxism, Socialism, et al, or it wouldn't be included with the other collectivist doctrines. The Fascist Left would have us believe that fascist doctrines have nothing to do with the Left. “Oh no,” they say, “fascism is, of course, a reprehensible, conservative, right-wing ideology.” Well it isn't right-wing at all, and it is really past time that we bust this Sorelian myth, once and for all. A Sorelian myth (named after French philosopher Georges Sorel --1847-1922), is a fable that is used to sway the masses. Whether the myth is true or not is irrelevant; what matters is -- does it work. The myth about Fascism being a right-wing ideology has worked just fine, thank you very much. (In my last article I urged you to read Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism." I urge you to do so again, if for no other reason than to read the chapter "Liberal Racism: The Eugenic Ghost in the Fascist Machine" -- which is, trust me, more engaging than the title might suggest.) During the early part of the last century, the Left (called Progressives, in America) heartily embraced Fascism. And why wouldn't they? Fascism was clearly nothing but a variant of the Collectivism that was so near and dear to them. Communism, Fascism -- why quibble, when they all built a utopia, right? So what happened to cause Fascism to be booted out of the "family," and out into the cold. How did it become associated with the right-wing, for God's sake? In a nutshell, here's what happened. First, Communist leader Joseph Stalin stigmatized Fascism as being anathema to the party faithful, and secondly, Hitler's atrocities made it untenable for the Left to be associated with Fascism anymore -- at least by that name. Ahem -- at least by that name. Stalin put the hex on Fascism, because Mussolini's Italian fascists would not toe the Russian party line. Russian Socialism, being applied Marxism -- straight out of the book -- followed the motto "Workers of the world unite!" Mussolini, being of a more nationalistic frame of mind, believed that it was much more practical to endorse "Workers of Italy (not the world) unite!" In other words, Mussolini embraced a nationalistic, versus a global socialism, and that was ideological heresy to "Uncle Joe" Stalin. So he kicked Mussolini out of the fold. The Communist Party faithful around the world were told that Fascism was not a "kissin’ cousin" to Communism anymore, but was instead its polar opposite. The Fascists went, in a relatively brief span of time, from being seen as closely aligned with Communist Socialism, to being deemed a reactionary right-wing force of capitalist greed. It's a Sorelian myth that worked like a charm for Stalin, and it's still working today. Hitler's brand of Fascism put the nail in the coffin. There was just no way that the Left would let themselves be associated with Hitlerism, following WWII -- although they had largely endorsed his brand of Collectivism up until that point. However, today's Liberal Fascists (who, of course, don't call themselves that), are still quite fond of doctrines promulgated by the Nazis. (Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed a definite anti-Semetic slant to Leftist rhetoric, and a decided cooling towards Israel in the past few years? Just asking.) I believe that Glen Beck was trying to make a point along these lines when he recited the “AmeriCorp Pledge of Allegiance” dressed in lederhosen. That's my guess, at any rate. Speaking of Beck, his book "Glen Beck's Common Sense " is another book that I urge you to read, if you haven't done so already. I especially like this passage from his book: "If you bury your head in the sand, and believe that things will just get better on their own…then you deserve to see your children wearing the chains of servitude." Beck's book is a call to action, but he advises us to "leave your muskets at home." This is sage advice. Those of us who value personal liberty, the U.S. Constitution, and "One Nation Under God," need to wake up and take committed, passionate action – NOW – but violence is not the answer, and would be counter-productive. We must use the tools that our Founding Fathers wisely assembled, and entrusted to our care. A bloodless fascist coup has been successfully staged against the United States of America. It is our duty, our right, and our privilege, to stand up and deny our wanna- be Fascist overlords, the successful implementation of their plans for us. We must act, and we must act now. The time for being "asleep at the wheel" is over. We simply must get involved, or our precious freedoms are forfeit. That’s not alarmist hyperbole, I’m just stating the facts. There's a phenomenon known as The Boiled Frog Syndrome, and it goes like this: If you drop a frog into a pot of hot water, it'll immediately jump out, but if you put it into a pot of tepid water, and slowly turn up the heat by incremental degrees, the frog will simply be lulled by the warmth into a comatose state, and just lay there until it dies from the heat. Well, America's like the frog in the pot, and the liberal fascists have been turning up the heat slowly over several decades -- and we're about to get cooked alive. Believe it. I'll finish with another quote from Beck's book: If we fail to speak up, and speak out against this madness, then we should be prepared to accept everything we get. Samuel Adams said that those who prefer the "tranquility of servitude" had best be prepared to "crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you." That advice is as relevant today as it was back then. And so are his closing words: "May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"

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Jim ONeill——

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two.  Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States.  Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines.  While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division.  (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel).  Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings.  Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970).  Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.
