
Revealing her dishonesty

Pelosi (straight-faced): Unemployment benefits stimulate the economy

Are you sitting down? Is the liquor cabinet stocked? Nanceroo has done it again, held a press-conference, so I hope you are and it is. I also hope you’re not eating soup, chewing steak, or enjoying a carbonated beverage. Consider yourself warned.

To wit:
Madam Speaker: “This (unemployment benefits) is one of the biggest stimuluses (I know, not a word) to our economy. Economists will tell you this money is spent quickly, it injects demand into the economy. It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name. Because, again, it is money needed for families to survive, and it is spent. “So it has a double benefit, it helps those who have lost their jobs, but it is also a job-creator. It is impossible to think of a situation where we would have a country that would say we’re not going to have unemployment benefits, and the only people who want them are people who don’t want jobs. That’s just so contrary to what our country is about, and I reject that misrepresentation of the motivation for people to be on unemployment insurance.”
Amazing. I will not dissect her argument, save to say that Democrats are desperate to extend bennies past November (“for the little guy”) and that government doesn’t “create” jobs nor demand. Pelosi’s promise that ObamaCare would “create immediate jobs” (millions) reveals her dishonesty. What next? A job-killing Cap-and-Trade bill titled, The Cheap Electricity to Enrich Al Gore Act? How ‘bout the Oil, Who Needs It, Send Jobs to China Act for the entrepreneur in your life? This is false “compassion.” Compassion is empowering human beings. Compassion is engendering self-reliance. If Pelosi believes that government creates jobs, she should read The Road to Serfdom. Von Hayek’s wisdom would rock Nancy’s world. It would also look swell in her luxury jet.

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Greg Halvorson——

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page.  His Twitter handle is @GHalv.
