
Marxist Motto: Fiat Iustitia Pereat Mundus -- "Let Justice Be Done, Though the World Should Perish!"

Radical Leftist Julian Assange Plays God Leaking US Documents

By Kelly O'Connell ——--December 6, 2010

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Question: Does it matter that most of today's Western rebels are driven by socialism? Or that the lobotomized mainstream media never isolates this trait when reporting these rogues? In the West there is no larger group of man-made disaster-makers than modern liberals. Cursing the world with their withering self-righteousness, socialists and Marxists like Julian Assange have been a global plague since the French Revolution.

The fact is when journalists report on those sharing their own worldview, typically they display no professional discipline. And the coverage gets sloppy. There is no doubt that Assange is a committed leftist. We know this by admissions from him and his family. Moreover, his words and deeds reveal progressive ideals driving his outlandish campaign. This essay examines the disturbing phenomena of the socialist sheriffs-from-hell who believe it is their Hades-borne duty to judge and punish the world by treasonous sabotage.

I. Who is Julian Assange; What is WikLleaks?

A Julian Assange

Born in Australia July 3, 1971, Julian Assange is founder and editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, an Internet whistle-blower website. His childhood was irregular, the son of actors who traveled Australia operating a theater company. His parents divorced and Julian stayed with his mother who then remarried a musician in a New Age cult. According to TIME magazine, Julian's stepfather was violent, and so he and his mother lived on the run between his ages of 11-16, and moved 37 different times during this period. Assange's mother described him as having a very strong opinion of right and wrong as a child. Julian spent his later adolescence as a computer hacker, yet claimed to be highly principled. He hacked into sensitive organizations and was eventually hunted down and prosecuted for this. Later Assange then entered an unofficial marriage, had a child, split up, and then spent a decade in a tortuous custody battle. In an interview, Assange described his "core values" as: "policing perpetrators of crime." But this claim begs the question -- how does Julian define crimes and criminals?

B Wikileaks

According to Time magazine, In 2006, Assange decided to found WikiLeaks in the belief that the free exchange of information would put an end to illegitimate governance. The website publishes material from sources, and houses its main server in Sweden, which has strong laws protecting whistle-blowers. Assange and others at WikiLeaks also occasionally hack into secure systems to find documents to expose. What was Assange's purpose? According to Mother Jones, he stated:
The more secretive or unjust an organisation is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie...Since unjust systems, by their nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance.
Assange also grandly claims, "I am a journalist, a publisher, an inventor. I have tried to invent a system that solves the problem of censorship across the whole world."

C. Julian Assange, Mentally Embalmed Leftist

Julian Assange is a progressive. This point can be established by the following facts. 1. Assange had a progressive childhood, the seedbed of many leftists, such as Barack Obama. The Washington Times writes,
His parents were well-known on the left and ran a touring theater company. His mother remarried in 1979 to a man who belonged to a controversial New Age group. In the late 1980s, Mr. Assange was a member of a crack hacker team that called itself International Subversives.
2. Assange introduced WikiLeaks at a socialist convention. The New Yorker reports, "Assange flew to Kenya for the World Social Forum, an anti-capitalist convention, to make a presentation about the Web site." 3. Assange claims no religion, yet insists he's a highly ethical person. He therefore gets his ideas from atheist sources, by default. He states many odd things regarding religion on his old blog. 4. Julian is anti-War. His pacifism is default leftism. Assange stated: "The most dangerous men are those who are in charge of war. And they need to be stopped. If that makes me dangerous in their eyes, so be it." 5. Assange criticizes "big business" claiming his next target will be a "big bank." If there is anything that disturbs Marxists, it's capitalism. 6. Julian has the leftist flaw of claiming any act is legal if it furthers his subjective goals. 7. Assange claims his private life is seperate from his public crusade -- another classic Marxist posture. He was outraged when charged with rape. 8. Assange fears takeover by shadow governments. His response makes more likely the world will devolve into anarchy as Marx predicted. 9. Julian operates as if man is the highest authority in the universe; or as one Marxist writes, "Man is the measure of all things." 10. Assange admits he leaked Afghan war information because, "I enjoy crushing bastards." One writer said, "Assange is an equal-opportunity America hater." An acquaintance told a journalist: "The fount of all evil, as he sees the world, is the United States." Socialists hate America. 11. Assange has always been against rules and law, since he was a young hacker with "International Subversives." This fits perfectly into Marx's final anarchic utopia. This commitment to no rules is the only thing making sense of his claim to be libertarian, a law-abiding movement. 12. Julian believes he's fit to judge all men without any appeal to any other authority or entity. This is a classic megalomaniac Marxist position. 13. Assange's role model is the communist identifying Daniel Ellesberg, who signed this Marxist-influenced anti-Bush screed.


Assange's foundational views are summed up by those who knew him before fame:

Australian acquaintances say Assange was bitterly disappointed by the outcome of the Cold War victory for the USA. Assange began identifying with the defeated "progressives"...There are tens of millions who likewise now firmly believe the "evil empire" is the USA and its "animalistic and carnivorous capitalism." The post-Cold War generation of "progressives" likes to cite Karl Marx's prediction capitalism would eventually sow the seeds of its own destruction. They also welcome anything that weakens the United States. Their new hero is Assange.

II. Liberal Activists: The Sheriffs of Hell

Real liberalism fantasizes about telling the world how to live in minute detail. Julian Assange likewise believes the world needs his judgment, yet never made clear what beliefs he represents. It's doubtless Assange drank deep his parent's leftism, and like Obama, took in socialism as mother's milk. A study of Assange, who lacks any formal university degree, reveals an amateur mind stubbornly convinced of its own rectitude without bothering to explain via argument, proof or debate why his "obvious truths" are actually correct. The naive Assange believes he holds incontrovertible correctness in his convictions. Secular Humanists only believe in a salvation on earth since there is no afterlife. People like Assange, and other humanist intellectuals, are convinced they are an elite force responsible to guide the unwashed -- the uneducated, less intelligent -- to salvation. According to Eric Voegelin, the great dream of socialists is building heaven on earth, where knowledge saves the ignorant masses via Gnostic salvation, described in Science, Politics and Gnosticism, (outlined here). Leftists think Marxism represents the zenith of modern political religions. As Christianity is forced from public life, atheists sense opportunity to replace classic western statecraft. What remains are modern self-anointed Bodhisattvas (Buddha saviors) like Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, and Assange who virulently believe they came to save. People like Assange annoy as they claim no tradition, lack any apparent training in ethics, refuse to define their beliefs, and yet assume a self-decreed right to judge all peoples and governments. Yet, as one critic noted, "The core criticism is that WikiLeaks "so far . . . lacks an ethical culture that is consonant with the ideals of free media." In other words, Assange is just a self-righteous hypocrite.

III. Stunning Pitfalls of Socialism & Marxism: 20 Questions

A. Antinomianism: The Lawlessness of Marxism

The most shocking aspect of leftist critics like Assange is there is no absolute right and wrong found anywhere in the annals of Marx or socialism. Therefore, the only position a liberal can assume, as a critic, is one of hypocrisy. Because to stand for nothing, as Marxists do, means you have no basis to criticize another.

B. Twenty Questions for Julian Assange

The following 20 questions should be answered by Assange and his radical ilk:
  1. Where do you get your authority?
  2. How do you know your beliefs are correct?
  3. Why is morality only a political or public value and not private?
  4. Why is your pragmatism acceptable, but a sovereign country's is not?
  5. Are you a socialist, Marxist or anarchist?
  6. What is the law above human law you refer to when decision making?
  7. Why treat America as the world's worst country? How do you objectively defend this?
  8. Is there a God?
  9. Do you believe in "principled" lying as your old hacker name "Mendax" suggests?
  10. Why do you have the authority to expose the secrets of states? Isn't that a type of theft?
  11. What if your acts cause others to be murdered?
  12. Why does good government depend upon total transparency?
  13. Why do you reject traditional morality?
  14. Do you believe you are personally above the rules?
  15. Why are your rape charges off the record, by definition? What about transparency?
  16. Is there a life beyond this one?
  17. Do you claim all secret negotiations are wrong? Is that a wise posture?
  18. What if your actions make the world a less safe place than before?
  19. Aren't you still just a defiant hacker thumbing his nose at all authority?
  20. Isn't a great deal of what you do simply the seeking of the spotlight for yourself?


The problem with all modern liberals is they operate outside any genuine ethical tradition. They are essentially lawless people, who like Obama, believe just because they have "The Answer," they may flout every principle of democracy and order to install their "Facts." Since liberals, like Assange, have found "The Truth;" they answer to no one. Therefore, leftists consider themselves above any law, beholden to no one, and often willing to destroy the entire world for some perverse philosophical goal. We must, as a society, allow for whistle-blowers who from the inside report on illegalities and dangers that outsiders would never get a chance to discover. But the ethical whistle-blower is a person who has not rejected all society, but just its lawless parts. Opposed to humanity is Julian Assange, one-man army, a singular quorum, super-judge, and a god above all men in his own eyes. Being such, he is a rejecter of society itself, and is therefore a mortal enemy of all. Romulus killed Remus because the latter rejected the boundaries between civilization and barbarianism by lawlessly leaping the wall of Rome. So must Assange be permanently removed like a rabid, sneaky, diabolical man-biting mongrel.

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Kelly O'Connell——

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.
