
Drill Baby Drill, Stall baby Stall, Death panels, Coddling your enemies and alienating your friends

Sarah Palin is on a Roll

Since resigning from her Governorship last July, Sara Palin hasn’t made a false move.

This is surprising for someone who is more passionate than cautious and one reputed to be, well, you know, a dummy. Her book tour went exceedingly well. She has received thousands of invitations to speak, notwithstanding her $100,000 price tag. She continues to raise huge sums of money for her sponsers and draw sellout crowds. Her policy announcements have been spot on whether delivered in her speeches interviews or Facebook posts. Because of her ignominious charge of “death panels” to decry Obamacare, she more than anyone is responsible for the overwhelming majority now being opposed to Obamacare. Although Obama’s supporters denied such “death panels” at first, many experts now openly admit to them. In foreign affair, she coined the Obama Doctrine as “coddling your enemies and alienating your friends.” This characterization is now commonplace. Palin also decried Obama’s statement that the US would not retaliate with nuclear weapons if the US were attacked by WMDs and suggested the U.S. was asking to be hit. When Obama, in his non-response, replied with “I really have no response to that. The last I checked, Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues.” And “What I would say to them is, is that if the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are comfortable with it, I’m probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin.” Palin came back, quick as a flash, sarcastically honoring “the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer, part time senator and full time candidate.” Within hours, Obama was retracting his original statement. Finally, Palin has come down squarely and the side of Israel and Israel’s right to expand and to a united Jerusalem. She fully supports Israel’s right to self-defense and said we shouldn’t be second guessing her. Such policies are the polar opposite of what Obama is pushing for and enjoy the support of a large majority of Americans. Palin’s energy policy of “Drill Baby Drill” and “all the above” also has broad support. She was the first to attack Obama’s proposed drilling legislation that she characterized as “Stall, Baby, Stall.” This support is rapidly decreasing in the wake of the disastrous explosion or malfunction of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico which promises a looming environmental disaster for America’s southern coastline But Palin is sticking to her guns, you’ll pardon the expression. She didn’t retreat. She reloaded and reaffirmed her support for drilling despite the risks. Sara Palin lived through the Exxon Valdez disaster that devastated her home state of Alaska. As fate would have it, she was responsible for finally bringing Exxon to judgment when she was Governor after a twenty-year battle. So she knows the devastation first hand and will do everything she can to minimize the risk. But still, she wants to “Drill baby drill.”In response to the spill, Obama has put a freeze on new drilling. Today, the New York Times came out in support of drilling. Palin must be smiling. A recent Gallop Poll showed for the first time that more people think that abortion should be illegal under all circumstances than legal under all circumstances. This can only be due to Palin’s unapologetic pro life stance. Ever since the presidential election campaign, Palin has been advocating lower taxes as opposed to higher spending as the path to job growth. According to a recent Rasmussen Poll, Americans agree with her by a margin of 2:1. Arizona just passed a controversial immigration law. Obama attacked the new law and said “I told that Governor that I would not protect the borders and neither should she,” and. “I do not want the world to think we are inhospitable racists. I want the world to like us. It is more important to be liked than respected, after all.” He also called on Blacks and Latinos to get out the vote. Sarah Palin, in a recent interview with Sean Hannity, came out in full support of the new law and attacked Obama for not fulfilling the federal responsibility of protecting US borders. She also attacked him for racist comments he had made pitting Latinos and Blacks against other Americans. In the interview, Palin effectively contrasted his remarks with her calls to all Americans to solve their problems together. Once again, polls show overwhelming support for the new law. During the debate on financial reform, Palin came out against institutionalizing “crony capitalism.” When Obama said America is a military superpower “whether we like it or not,” Palin said she was taken aback by his comment. She said, “I would hope that our leaders in Washington, D.C., understand we like to be a dominant superpower…. I don’t understand a world view where we have to question whether we like it or not that America is powerful.” These positions were well received. When Rev Franklin Graham was disinvited from Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer services for having made politically incorrect attacks against Islam, Sarah Palin was the first, and maybe only, political leader who came out in support of Graham. She is not a slave to PC and will not mince words when placing blame just like Graham didn’t. Palin will fight to restore and protect freedom of speech. Americans appreciate this as they desperately need to be able to candidly criticize any ideology they consider harmful or inferior. Many of her detractors cite negative polling numbers to discredit her. They should be ignored. Public Policy Polling found in a poll reported on April 15th, “Sarah Palin now lags Obama only 45-47 after showing deficits of eight or seven points in each of the last three months. Both Obama and Palin have increased their base support, but Palin now trails Obama among independents 39-46 versus 35-49 in March.” As this poll demonstrates, Palin is quickly gaining support among independents. Give her another three months and she will be leading Obama. And do not forget the growing enthusiasm gap as reported by Politics Daily, “While voters are about evenly split about whether they support the Democrat or Republican in this year’s congressional elections, the Republicans have opened up a 20 point “enthusiasm gap” when it comes to how eager they are to go to the polls, according to Gallup’s daily tracking polls conducted between April 1-25.” This growing gap is due to the Palin factor. She energizes her base like no other, today, can. Continue

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Ted Belman——

Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and Editor of Israpundit.org.  He made aliyah from Canada in 2009 and now lives in Jerusalem.
