
Any thinking, patriotic American citizen realizes how threatening Bully-Puppet Obama and his domestic and International Progressive confederacy are to our constitutional, representative republic

The Domestic Threats More Dangerous Than Barack Obama!

In the first two years of the Obama Presidency, the U. S. citizen was captive to the worst ‘representative’ government since the founding of our republic. The ultra-Left leaning President conspired with his fellow ‘Satancrat’ serpents in both Houses of Congress to force American citizens to bite ever deeper into the forbidden fruit of Socialism. Since seizing control of both Houses of Congress in 2006 through 2010, the Democrats cavalierly ignored the Constitution and their oaths of office to the U. S. citizen in ramming through their damning agenda, severely damaging our republic.
Any thinking, patriotic American citizen realizes how threatening Bully-Puppet Obama and his domestic and International Progressive confederacy are to our constitutional, representative republic, and we have come to realize they represent the very worst in elective politics, but there may be greater domestic threats lurking in plain sight. The slithering serpents of secrecy and misinformation, a/k/a the traditional media, have abandoned all principle and responsibility in allowing themselves to be annexed by the Progressives. If the average citizen relies upon the lies of the traditional media, is it any wonder so many are misinformed when they enter the voting booth? The media have joined the Axis of the Progressives in all branches of government, with all of them earning the shameful designation of ‘domestic threats,’ while they encourage and advance the damage they perpetrate against the American citizen and our republic.

Until the GOP seized the House following the historic mid-term election of 2010, the GOP in both Houses of Congress was powerless against Progressive legislative blitzkrieg. Since the 2010 mid-term election, the Senate Majority leader has schemed with Bully-Puppet Obama to obstruct all reasonable legislation from ever reaching the Bully-Puppet’s desk, providing cover for the Bully-Puppet. The Bully-Puppet have usurped the legislative process via the EPA’s assault against carbon energy, and the bully-Puppet has made unconstitutional, non-recess, recess appointments, and lied about Fast & Furious, etc., in the face of the American Public and the House of Representatives, now under GOP leadership. Unfortunately, the GOP leadership has engaged in political gamesmanship instead of acting boldly and constitutionally in exposing the fallacies of the President, and his enabling Senate Majority Leader. Speaker of the House Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell are the faces of a threat equal to that of the President and the Progressive confederacy to our freedoms and the American dream. They, and their cadre within the power base of the GOP, campaign on change, but change to these equally deceitful devils stops with who has the political designation and the power in the White House and in both Houses of Congress. Genuine, beneficial change is held hostage by the selfish, unscrupulous, clandestinely active GOP power elite who fight to retain the status quo with their ‘Satancrat’ colleagues vs. leading a revolutionary charge in recapturing our constitutional republic from an ever-oppressive government. Our representative republic has devolved into an ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ battle, with those in elective government uniting to combat the people who have elected them, and to whom they have sworn an oath to represent. While the GOP brands itself as the party of principles, it is more a party that champions ‘Greed over Principles’ and ‘Gluttons of Power.’ Political experience isn’t measured in quantifiable, constitutional change, but in how one can maneuver behind closed doors and ‘work the system’ for their individual benefit, not for the benefit of the American citizen. When incoming reformers get to D. C., they are either coerced into ‘going along to get along,’ and are rewarded with coveted committee positions, or they are deprived of important committee positions, effectively being prevented from effecting the change they campaigned upon, generating greater frustration amongst the electorate. Even now, we have an out-of-control GOP power elite that is attempting to force its choice for the GOP Presidential candidacy upon registered Republicans and disaffected Independents in a manner not far removed from how ObamaCare was forced upon the electorate. Political consultants push the listless leaders to the center to capture the Independent vote, not realizing that many, if not the majority of Independents, have been chased from the GOP, due to its abandonment of its principles, as outlined within its National Platform. Even respected conservative pundits, including Ann Coulter, R. Emmitt Tyrell and Elliot Abrams, have been coerced into employing the same ‘Satancrat’/Progressive stealth tactics of apparent half-truths, out-of-context comments, and lies in pushing the GOP power elite Presidential candidacy choice. In a General Election, these same pundits would revile these tactics. While visiting with a nice lady who works within my county’s GOP office, she attempted to justify the GOP’s mismanagement of government because the GOP was just doing what the Democrats have done for so long. Apparently, in the minds of the GOP elite, two wrongs make a right. This kind of thinking is incorrect; two wrongs make two wrongs! If they were alive today, our founding fathers would revolt against the oppression being imposed under our two-party political system, just as they revolted against the oppression of the British monarchy. But the ‘Satancrats’ and their GOP Progressive brethren, the bungling and selfish GOP leadership, and the traditional media are minor threats compared to the most dangerous threat to our freedoms, foreign and domestic, … the apathetic and uninvolved American citizen! Pogo was correct, ‘We have seen the enemy, and he is us.’ The American citizen elected the Traitor-in-Chief, Gaffe-bitten Biden, and the many Congressional miscreants to office. Citizen apathy, combined with the Seven Deadly Sins of avarice, sloth, gluttony, lust, envy, pride and anger, have led to our collective ignorance and arrogance. The American citizen has allowed our government to mushroom well beyond its Constitutional limits, threatening our freedoms and our lives, in a manner never dreamed of by us. It is only now that a few are aware of the almost insurmountable danger in which we find ourselves. Far too many of us in the electorate and in elective government expect someone to come forward to lead vs. us taking action to ensure that selfish and divisive carpetbaggers and scalawags do not usurp our coveted form of government and quality of life. It is easier to ‘gritch and moan’ about the status quo than it is to change our schedules to become involved. We would be forced to discontinue watching unrealistic ‘reality’ TV, attending low quality movies (featuring a majority of stars who have disdain for those who embrace faith and principles), allowing many of our children to be educated at the altar of Progressivism, etc., in order to take the necessary action to repel the Progressive blitzkrieg. The great news is that we can overcome all that we face, if we are committed to doing so. We can’t do it individually, and it won’t be easy, but by banding together, and with God’s grace, we can overcome the frightening future we face. This will be the greatest challenge of our lifetime, more menacing than Hitler, Hirohito, and bin Laden, have been to our freedoms, because the challenges we face are home grown, and interwoven into the fabric of our lives. We must make reform the same priority as those whose wicked agenda is to systematically dismantle our constitution and steal our freedoms. We can’t change the selfishness and greed of those already in D. C., so we need to change whom we send to D. C.! By aligning ourselves with our Creator and becoming actively involved, we can restore our republic by sending the next wave of constitutional conservatives to D. C. in the numbers necessary to have the ability to seize control of the key committee chairmanship assignments. This will allow us to alter the direction of our wayward country dramatically! To do anything less is folly, we will have only ourselves to blame, and we will earn the enmity of future generations. Redistricting and registration for elected office is still open in many parts of the country, so the door to principled leadership is still open in these areas. If you are capable of acting for your family and fellow citizens by running for office, now is the time to do so; to delay may mean that the window of opportunity for saving us from those who have abandoned principle and oath will vanish. If you know of a stalwart individual of principle, encourage him/her to run for office, or to become involved in any number of ways. Start from the bottom and build up, beginning within your precinct. Identify TEA Party movement individuals to run for Precinct Committee positions, ensuring that the county GOP leadership is based upon constitutional principle and personal character. Reach out to disaffected Independents to encourage them to return to the GOP and take up the fight from within the Party. This will take time and effort, but the rewards will justify the investment of time, talent and treasury. This is the trenches of politics, but this is where the future of our freedoms lies. A warning to the GOP elite: The 2012 General Election will probably be the last election in which the TEA Party faction will be aligned within the GOP, unless the GOP elite embraces the TEA Party wing of the Party. You might relish this possibility, but you wouldn’t have control of the House of Representatives if it weren’t for the TEA Party energy and commitment! Be very careful for which you wish! Someone of note and character needs to step up in the 8th District in Ohio to challenge John Boehner in the GOP Primary. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a House headed by Michele Bachmann and Allen West? Mitch McConnell isn’t up for re-election until 2014, but we need solution-focused boldness in the Senate, too. With the likes of Jeff Flake transitioning from the House to retain a conservative GOP seat, and by growing the number of the GOP to seize control in the Senate, Senator DeMint can be elevated to being the Senate Majority leader. We need to trump the bitter-clinger of obstructionism, Harry Reid. Carpe Diem (seize the day), so we can begin solving the issues neither party has been willing to address, and the American citizen has been too laissez faire to demand better from our government. By becoming involved, we will invite God’s divine intervention upon us, and we can demand a laissez faire government that acts within the purposeful restrictions defined within our noble constitution.

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
