
Watch what they do and listen to what they say but know also what is true

The Party of Contradiction

Let’s go back a few years to Jimmy Carter and the take-down of the Shah of Iran (because 1200 were “tortured” in some prison…). The Shah was then replaced by Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini who was in exile in France for being a radical but who was still able to manage the overthrow of the Shah. Some inspired students in Iran, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ushering one of the hostages, took over the American Embassy in a much greater moment in Time than scaling the walls of our Embassy in Cairo, and we find Americans kept prisoner in Iran until Carter was replaced by Ronald Reagan. The hostages were freed in a few hours of Ronald Reagan’s winning the presidential election because, apparently, those moronic students that dominated the news from Iran felt the tingle of fear run up their legs to imagine that Cowboy Reagan would correct their faulty judgment in the hostage-taking. They had no fear of Grinning Carter, his Desert Adventure, etc., but within hours of a President Reagan, they suddenly (out of kindness?) released the hostages.
Now let’s fast forward to Iraq. Here we had a man, Saddam Hussein, who as leader of Iraq rewarded families with $25-50 Thousand Dollars for encouraging a son or daughter to put on a suicide bomber’s vest and pass into the Muslim version of Paradise. However, Saddam Hussein and his sons were not only doing this. They were torturing people on a daily basis. Some were even pulled apart by metal shredding machines and one comment from someone who was there was that the person treated this way was most fortunate if put into the machine headfirst rather than feet-first so the end was less painful. Also, a French news agency reported, with gruesome pictures, that Hussein & Co. had gassed thousands in a Kurd city to the north. This gassing was promptly ignored by the MSM (Main Stream Media) for some “intelligent” reason or another, again breaking the rule of journalism that news is what they are supposed to deliver instead of the rank editorializing they do today, even to editing what is said by those interviewed and thereby skew the story to the mindset that the MSM has grown to prefer and wants to emphasize.

Now, let’s go a bit further and remember that the Democrats pounce on the decision to go after Saddam Hussein and revert to the old lie that there was no WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) found in Iraq when shiploads of weapons grade uranium were taken to from Iraq to Canada for power generation purposes in Canada. And there were reports of bunkers in Iraq with residual radiation that experts say could only come from WMD-level radiation. Where did this uranium go, that which was not sent to Canada? We had satellite images of caravans of material going from Iraq to Syria and one defecting scientist from Iraq collaboratively reported that the WMD, etc., went to Syria. Democrats fail to see the connection between Iraq and the terrorist attacks on 9/11 but they do this by intention and not from some lack of intelligence. To admit that terrorist training camps were found in Iraq and that Hussein paid suicide bomber families with cash rewards would not fit their agenda of decimating the reputations of presidents Bush and Reagan just as they did with Nixon. In fact, once the MSM got the taste of blood with Nixon, they have been eager ever since to go after Republican politicians. Where they cannot find facts to support their “sport,” they will either skew facts by incomplete/segmental reporting or go the long step and merely create self-serving lies. Let’s put some of this in modern context. We saw how Democrats with the help of the MSM went, and still go, after Nixon, Bush (father and son) and Reagan but never, ever after the current mogul/sheik who resides in the Oval Office. Mention Saddam Hussein and the MSM and people of like mind go berserk with cries of “there was no WMD” and other such nonsense. However, let’s for a moment consider how they react with the mention of Mubarak or Qaddafi. Mention of Mubarak is greeted with moaning and groaning and suggestions that he also tormented his people. As if the Muslim Brotherhood does not torment people? Or, do these “apologists” not think that the Copts are people? Or could the sudden dislike of Mubarak stem from this Netanyahu-avoiding president who coincidentally just has to remember that Jimmy Carter at the Camp David Accords put Egypt and Israel on a near-equal footing in the world? Mention of Qaddafi and we all know, via the MSM, that he was “disliked” by the people. Sure, he had some bleak and black marks in his past but he had become somewhat “enlightened” and for once was actually cooperating with America. Mubarak was still cooperating with America and, in fact, was friendly with Israel; this friendliness coincides with Bible prophecy according to Bible scholar, Zola Levit. But, Qaddafi and Mubarak had to go because “the people” did not want or like these two leaders, according to the present administration and fellow traveler Mr. MSM. But the idea of whether “the people” liked and wanted the Muslim Brotherhood was not on the survey list — for good reason. Here we can see the inconsistency and the contradiction in the ranks of the Left which encompass the present chiefs in Washington and the MSM. They give a pass to Hussein an Iraq in saying, apparently, that we did not need to go after Hussein because there was no WMD found there (according to them…). But we did need to go after Mubarak and Qaddafi because “the people” did not like them. Typical, it’s either “for the people” or “for the children” but never for some socialist agenda. Not publicly, at least. The idea that “It’s for the people” or “It’s for the children” is just more “bait and switch.” But applying it to politics, it’s just more obfuscation, diversion and intended distraction. However, we must not forget that in vilifying Mubarak, Qaddafi and now Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the Radical Left is not giving up hope in forming a Global World with the Muslim Brotherhood as a key member. What does this constant finger-pointing and accusing by the Left mean and where does it come from? Why, from Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals! One of the tenets of Rules for Radicals is the technique of Isolate and Ridicule. This is why the Left (Washingtonians and MSM) demonize Mubarak, Qaddafi and al-Assad. Of course this also applies to their focusing at times on Nixon, the two presidents Bush and Ronald Reagan. The times they do so is whenever they find it convenient and also at odd times — lest we forget, no doubt! What a contradiction! To go after people who were our country’s leaders in the past — because they were Republicans, apparently — and give a pass to their own when caught in error or when they prove to be unreliable. This perpetuates the unaccountability of our leaders in Congress, in the White House, in the Supreme Court, and even more-local levels of government. The old tradition of Journalism was to expose and report the facts of current and past society. However, the MSM has migrated into the area of practically dictating to We the People what they imagine will happen and constantly bend themselves and their reportage to making it happen. At one time, News People gave us the news, unadulterated. Now they too often give us rank opinion. And this is from people who supposedly have a working vocabulary of 22,000 words, according to one survey, but “Newsy” people very often fail to use those words correctly by mispronouncing or obvious errors in syntax. Go into their academic and career backgrounds and they fail to impress — unless you are a Leftist/Liberal journalist. Once we realize that the Democrats and MSM are a treasure of inconsistency and contradiction, we begin to see the scenario explode with examples. The MSM allows a “debate” to migrate to preferring the Democrat or Left Sympathizer and the Republican or the one on the Right is not preferred. The Democrat is allowed to constantly and continually interrupt and the Republican is gentlemanly enough to permit the Democrat to continue until finished unless the Democrat says something that cannot be allowed to stand. But when the Republican speaks, the Democrat is not the gentlemanly type, he’s the Union Thug type who constantly gets in the face of the Republican’s commentary while the Host or “moderator” of the debate usually sits there and smiles the all-knowing Liberal facial language that is somewhere between a smirk and an “I’m in charge” aspect. Getting more into Media Manipulation, one also often sees the host tell the Republican that he only has “one minute” or “thirty seconds” to rebut a three minute commentary by the Democrat and, when the Republican tries to give a view that corrects the Democrat skewering of fact, the Democrat again constantly interrupts while the camera goes to a shot that shows the Democrat alongside the Republican in the pretense that it is indeed a debate. And then, after the Host says there is only “one minute/thirty seconds” left, the host continues to talk for another two minutes. We are not being told the whole truth or being entertained per Hollywood standards even though many in the MSM obviously believe they are first cousins to that motley crew on the Left Coast. No, we are being Alinskyed and, in effect, brainwashed. For those who object to this observation and the word “brainwash,” try looking up the definition of Propaganda, the greatest tool for brainwashing, and it is immediately seen that the MSM is in full brainwashing mode. But, brainwashing is not supposed to be done out in the open with everyone aware that it is going on. In fact, when it is obviously a brainwashing job, then they have not only gone too far, they are not doing it correctly. In brainwashing, the tactic is to repeat the same “mantra” countless times in the spirit of Communist Truth where the lie is presented as The Truth. Those who do not go along with it are eventually weakened and let it go with no objection. Later, the same, targeted people begin to accept the message more and more without objection until the day comes that the “subject” begins to accept it. This is human nature: To object until fatigue sets in, a relaxation of care about the truth comes to the surface, and a form of mental slavery sets in. Is there a cure? The cure is getting away from being brainwashed by turning off those who are doing it to us and thereby get our thinking processes back under our own control. However, we must also be aware of what the Perps are doing and mark those who are doing it. Keep in mind too that there will be a payday, someday. When I hear the Left and Democrats in general go into their discriminatory ways of elevating the Left and undermining the Right, I recognize it as just being in their nature. It is just like a snake that has the nature of biting someone whether or not the bite is poisonous. It is clear that most often the Left is the way they are because that is all they know. Babies are not born Democrat or Republican. This is but something more that they learn. Most often in the not-too-distant past, children learned political views from their parents. But good, decent parents today send their children to colleges and universities for career education and these yet incompletely-molded minds sit under Liberal Professors who find it their calling to create little Liberals of them all. When the “children” come home, they see their parents as “unenlightened” and right away begin to feel their superior academic learning. This is one of the major problems we now see; our young people emerging as adults with a mind bent to the Left. I knew a man years ago who was my Sunday School teacher for a while. He had five daughters who wanted to be teachers. Therefore, he sent them to a good state-supported university but with one proviso: If they worked their way through the first year of school, he’d pay the other three. All five girls became good school teachers. Remember, though, that while this may seem a good practice, that was about 1960 and schools today are not generally what they were 50 years ago and should yet be. University professors get a Liberal Arts education. Liberal! Get it? When I studied engineering in the 70’s, one required course was American Government. The teacher was a degreed psychiatrist, now a professor, who was always talking about the evils of Nixon. When he was questioned why he constantly talked about Nixon and not about American Government, his remark was, “Nixon is a good example of what government should not be.” Instead of teaching what government was designed to be and should be, he only talked about, what was to him, the negatives. More Alinsky: Isolate and Ridicule. If we learn well what Isolate and Ridicule represents as a socialist strategy, then we can see examples of the Contradiction of Liberalism in general and of the Democrats and MSM in particular. Good people tend to avoid the Leftist philosophy but it pays high dividends to learn what the enemy of American Freedom is all about. We must know what drives the Liberal, and this includes those in Washington and the MSM. If we know where they want to go and what they want to do, we can do better at forming resistance to it. In a sense, the world of the Liberal is upside-down. They go into anything from the other end, usually the wrong end and not the Right end. When someone on the Right proposes anything that the Left abhors, they try to undo it, try to counter it and will, if at all possible, contradict explanations of the Right’s proposal. Again, it’s what they know, it’s what they do. Nothing productive and nothing good comes from anything once the Liberal gets hold of it. We can see another interesting contradiction that parallels that of the Left. It is the contradiction of God vs. Satan. All of us who are Christians know that God is good, Satan is evil. God is true and the father of Truth while Satan is the father of The Great Lie. Bring to mind anything that is of God and immediately one finds Satan right there with the contradiction. But, isn’t this the same thing with the Democrats and Liberals in general? It is as if they cannot allow the truth to stand lest their existence also comes into question. The word “Liberal” has to be defined here. Liberal has the older, traditional meaning of being flexible and moving with the times in an appropriate way while maintaining the old standards and landmarks. To the Liberals of today, though, the word means being “open-minded” and wanting change. Change for change’s sake. Not for the good, for the most part, and they look for any little reason to fight for change without seeing the benefits of keeping hard to the course nor the ramifications of change for the mere idea of change. There are also examples of this, as seen in the following: We saw this with the Shah of Iran. A man friendly with America and what she stood for and yet stands for but the Liberals, pontificated at the time by a puerile, grinning Jimmy Carter, just had to have change. We saw this with Mubarak of Egypt who was man also friendly and respectful with America and what she stands for. And, incidentally, I spent five weeks in Cairo in the mid-nineties and saw no animosity to Americans. None whatsoever! But the Liberals had to have change and what do we see coming out of the woodwork? Every kind of low-life anti-American and many of them have been imported from Gaza, I suspect. Then we saw what happened with Qaddafi. He was a man who “worked” his way up from a mere corporal in the Libyan Army to being the top man in the country. I suspect that he did it in a way that would remind one of the career climb of Khrushchev in the USSR; by eliminating the opposition. But, I’m now reminded of how Obama “eliminated” his opposition when running for office from Indiana and attempts to destroy his opponents in 2008. But that is another story — or is it? Anyway, Liberals/Democrats did not consider that Qaddafi had changed from being an outright foe of America to a person with whom we could talk to and cooperate with. Was he a perfect man? Well, who is perfect in this world? Anyway, because “the people did not like him” Qaddafi was replaced with, either in fact or by influence, the Muslim Brotherhood, same as in Egypt. Change for Change’s sake with no imagination or vision to the future — or did it merely fit into a greater plan, that of upsetting the rapport existing between Israel and America that has withstood attack time-after-time since the reestablishment of the Nation of Israel The world is indeed in full upset mode, upside-down and with gloom and doom on the horizon where “hope and change” is the motto and the aftermath of installing a yet unvetted leader. We must go into and through this with both eyes wide open and our minds in high gear. The Liberal “geniuses” are finished nibbling about the American Pie and are now going at it full thrust. They are not hiding it, anymore. And you have to ask why? Are they so certain of overcoming the greatest nation on earth that an Australian could say for them, “No worries!” — or, does the Liberal Left believe that Obama & Co. has all the dots connected and no matter what, they will have the upper hand? With stories about the “hollow point bullets” and “closing down communications/Internet” and exposure to other “logical” universal Leftist tactics, those things are indeed logically and technically possible. However, we must not wake up some morning and discover it is too late to make a change or even a correction in the right direction. Will we find that we are indeed in a game that we are losing, that we cannot change the rules of the game and then find that we cannot even get out of the game? In the word Contradiction, we find an implied meaning of Lie if it contradicts the truth. We must always be ready with the truth. When we are on the side of the Truth and some knurd comes along and says, with intelligently raised eyebrows, “But, ….” then we will know right away that we are dealing with a person who wants to contradict the truth and thus marks him/herself as either a potential or outright liar. These types will try to “occupy” your mind and time. Waste no time on them because as long as you talk with them, they are keeping you from spreading the truth to others. Truth has its own merit and reward. From its initial point of delivery, Truth continues to grow in acceptability and strength. Be aware, though, how the Left will try to distort and turn the truth into a lie. This means you must tell the truth emphatically and often and part of this Truth is then exposing the Lies from the Left. Can we get the country back? Because of apathy and inability for far too many to not recognize the dangers proposed by the Left, it is not clearly predictable. But the attempt, the struggling and push to do what is right, is better than not trying at all to restore the country to her previous greatness. It is not good or proper to merely “go along” with apologies for a lack of greatness, either. We are unique as a nation but We the People are like schools in that schools are no better than their teachers. We as a nation are no greater than the people who make up the nation. The true geniuses, the hard workers, the entrepreneurs, the ambitious, the good and decent — these are what make us what we are and what makes America what she is. Along with this greatness is not allowing the takeover of the country by those who predominately have some sort of “personal greatness” but it resides mainly or only in their own minds. Our message must be the one that overcomes the Mental Midgets that surround us and yet want to dominate us with their supposed intelligence. We must also remember that what brought us to this greatness was not strictly national greatness; it was the accumulation of great people and minds that made/make up our nation. We see what is happening in the country now, though. I’m sure that great people with great minds are out there who must rise up and make things happen IF we are to return to America’s previous greatness, which is not a bad thing, as some Liberals would like us to believe. As much as the naive Left tries to say that it is “old-fashioned” to revert to a former greatness, to even think this way, We the People know that it is something we need right now. From that point, a larger greatness will emerge, one with the knowledge and experience to avoid being suckered again by a slickster with no experience and a piddling amount of store-bought, unproven knowledge.

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Bob Lunsford——

Mr. Lunsford is a retired DoD telecommunications engineer, linguist and world traveler now living in eastern Kentucky. Still active in radio communications, he has several books copyrighted, one of which is now in final process of publication. He is politically motivated and, as much as possible, politically active.
