
Have they no shame whatsoever?

The SEIU and other DNC Shenanigans

I am listening to the CSPAN broadcast of the Democrat Convention in Charlotte, NC. Well, as much as I can while trying to hold down my lunch.
One of the first speakers at the Democrat National Convention was a woman from the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) that contributed heavily to The Obamaroid's election in 2008 and is now geared up to work for his reelection, no doubt with the help of other unions. It appears that the DNC also represents Payback Time for both Obama and the Unions. Have they no shame whatsoever? The good part is that this can be exposed if enough people point this out. It must not be forgotten or glossed over. The major problem is that those who would/will vote for Obama are usually people who would not care if Obama is a murderer, which he is for being so much for and accepting abortion (especially partial-birth abortion) because if he goes along with it, this represents Accessory after the Fact in the Law. Also, those would vote for Obama and the Democrats — no matter what — even if he is an outright crook, which he is for using Air Force One for personal ambition such as in making personal speaking engagements.

When I was in Government Service for 31 years, they'd have called using Air Force One Misuse of Government Equipment. Sure, I heard the rumor that the use of the plane is repaid but does this also account for the military pilots, crew, etc., that are incidental to his trips? I think not. These are some of those "hidden expenses" we all hear about and that the government usually prefers to ignore. Those who will not ever and never vote for The Obamaroid will not change their minds; They have seen quite enough already and what they continue to see causes them to solidify their stance against Obama & Co and, of course, the Democrat Way. However, every day brings something new to justify pointing the accusing finger at Obama's administration. The primary people who would or could be swayed by the Democrat Convention are the independents or undecided. But if they are not alerted or informed where deception is at play, they will possibly opt for Obama since they could erroneously conclude that it cannot get worse for them and the country and could possibly get better. They do not realize, in many cases, that there is indeed a point of no return and many experts say we have crossed that threshold or, at least, that we are quickly coming to that point. Writers need to be encouraged and energized to go on the attack by writing articles and publishing them in various places where the undecided frequent. The message in those articles needs to be one of information and enlightenment, citing provable points and, in a sense, make an attempt to "educate" those who plainly do not know. This message is needed NOW and not later. If we do not write and point out where Obama and the Democrats have "missed the mark," they will naturally remember the last message they hear and that should not be the DNC message where there are obvious attempts to distort, distract and focus on some "heartfelt" aspect of government targeted toward women/mothers, usually with some emotional emphasis, rather than jobs, the economy and other more-important issues of the day.

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Bob Lunsford——

Mr. Lunsford is a retired DoD telecommunications engineer, linguist and world traveler now living in eastern Kentucky. Still active in radio communications, he has several books copyrighted, one of which is now in final process of publication. He is politically motivated and, as much as possible, politically active.
