
Simple solutions are simply stupid. Such was the case of the Goreian Climate Model

Recusant Picadores Circle the IPCC

Occasionally scientific enquiry leads to an elegantly simplistic solution. However, most often, simple solutions are simply stupid. And such was the case of the Goreian Climate Model. Nothing is more simplistic than the superstition that a single, naturally occurring, mandatory for life, atmospheric molecule can control the Earth’s climate.

The Hadley Research Centre computer hacking is a watershed event in human history. It is during pivotal times of crisis, when there is moral clarity, which have always defined our civilized world. During these times, the prior moralities form a collage that will then focus humanity in a new direction. There is an at present, a nebulas figure, who has directed the recently revealed Science Cardinals to issue Carbon Indulgences and this is stirring the mass demand for Reformation. There is a display of entitlement and arrogance which is increasing the mass desire for public demonstrations of the guillotine. There is the hijacking of our highest level of technological achievement and crashing them into our financial heart. But most of all there is the collective conscious raised by the demonic actions of totalitarian forces which are hell bent on global domination. It is the Fall of the Berlin Wall for these evil, would be masters. It is time for the New Magna Carta. It is time for the purge and reboot. For the lead AGW climate scientists, this will be sudden and decisive, due to behavior so abhorrent that none can condone. There is a fairy tale cast of climate charlatans to be the lead lambs. There is Phil “Butcher” Jones who has slaughtered and packaged the data. There is James “Baker” Hansen, who willingly heated the climate information in his control. Dr Michael “Hockey Stick Maker” Mann carved up a marvel of mathematics. The best quote on Dr. MM is from Dr Tim Ball who stated that….”Dr Mann is in transition from Penn State to State Pen”. We can only hope he does a better job with license plates than he did with hockey sticks. Hey Doc, give this story a happy ending, just ‘Mann up’ and tell us who the real puppet masters are. After these lambs we must address the duplicitous professional societies, the patsy mass media and the corrupt government officials who propagated this crime. If you haven’t noticed it yet, there has never been any public debate on climate change. The detractors to AGW are unfunded, loosely organized and media marginalized. The proponents are entrenched dependants of their politically feeders. Science is by definition debate. It is time for true and open debate. It is time for meaningful mea culpa from our “peer review panels” and from what MM affectionately refers to in his emails as the “prestige press”. One of the most visible proponents of this press is the self anointed scientist, Chris Mooney of Discover Magazine. Though unwilling to engage in public debate he does snipe at detractors from his position as leader of the lemming parade. His Ivy League pedigree and Disney funding over-ride his vacuous scientific underpinnings. This under endowed genius wannabe has been most venomous and vocal in his attack on deniers. One need only read the titles of Mr. Mooney’s great coauthored works to understand his sophomoric perspective. His first great work was the sinistral screed, The Republican War On Science, which is testament to his orientation. One must wonder if Issac Newton dwelt on the Tory/Whig implications of gravity. Mr. Mooney’s currently promoting his second great fiction, subtitled How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens the Future. In this tome he extols the virtues of genetically modified foods, the wisdom of forced vaccinations along with the sanctity of the IPCC climate model. The actual title of this diatribe would better used for Mr. Mooney’s autobiography, The Unscientific American. Mr. Mooney needs to get out of the Disney kiddy pool and visit the real world. The blessed Hadley hacking has removed one chair from the climate musical chair game but not ended the debate. Minor climate fluctuations are largely solar related. But there will be a captivating debate to come on the Solar Only Theory vs Geo-nuclear Forcing Theory as to which is the largest factor in major climate shifts. Civilization exists in a thin margin between hellish molten rock just 20 miles below us and the absolute zero vacuum of outer space just 20 miles above us. In this thin margin we must deal with the vulgarities of both nature and of man. We know very little about the two greatest climate variables on Earth. Less than 5% of the world’s oceans have been studied. There is little direct knowledge of the rocky crust that we formerly considered terra firma. The molten rock ‘mantel’ is separated from the land mass areas of the globe by 20 miles of rock but under the ocean by less than one mile of solid rock. With 70% of the surface area and only a thin rock barrier, it is obvious that the oceans are giant heat sinks for the enormous and variable Geo-nuclear energy. Please read The Motive Force For All Climate Change for analysis of this great energy source. The oceans are a vast buffering system for both the geo-nuclear and direct solar heat transfers. For a dramatic demonstration of heat transfer coefficient expose yourself to low temperature air and water. Hypothermia which takes hours in air, takes only minutes in the same temperature of water. The mass and thermal storage of the oceans dwarf the thermal storage of the atmosphere. In September, 2008 Science Daily reported newly discovered ocean floor geysers off the Costa Rica Pacific coast. An almost undetectable change in temperature over vast ocean areas are the cause the El Nino/La Nina cycles and are the real climate drivers. The deepest open mine in the world is Tau Tona in South Africa. This gold mine is 11,760 feet deep, with an ambient temperature of over 130 F and rock wall pressures of almost 1.5 million pounds per square foot. This intense pressure causes sudden explosions of all exposed rock surfaces. It is doubtful that even narrow shafts will exceeded this depth in the near future. The deepest drilled hole is the 40,230 foot deep Russian Kola site. Ambient temperature at this depth reached 356 F and forced the end to drilling. It is doubtful that a drilled well will ever exceed this depth. We are severely limited in our direct knowledge of our dear planet. The currently Hollywood block buster, 2012, is based on solar neutrino bombardment causing massive Earth changes. The screenwriters may have accidently stumbled on the real cause of climate change. Neutrinos do strike the 700,000 cubic miles of fissionable Earth elements causing nuclear chain reactions. But neutrinos are not limited to just solar emissions. Neutrinos are also produced by Galactic sources and are produced at the upper atmosphere by nuclear decay of Nitrogen from solar and galactic cosmic rays. Particle bombardment causes nuclear decay, which can cause nuclear decay in adjoining atoms. It takes 14 pounds of Uranium to set off a sustained chain reaction bomb. The breakdown on one Uranium atom releases 2 million times the energy of a chemical bond breakdown. That is the reason that a tiny amount of Uranium in a bomb is measured in megatons of TNT. Adding a source of Hydrogen then multiplies this force by 30 times. There is little that humanity can do to overcome the hellish conditions of the natural world. Adding small amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide is too trivial a problem to deal with. What humanity can and MUST do is to control the hellish nature of man. With the Hadley hacking the Humpty-Dumpty is off the wall and it is time for all to get off the fence. Either you stand with humanity and freedom or you stand with the forces of the intentional evil and the insatiably greedy. To those with childish dreams to rule as new world kings, let us inform you of a few new things. The tables have turned, your motives are laid bared. The henchmen defected, the rooks are not there. The pawns are marching and the moment is near. The nightmare unfolding is your greatest fear. In the battle of species let me explain, it is the mammals, who will wash, your reptilian brain. In epic times there are endless metaphors for refrain, but let us close with a quote for those We distain: We shall fight on the beaches, We Shall Fight On The Landing Grounds, WE SHALL FIGHT IN THE FIELDS AND IN THE STREETS, WE SHALL FIGHT IN THE HILLS, WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER ! ! ! (Did We make ourselves clear ?)

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Joseph A Olson, PE——

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.
