
Mr. Ryan offers a skill of communicating the truth that is capable of refuting the lies from the Progressive side of the divide

Batman Taps Robin in His Quest to Oust Anarky and Two-Face!

It appears that the tag-teams have been determined for the General Election bout on November 6th, assuming Gaffe Biden doesn’t open his mouth and insert both of his feet again. Mitt Romney assumed a Bruce Wayne/Batman-like demeanor in tapping Paul Ryan as his Dick Grayson/Robin sidekick. We certainly need to have two individuals who will be able to withstand the lies and assaults of the Leftist/Progressive/Socialist/Marxist/Communist cabal imbedded within both of our political parties and Goebbels media, currently headed by the villainous Anarky/Obama and Two-Face/Biden regime.
Mr. Ryan represents a bridge to the conservatives within the party and with Independents, but he is hardly radical. He has authored an adult/parent-like, measured reform and he is capable of articulating his positions in a manner that is understandable by the average voter, assuming the voter understands the gravity of our current reality and is open to reasonable reform. Sadly, many voters can’t handle the truth; witness the lies for which many in the electorate have fallen, repeatedly electing serial offenders to return to the District of Corruption, allowing these repeat offenders to amass wealth and power over those they have sworn an oath to serve. Job #1 in this election is to evict the current Occupier-in-Chief from the White House, legally and constitutionally, but he must be evicted! He represents the most dangerous threat to our constitutional republic since the original patriots won our freedom from the British crown. He dances at the end of the strings pulled by the Bilderberger/U. N./IMF Axis, and, as with all narcissists, he has let the power of his being a bully puppet go to his head. We need a regime change!

So, what does the GOP alternative offer? While former Governor Romney has both private and public executive experience, I am not convinced that he is his own man. He certainly isn’t a conservative’s conservative! I trust his private side instincts, but I question his public side instincts. The higher up a person goes in politics, the more savagely selfish the company that he/she keeps becomes. The Axis has been covering its bets in American politics for decades, forcing it’s will upon the American electorate by infiltrating and controlling the Primary process within both the Devilcrat and Gutless Opposition Parties. It is obvious that Mr. Romney is their ‘Plan B,’ should the American electorate turn on their current ‘Puppet-in-Chief.’ We haven’t had a genuine conservative choice for President since Ronald Reagan beat the odds by defeating the Axis and his Devilcrat opponents for his two terms in office. Some politicians in each party have sold their souls and votes for the idiocy of an oppressive agenda, helping these weak pukes feel superior. Others have lusted for money and power. Either way, our ‘representative’ government has been anything but representative for quite some time! If elected, will Romney-Ryan crusade for a return of our Federal government to one that is representative of the electorate, or just return us to the pre-Occupier-in-Chief, top-down abuse by our Federal government? Of those who were included in the final consideration, Mr. Ryan was the best option for Mr. Romney’s VP pick. With the choice of Representative Paul Ryan, Mr. Romney may have actually displayed some personal daring. As I have stated before, Mr. Romney needs to go rogue from the GOP elite and Axis puppeteers in order to communicate with the party base and begin the changes needed to restore our constitutional republic. To that end, will Paul Ryan be given the opportunity to speak candidly on key and crucial issues, or will a muzzle be placed upon him, and will he be indoctrinated into the stealth Progressive assault upon our republic? Being from Wisconsin and with the resounding victory of Governor Scott Walker, and, by extension, the taxpaying citizens of the state earlier this year, let’s hope that Paul Ryan’s coat-strings pay dividends on November 6th. Even if a majority of the electorate across the nation votes to banish Barack, we also need to have enough Electoral College votes to seal the deal. Mr. Ryan has made his bones on the national stage in addressing the budget and our fiscal malaise. The Occupier-in-Chief (Anarky) and his savage hounds howl that Mr. Romney, Mr. Ryan and the GOP will change Medicare, as we know it. The fact that changes must be made to Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid is not in question. None of these programs can be sustained without major, fiscally responsible changes. The longer it takes to enact constructive changes that will lead to their sustainability, the more arbitrary and draconian the changes will be. The difference between the Batman/Robin strategy and the Anarky/Two-Face agenda is the difference between a rough landing and a crash landing. In addressing our onerous fiscal issues, will Mr. Ryan address the unfair entitlements entrenched within the unconstitutional departments and agencies (the EPA, Department of Education, etc.)? These departments and agencies are bankrupting our country by sucking energy and money from the private sector via enviable wages and benefits, leases, etc., while offering little to nothing in the way of tangible benefits for the American taxpayer. In fact, in advancing the Progressive agenda, they are acting counter to the best interests of our economy, children and taxpaying citizens. Also, will he be addressing the immoral, auto-increasing Baseline Budget, allowing the Federal government to grow exponentially over time, without regard towards revenues collected? Will he incorporate his reform of government to include the rescinding of the unrestricted oppression of Dodd-Frank and adhering to Amendment X, or will he shrink from being an advocate of true reform, saddling us with more of what has been pushing us towards the fiscal cliff long before the current income tax-rate standoff? Lobbyists will lobby vehemently against any changes to their golden calf of the status quo centered within the District of Corruption, allowing these unelected carpetbaggers and scalawags to amass great power and wealth while stealing the American dream from us and future generations. It is heartening to read that Mr. Ryan subscribes to the concept of ‘subsidiarity,’ which is a cousin concept to Amendment X to our constitution. Government should be the last resort for caring for those in need, and the Federal government should be the last in line of the levels of government to do so. In fact, it is an expression of a lack of faith and compassion to interject government where faith and compassion offer the best solutions for those in need, without the advancement of hidden agendas. Hopefully, Mr. Ryan is against the intrusion of U. N. Agenda 21 throughout all levels of government and its devastating economic and cultural impact upon us. If elected, Mr. Romney will be the symbolic head of the GOP. Mr. Ryan will be called upon to support the agenda and actions of Mr. Romney. We can’t expect both Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan to be totally in sync on all issues, but it will help if there is a strong foundation of shared beliefs on the most compelling issues we face and a genuine respect of each other by each other. It should be interesting to watch the debates, especially the lone debate between Mr. Ryan and ‘Don’t mess with me’ Gaffe Biden, especially with Martha ‘Radical’ Raddatz as the ‘moderator’. As a six-term U. S. Representative, Mr. Ryan should be able to overcome some of the bias of the moderator and the distortions of Gaffe Biden in a manner that is understandable by the American voter, engaged or disengaged. I look forward to good old Gaffe Biden being frustrated and doing his best impression of Jeff Dunham’s character, ‘Walter,’ scowling, combative and sarcastic. Mr. Ryan’s leadership will be missed within the House of Representatives, but this vacancy opens the way for a new constitutional conservative to emerge from within his district to fill the void. Mr. Ryan has performed on the national stage, but not at this level of the national stage. The Goebbels media will perform its form of investigative colonoscopy upon Mr. Ryan while continuing to shield the Oppressor-in-Chief from equal inspection, so we shouldn’t come unhinged when the media float untrue allegations (lies). With the absence of the wisdom of King Solomon within the leadership of both political parties’ elites to influence the exposure of deceit within government, the average, distracted voter remains ignorant of the facts on a wide range of issues. With the Goebbels media editing the truth to fit the Progressive agenda, it will take a gifted communicator to override the media in an attempt to level the playing field. Assuming the masterminds of the Romney candidacy don’t muzzle Mr. Ryan, will his ideas and principles be allowed to be heard through the ‘in-the-tank-for-Obama’ media? Based upon the editing to the ‘60 Minutes’ segment of August 12th, it appears highly unlikely the media will allow the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to reach the proletariat public. If the media change their stripes and allow the truth to be heard, Mr. Ryan offers a skill of communicating the truth that is capable of refuting the lies from the Progressive side of the divide. This could place all swing states into play for the GOP, in spite of the GOP’s rudderless, elitist leadership. I am prayerful that the Romney-Ryan tandem will prevail on November 6th so that we have an opportunity to halt the purposeful destruction of our constitutional republic and begin to restore our wounded republic to the vibrancy that has been our hallmark, in spite of weak and greedy individuals within our government. Once in office, will they act in a way to justify our vote, or will we be hearing the rumblings of a new, Constitutional Party once again? Let’s pray Batman, Robin, and constitutionalist members of the GOP in the House and Senate act in office as they campaigned for office, saving us from the Satan-like agenda of Anarky, Two-Face and the Devilcrats seeded within both parties.

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
