
Conservatives, Libertarians, Liberals, Republicans

How do We Rescue Our Country?

The pain of the results of the General Election continues to sting without abatement. As we see our blessed republic continue being ripped asunder by our President, VP, the AG, the HHS Secretary, the Democrat Party, the GOP elite, the co-conspirators within the Goebbels media, lobbyists, and every jealous hood rat who can lie, cheat and steal, it can be easy to be depressed as the worst people within our society appear to be succeeding. All of their ‘success’ is occurring in spite of their veiled attacks upon the middle class and the poor. The question many people are asking is, ‘How do we rescue our country from the lawless?’
With the dark clouds of our government amassing over the populace, we need to take a step back from overseeing the purposeful destruction of our constitutional republic. We need to quit our insanity of believing that explaining mature, common sense concepts to irrational and emotionally impotent greed drones in the way we have traditionally done so will win the day, let alone an election. Also, we need to end the insanity of playing their game and trying to restore sanity without the help of God. As important as the Benghazi massacre, ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the EPA attacks, the ‘illegal’ immigration issue, etc., are, until we reaffirm ourselves to God and reconnect with our children, all issues are little importance. We are truly living in the ‘ME generation,’ and we need to develop a new voice for our beliefs. The following solutions may be somewhat unconventional, but isn’t it time we jump off of the insanity treadmill? We need divine intervention and a paradigm shift in tactics to promote our message and to save us from the D. C. plague. The common narrative for our immediate need is that we need an economical and a political climate that encourages a breakthrough for increased employment opportunities. Those inside the District of Corruption need to begin earning their taxpayer-funded salaries and benefits, although, with all of the greedy Communists in our government, this isn’t much of a likelihood until we change the people we send to D. C. Most of those there have proven themselves unworthy of their offices, so constructive change must come from us.

First, we need to be thankful we live in a constitutional republic. We haven’t sunk to the depths of Europe and elsewhere, in spite of the efforts of many within each party. We also have our families, each other, and, at this time, we are able to profess our faith and speak freely, if in a somewhat limiting capacity. Exuding an attitude of gratitude is an expression of faith that can sustain us in times of trial. Assuming enough Republicans, especially in the House of Representatives, live up to their oaths of office, they can blunt the efforts of both those within the ‘Santacrat’ Party and the leaders within their own party. The constitution has persevered for over two-hundred thirty-six years, so let’s pray it has the tensile strength of the rebar used in constructing skyscrapers and bridges, in an effort to withstand the forces of evil within our government and populace. Secondly, we need to find our humility. When we see our families, faith and freedoms threatened, it is easy to lash out at the perpetrators, but this usually only emboldens the unprincipled and immoral wretches that they are. We need to be in a position to ask God for His divine intervention in blunting the clandestine, Communist-oriented/U. N. blitzkrieg that threatens our families, faith and freedoms. Thirdly, we need to recognize what we are up against without sugarcoating it. What is happening is not by happenstance. It is difficult to admit that many of those within our elected government are intentionally destroying our constitutional republic, but, sometimes, the truth hurts. The hood rats are working feverishly to ram through a Pandora’s Box of Leftist laws and regulations to push us towards a Communist/Marxist/Fascist nightmare for all freedom loving American patriots. Being in America, if creating an atmosphere for jobs was really job number one, don’t you believe our employment picture would be much rosier, considering the billions of dollars recklessly spent by the regime? This campaign slogan is little more than the carnival barking of a politician who can’t run and govern based upon accomplishment, so he and his henchmen and women are forced to rely upon character assassination, threats, innuendo and dictate. Fourth, we need to be willing to sacrifice. I’m not talking about the type of sacrifice used to build a business, or for the season of Lent. I’m talking about reaffirming our morals and principles, and rearranging our schedules to take the action necessary to begin restoring our constitutional republic. Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. A Democrat spoke one of the greatest quotes in our nation’s history with passionate leadership when he proclaimed, ‘… Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.’ Isn’t it sad that the party of JFK has drifted so far from the pier of common sense? So, what radical changes can we make to rescue our families and our republic from the menagerie of hood rats atop our government and society? For starters, we can begin tithing appropriately. Matthew 22:18 – 21 ‘Jesus recognized their bad faith and said to them, ‘Why are you trying to trip me up, you hypocrites? Show me the coin used for the tax.’ When they handed him a small Roman coin, he asked them, “Whose head is this, and whose inscription?” ‘Caesar’s,’ they replied. At that, he said to them, ‘Then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but give to God what is God’s.” On average, Catholics tithe less than 2%, Protestants less than 3% and Jews less than 4%. Aren’t we to tithe at 10%? We give to Caesar his full due, but we skimp on what we give to God. How screwed up is this? And we wonder why we have fiscal problems! This will require sacrifice and the kind of faith that God commands that we have. This may require a reprioritization of expenditures, but with what we are facing, this will be mandatory for all but the wealthy. Is it time to drop cable? How about the NFL package? Think about this; if we tithed appropriately, with the exception of playing Santa Claus 365 days of the year for those here illegally, there would be no need for ‘social justice.’ In today’s environment, where taxes dominate many discussions, the least charitable people within our society are using social justice as a weapon against those who believe in limited government. Government-dictated charity is not charity, it is a tax! It also robs the giver and receiver of the special and spiritual experience that only genuine charity can provide to both parties. The next time you talk with a liberal/social justice advocate, why not ask him/her how much he/she tithes and gives to the less fortunate? Most ‘social justice’ advocates are hypocrites, and they need to be exposed! We need to tighten our connections with family and friends, or reconnect with them. If things devolve as they are shaping up to do, we need to have people upon whom we can trust and depend. In reconnecting, we will be in a better position to act in the following ways. Many public schools in too many districts have been hijacked by the NEA into being little more than unconstitutional, secular, and even hedonistic, U. N. Agenda 21, and ‘green’ indoctrination camps for developing foot soldiers for the dictatorial Left. Too many of these goose-steppers are good little soldiers, even if they can’t read or write, and lack a command of true history. We know many of our schools are failing our children, especially in the poorer school districts, so people keep voting for higher taxes, as if this will solve the problems. Again, let’s jump off of the insanity treadmill. If teachers won’t be teachers, parents need to become the teachers. This will demand time and sacrifice, but the alternative is to stay with the status quo. Can we afford to continue allowing agenda-driven teachers to steal the emotional and intellectual talents of our children? Isn’t a brainwashed student just as threatening as a Democrat in elected/appointed office? A bonus for doing the job of a teacher is that parents can vote ‘NO’ on any future tax increase without any feelings of guilt. Tax increases are the oxygen the NEA needs to expand its agenda. We need to asphyxiate, financially, those who have abdicated their responsibilities to our children and all taxpaying citizens, just as the majority of those elected to office have abandoned their oaths of office. Another area to recapture control is in the sporting and extracurricular arenas. How many children are involved in tournaments/events that span the entire weekend, and I mean, the entire weekend? When is there time for church? Who is in control, the children, the coaches, the parents, or the tournament coordinator? Leagues and tournaments shouldn’t dictate schedules, parents should! Is it any wonder why the younger generations believe more in government than in God because sporting or other events trump attending church and developing a relationship with God? God shouldn’t be the ‘ace-in-the-whole’ to get us out of challenging situations, but, rather, the focal point of our lives. Wouldn’t voters be better able to see beyond the lies of politicians if they were connected with our one, true Savior? As for those who have been elected to serve us, the system is broken. Unless we know a politician personally, we can’t afford the luxury of trusting any of them. I don’t mean meeting a politician at a town hall or a fundraising event. I mean where we have gotten to know him/her, sharing more than political niceties. True friends won’t turn on each other, but a politician will turn on a dime, if not trillions! Conservatives need to better articulate the devastating effects of past and current policies, legislation and regulations. For instance, instead of pontificating about how much debt per person is being foisted upon each of us, we need to show how this suffocating debt will affect each of us in the here-and-now, especially those on the other side of the political star-gate. Most people can’t fathom the per capita debt, and to what they can’t understand, they won’t give credence. We need to address all issues from perspectives in a manner that invites discussion. Without discussion, there is no opportunity of conversion to our side of the political star-gate. Additionally, we need to ask why those on the other side feel and believe the way they do. There are reasons! As in sales, until you understand why a person owns something, in this case, a political and/or religious point of view, you can’t ask the additional questions necessary to help him/her make better decisions for himself/herself. If this approach works for the bad guys, shouldn’t it work for us, too? Conservatives and Libertarians have one, possibly three decisions to make, and these decisions must be made ASAP. First, do they stay in the GOP, where they have been used and abused, and will continue to be used and abused by the arrogant elite who partner with the ‘Santacrats’ to preserve the status quo? If not, do they have the guts to establish a true third party, ready to fill ballot positions at the local, county, state and Federal levels? Even if the unbelievable were to occur and a third party Presidential candidate was to be elected, he/she cannot succeed without a phalanx to support him/her and his/her agenda once in office. Even more importantly, can the Conservatives and Libertarians come together to form a party that can compete with the two-headed pit viper that has built a nest within the cradle of our government? Our families, freedoms and republic eagerly await answers to these questions. If the choice is to remain within the GOP, Conservatives and Libertarians must rally to the basic offices of precinct committee person and membership on the local school boards. We can build from the ground up, but we don’t have the luxury of time to accomplish the Herculean task of rescuing our country. Lord, please have mercy upon our souls as we endeavor to rescue our republic from those who seek its and our demise. May God continue to bless us and our republic, in spite of ourselves, and may every American enjoy a bountiful and rejuvenating Thanksgiving!

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
