
Dennis Jamison

Dennis Jamison reinvented his life after working for a multi-billion dollar division of Johnson & Johnson for several years. Currently retired from West Valley College in California, where he taught for nearly 10 years, he now writes articles on history and American freedom for various online publications. Formerly a contributor to the Communities at the Washington Times and Fairfax Free Citizen, his more current articles appear in Canada Free Press and Communities Digital News. During the 2016 presidential primaries, he was the leader of a network of writers, bloggers, and editors who promoted the candidacy of Dr. Ben Carson. Jamison founded "We the People" - Patriots, Pilgrims, Prophets Writers’ Network and the Citizen Sentinels Network. Both are volunteer groups for grassroots citizen-journalists and activists intent on promoting and preserving the inviolable God-given freedoms rooted in the founding documents. Jamison also co-founded RedAmericaConsulting to identify, counsel, and support citizen-candidates, who may not have much campaign money, but whose beliefs and deeds reflect the role of public servants rather than power-hungry politicians. ​

Most Recent Articles by Dennis Jamison:

The Value of Motherhood from Another Time, Not Long Ago

In the past year, several political reverberations, or ‘aftershocks’ have swept through the nation over the SCOTUS sending Roe v Wade back to the states to determine the future of abortion in America. There are numerous implications and outcomes that are still shaking things up across the nation as a result of last year’s reversal in the Supreme Court ruling. Yet, when one deeply looks at the abortion issue from a more comprehensive perspective, the heart of he matter has to do a great deal with the essence of motherhood, or the value our culture places on life itself.

- Sunday, May 12, 2024

George Washington's True Birthday: Reason To Honor The Father of Our Country

At the beginning of the week, Monday was celebrated by many Americans as “President’s Day.” However, it is a minor example of the major confusion existing within our nation and the desire of people to do whatever they want. In truth, Congress had designated the third Monday of the month of February to be a federal holiday to remember George Washington’s birthday.

- Thursday, February 22, 2024

Reflections on Pearl Harbor and Propaganda

As much as the world is being shaken by the two major ongoing wars, and concerned about America’s intervention into these wars, as a nation we still have a choice to become involved in these wars or to abstain. After December 7, 1941, America had little choice to become involved in WWII. The nation was directly attacked by the Japanese Imperial military and plunged into a war whether the nation was ready or willing to get involved. Japan’s militaristic government had directed a deliberate and calculated military attack upon the military installation of the United States in Pearl Harbor. It was an unmistakable act of war.

- Friday, December 8, 2023

Thanksgiving – a time to assess our roots – to reaffirm our values!

On Thanksgiving Day this year, a majority of Americans will partake in various activities to celebrate the historic holiday. Celebrations usually involve a hearty meal of one sort or another, and the centerpiece is the food (and oftentimes football). Additionally, there are many families of faith who will still sincerely express gratitude for the blessings they received during the year and that was the original centerpiece of celebrating this traditional holiday.

- Friday, November 24, 2023

“Honoring Veterans in 2023: Re-Igniting the Flickering Flame of Freedom”

Today is the traditional day established as “Veterans’ Day” for American citizens to take time to remember our nations’ veterans. Hopefully, most Americans will take some time from their busy weekends to remember the veterans. In reflecting on honoring veterans this year, it became real apparent that Veterans Day came right after the elections on Tuesday, which were fairly dismal commentaries on the lack of morality rampant in our nation in such a time as this.

- Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Sound of Freedom -- An Alarm Bell for All of God's Children

Recently a colleague, Jack Gleason, wrote an article for Canada Free Press asking a very pertinent and pressing question: Is the “Sound of Freedom” the next “Shot Heard Round the World?” Millions of Americans have already seen this movie and it is breaking box office records on revenue in the midst of other summer blockbuster movies. However, for those readers who have not seen this movie – you need to, as Gleason’s question is spot on regarding the freedom of our children. In my humble opinion, the story of this quest to free the entrapped, enslaved, as well as the sex-ploited children has just begun. The movie may be just the beginning of the fight for the freedom of God’s children.

- Monday, August 14, 2023

Celebrating Bastille Day as France May Be Spiraling Closer to Another French Revolution

As France came closer to the annual Bastille Day celebration on July 14 of this year, it proved truly ironic that the nation seems to be on the brink of another French-styled revolution. This recent rioting and violence had been sparked by an incident at the end of June in which police shot a 17 year-old boy, Nahel M. when he refused to comply with an order to stop the vehicle he was driving. The protests and rioting broke out in the Paris suburb of Nanterre shortly after the botched traffic stop. The incident was filmed by civilians, and violence quickly spread to other poor suburbs (known as banlieues) and to other major cities such as Lyon and Marseille.

- Friday, July 14, 2023

Juneteenth: Extending Liberty and Justice To All

Today is Juneteenth, a holiday that not many Americans understood as a holiday possibly less than twenty years ago, but it was instituted just after the Civil War. Juneteenth commemorates the day of June 19, 1865, when slaves in Galveston, Texas, first learned the American Civil War was over and they had received their long awaited liberation. It was a day of celebration, with singing, dancing, and feasting. Although the American Civil War ended in April of 1865, when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate forces at Appomattox, in Virginia, news of the end of that devastating war took until June to reach Texas.

- Monday, June 19, 2023

Flag Day and an Army of Freedom to Keep the Republic!

Flag Day in the United States is traditionally celebrated on June 14, and despite some degree of revival in recent years, it is not high on the list of favorite summer holidays like Memorial Day or Independence Day. Even worse, many people in the United States are not aware that on the same day of Old Glory’s birthday, there is a celebration of the birthday of the U.S. Army. 

- Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Truman’s Moral Fiber was Behind Military Appreciation Day

Armed Forces Appreciation Day was established to be commemorated on the third Saturday each May. However, America has seemingly evolved politically since the first Armed Forces Appreciation Day was celebrated on May 20, 1950. But, of all the American holidays to honor the nation’s military, the ones most widely recognized are Memorial Day and Veterans Day; however, Armed Forces Appreciation Day has grown into a month-long appreciation now known as Military Appreciation Month.

Armed Forces Appreciation Day was established during the presidency of Harry Truman, but few Americans know the dark side of this effort to honor men and women in the military. The history of Truman’s efforts behind the holiday is quite dramatic. And, it may not be a coincidence that this holiday falls in May, as Truman’s birthday is in May. Nevertheless, before his birthday in 1946, actually on Abraham Lincoln’s birthday in February, Isaac Woodard Jr., a black veteran of the United States’ Army, was forcibly removed from a bus and beaten so badly that he lost his vision for the rest of his life. He was never the same. Neither was President Truman after he learned of the incident. After Truman’s reaction, America was never the same.

- Sunday, May 21, 2023

True Friends and Foes in the Roots of Cinco de Mayo

Today is May 5, 2023, and this day is celebrated as a holiday known as Cinco de Mayo, which has become increasingly popular in the past decades. It became viewed in the 1980s as a potential cash cow by beer and alcohol companies and the investments in such a festive holiday made it even more lively and wild. But, there is actually more to this holiday than great nachos, tamales, or mariachi music.

- Friday, May 5, 2023

A Remembrance of Patriot’s Day and the Shot that Sparked the War for Independence

The United States of America was born when decent, common people were willing to lay down their lives for the freedom of their children and the future generations. Good, common people were willing to lay down their lives for the freedom of people whom they would never know. It is this truth that lies at the core of the deep and bloodstained reality of the birth of the Land of the Free. The sentiments of self-sacrifice for the sake of one’s children was perhaps prevalent to a greater degree in colonial times as opposed to the current period in America’s history. Patriots in such a time were willing to lay down their lives for the sake of Freedom across the colonies.

- Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Review, Remember and Revitalize the Bill of Rights

Review, Remember and Revitalize the Bill of RightsToday is the day normally set aside to remember and relegate respect for the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America. Nonetheless, it is likely that this “normal” weekday will not give enough time, or provide enough motivation, or stimulate enough inspiration to remember or ignite much respect for the protections of our God-given rights. As Americans prepare for holiday festivities and gatherings, it is likely that the Bill of Rights will be an afterthought.
- Thursday, December 15, 2022

Comparing the Attack upon Pearl Harbor and the Current Unrestricted Warfare upon the United States of America

Comparing the Attack upon Pearl Harbor and the Current Unrestricted Warfare upon the United States of AmericaA few minutes before 8 a.m. on December 7, 1941, the peace of a sleepy Sunday morning was shattered as hell was unleashed upon the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  It was an overt act of war initiated to commit horrendous destruction as well as to kill as many enemy military personnel as possible. And, in just two hours, over 2,400 Americans had been killed and 1,178 U.S. military personnel and civilians had been wounded, 188 aircraft had been completely destroyed with an additional 159 more aircraft damaged. Additionally, 20 ships were either completely sunk, seriously damaged, or crippled.
- Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Re-Birth of One Nation Under God

The Re-Birth of One Nation Under GodIn July of 2020 just after Independence Day, I offered a message that focused upon this nation of the United States of America. The message was titled: “Retaining Freedom - Through a Revolution of Heart.” In that article from July 5, 2020, I asked the readers: “‘...what was the primary impetus from the Founders to create a nation conceived in Liberty?’ I submit to readers that the impetus or inspiration was rooted in the dramatic escape from slavery from the ancient tyranny under the Pharoahs that existed in such a period in Ancient Egypt.’” It was definitely a monumental effort of “biblical proportions” to leave behind a 400 year history of slavery and move beyond it into freedom. Yet, the escape into freedom was not the total object of desire. Of course, it may have been for some who consider that freedom entails no responsibility, or “nothing left to lose,” according to the old Janis Joplin lyrics. If this were the case, God would not have asked Moses to reveal the “Ten Commandments” to the people. For a people who had only know slavery from birth to death, they would need a way of sustaining their liberty, or they would lose it more easily than they worked to obtain their freedom. The initial Ten Commandments, were the foundation for a new form of ethical and moral governance.
- Monday, November 7, 2022
