
Represents the will of Marxists, Communists and Socialists

CPUSA supports Obama and Congressional Democrats

By Jack Ward You can get a sense of what candidates stand for by those individuals and groups that support them. After all if a candidate supports the goals and objectives of an organization it is only obvious that the organization would support the candidate. In past campaigns, the candidates have presented friends and associates from their past.

John Kerry introduced Swift Boat veterans from the Viet Nam War. John McCain introduced fellow POW’s from a Viet Nam prison. Obama has only presented fellow politicians that support his positions. Where are the friends from Obama’s past?   It was no surprise that the National Rifle Association supports Republican candidates since John McCain, Sarah Palin, and most Republican candidates support the 2nd Amendment and the ‘right to bear arms’. But I was surprised that the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) supports the Democrats and Barack Obama. The CPUSA website, had an article that stated, “The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) called for a landslide in the November 4th elections to defeat John McCain and strengthening the Democratic Party majorities in Congress. We have a chance to sweep the Republicans from power in a landslide.” That is a pretty strong endorsement for the Communists to give Obama and the Democrats running for Congress.   If the CPUSA supports Obama, the curious voter would ask why. What is there is Obama’s past that would be attractive to the CPUSA? So I began to look for Obama’s skeletons. I discover that Barack Obama had a close association with numerous noted Socialists and Communists.   For example: Saul Alinsky was a well-known Communist sympathizer in Chicago. Alinsky was considered the father of community organizing and urged using existing established institutions such as churches, unions and political parties to slowly create the social paradise Marx, Engels, and Lenin envisioned. As a community organizer, Obama utilized Alinsky’s methods to accomplish ‘Change’.    Frank Marshall Davis was a known member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Since Obama’s father had abandoned him, Obama’s white grandfather selected Davis, a black man, to be Obama’s role model and surrogate father. This relationship was disclosed by Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs.   Obama’s start into politics began when he was hand-picked by the outgoing incumbent, Alice Palmer. Palmer was also an executive board member of a Communist front group the U.S. Peace Council, a U.S. affiliate of the World Peace Council.   Early political supporters of Obama were Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. Both were members of the domestic terrorist group the Weatherman. The Weatherman had direct ties to the CPUSA splitter group the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Ayers / Dohrn hosted a fund raiser for Obama’s campaign in their Chicago home. Another SDS member, Tom Hayden, is an active supporter of “Progressives for Obama” In Obama’s 2000 campaign against Bobby Rush, Obama said, “We're all on the liberal wing of the Democratic party.” But in his presidential campaign Obama doesn’t advertise his Liberal leanings.     The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) oppose McCain but doesn’t think that Obama is far enough Left. But that doesn’t mean that the DSA and Obama have different objectives – just differences in how to get there. The DSA ‘Four Pillars’ mimic elements of the Democratic Platform.    The CPUSA wants Obama to restore the tax policies of the 1970s. The 1970’s were the ‘Glory Years’ of the Jimmy Carter administration. For those that might have forgotten, the economy was so bad in the Carter years they had to create a new term to describe it – ‘stagflation’.     Columnist J.B. Williams asked, “How can so many Americans be so easily duped into rallying behind the most unqualified man to ever seek the Oval Office, who also clearly represents the will of Marxists, Communists and Socialists everywhere?” If Obama wants to convince the American voter that he represents their interests and not a Socialist agenda, he should explain his close association with Communists, Marxists, Socialists and the assorted fellow travelers from his youth, college, and political life. Until Obama explains his past connections with the unsavory Left we can only assume the ‘Change’ he wants is the same as the CPUSA.  

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