
This country, and even the rest of the world, are at a crossroads. Do we want the Democratic path where we choose rulers and where the individual exists to serve the State, or do we want the Republican path with representative leaders and a State tha

Democrats and Republicans, Democracy and Republicanism

Two political parties, two philosophies of government and now two divisions struggling for the power to determine the future of this nation. How did we get here? What does each advocate? Who belongs?

The names originate from the names of the two basic approaches to decision making within a system of government. The Democrat name arises from DEMOCracy, where decisions are made through a process of majority vote. In its basic form, results are determined through 50% plus one vote, although the majority required may be set to some other fraction. The word "democracy" comes from the Greek word "demos", which means "people".

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By bob F on 2024 04 24

Sadly, it seems that at this stage in the USA we have a Uniparty - and, as could be expected from humans that are tribal and self interested, the people in power do all they can simply to remain in power. To that end, they pander to the peasant class (as they see it) and tell them whatever they feel will get them reelected.
There are some exceptions, of course, but by and large the quagmire in DC has everything to do with the self interest of the bureaucrats there doing all they can to stay in power. Witness their reactions to the atrocities of antiSemitism while praising (or not denouncing) the pro Hamas goon squads across the country. Or, for that matter, Pelosi et al taking a knee for BLM a few years ago - another easy example of ensuring the love of the naive and ill educated masses (the latter thanks to the Democrat run teachers' unions who obviously care only about membership numbers and not at all about the kids).

By Hansen1 on 2024 04 29

It’s obvious that this simple explanation of the difference between the two main political parties has been withheld from the last couple generations. As laid out, it’s clear which party any thinking person would choose. However, as my grandfather, of the Greatest Generation, often reminded his grandchildren and anyone else within earshot, “If you could reason with a Democrat, there wouldn’t be any!”

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