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Who really has the hidden agenda?

by Klaus Rohrich
Thursday, May 5, 2005

Lately we’ve heard a lot about the so-called "hidden agenda" that the Conservatives are supposedly keeping from the public in order to turn Canada into a racists, fascist dictatorship. Until a few days ago, I didn’t really think that anyone with half a brain actually believed that Steven Harper was skulking about with a hidden agenda. But I was wrong.

Listening to the talk radio stations in southern Ontario one could surmise that we are engaged in a mortal struggle with an evil so odious and despicable that our very souls are at risk. The things that people are telling phone-in radio hosts and newspaper editors in letters are so absurd, they can only be the result of a carefully crafted disinformation campaign designed to discredit the Conservatives. There were times when it was difficult to believe what I heard or read.

Numerous individuals believe it is the conservatives’ avowed goal to impose draconian social statutes on the country designed to keep gays in the closet and women in the kitchen. There are people who actually believe that if Harper is elected he will impose Christianity on Canada as the state religion. Others believe that Harper and the "Conservatives have openly expressed their intention to sell us into slavery". and this was claimed by more than one person!

The amount of hysteria that the Liberals have been capable of instilling into the hapless (brainless?) Ontarians is remarkable and simply can’t be the result of a careless, casual assault on the truth. The only way that all these people could express exactly the same sets of opinions, using the same terminology, is if they are provided with talking points. and the only reason to have an organized assault on reality is to have a hidden agenda.

Exactly what is the Liberals’ hidden agenda? There are many parts that have become more and more transparent, while others are still cleverly tucked away within this vast left-wing conspiracy. But here are some things to think about the next time you hear someone talk about "hidden agendas".

The Kyoto accord and its perceived benefits to Canada. Currently Canada accounts for less that 2% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Our avowed Kyoto goal is to reduce our emissions by 6% in the foreseeable future. The cost of this program? $10 billion. It doesn’t take a calculus grad to determine that we are throwing away $10 billion dollars for nothing. Even if mankind were responsible for global warming, would a 6% reduction of 2% of the earth’s carbon dioxide emissions make a difference? Then there is the fact that the Kyoto agreement only applies to developed countries. Places like China and India, who jointly account for close to 20% of the globe’s population are not bound by the treaty and under it are allowed to pollute all they want. The United States, which allegedly is responsible for some 20% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, is also exempt because wisely, they realized that the Kyoto accord is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme.

Why are the Liberals so committed to something so expensive and so inconsequential as the Kyoto accord? Sounds to me like they’ve made a deal with Kofi annan and Maurice Strong to subject Canada to control by unelected officials who have no status in this country. Now that’s a hidden agenda!

Why is it so important to impose the will of the minority on the majority? The Libs’ plans to forever change the definition of what constitutes holy matrimony run deeper than they appear on the surface. Cleverly by enacting this legislation they achieve two goals: first, they undermine religion, despite their assurances that religious beliefs will be respected. (Tell that to the Catholic Bishop currently under investigation by the alberta Human Rights Tribunal for speaking out against same sex marriage) If a country doesn’t believe in a higher being, then all that’s left to believe in is the government. Secondly, they also further undermine the family, a project that the Libs have worked on for decades because again, if the family is unimportant, then the government takes the place of the family. Paranoid as this sounds, that’s a hidden agenda if ever there was one.

Why is the Canada Health act so sacred? The idea that only the government can provide quality health care and that it is provided specifically to the exclusion of any involvement by private business is ludicrous in the extreme. Under the current public health care system, the patient is viewed as a drain upon the system’s resources, whereas in a for-profit clinic, the patient is viewed as a customer. Perhaps this is the most damaging and insidious part of the Liberals’ hidden agenda. Has anyone ever taken Paul Martin to account for getting his health care from a private clinic in Quebec of all places? It’s a surefire condemnation of our health care system, when its strongest proponent refuses to use it.

Quebec has been separating for 40 years. Enough, already! Each and every election that comes along, the Liberals roll out the separatism dog-and-pony show. By now it’s become obvious to all but the thickest dolts that the Liberals are the cause of Quebec’s desire to leave, not the solution. I believe that the Libs work at keeping Quebec upset, so they can use national unity as a perennial election issue. This has to be the most visible part of their hidden agenda.

What is so amazing to me is that not one of those callers seems to have considered the idea that they are being played by the Liberals like a violin. I won’t go so far as to say that Canadians are morons, but… Take a pound of absolute moral superiority, stir in several ounces of smugness, add a dash multicultural zeal (the really hot stuff is best), throw in a pinch of gay pride, a sprinkling of anti-american sentiment and bake in a cold oven. Remove from the oven and add blinders. Voila! The perfect Liberal voter from southern Ontario.