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They'd do anything!

by Klaus Rohrich
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

For over two years now the arab-supported Janjaweed of Sudan have been ethnically cleansing the Darfur Region of black Christians and Muslims. The death toll in the region is now approaching 400,000 and climbing, while the spineless functionaries at the UN are toying with diplomatic niceties and ceaseless discussions. Former Liberal and now independent Member of Parliament David Kilgour has been appalled by the slaughter and while still a member of the Liberal caucus urged his party to take some kind of action to stop the genocide.

Of course, in those days the Liberals really didn’t need David Kilgour and hence no action in that region was contemplated. Instead our dithering prime minister thought it would look a lot better for him and his party if he made a big deal of donating over $400 million to the victims of last Boxing Day’s Tsunami and sending Canada’s crack Disaster assistance Relief Team (DaRT) to the region to help out. as was written in these pages on april 20th of this year the millions promised to the Tsunami relief effort never materialized and even the $40 million worth of donations made by ordinary Canadians "disappeared" into the CIDa black hole. In addition, the DaRT group couldn’t make it to the disaster area until the government was able to rent a jet from the Russians to take them there. When they finally did get there, the soldiers had to use their own money for much of the relief work with which they had been tasked.

But now that the prospect of a non-confidence motion succeeding becomes more than an opposition pipe dream, the Liberals are suddenly seeing the light on Darfur and are planning to send 150 Canadian troops to the region to help out the african Union observers who are already on the ground. In doing so Mr. Dithers and his shameless cabal of doublethink-enabled manipulators sought David Kilgour’s advice about the how and what of Darfur.

Now, there’s a very high risk of me being accused of cynicism when I say that this whole deal smells to me like the Libranos are trying to anoint Kilgour consigliore so the Libs can remain made-guys and continue to run their racket. I’m wondering why Big Paulie didn’t take action in 2003 when the killings initially started, or even in august of 2004 when the number of dead still hovered around the 50,000 mark. The answer of course is that his butt wasn’t on the line the way it is today.

Since then the landscape has changed considerably. There is a real chance that soon we’ll will see the Libs forced off their turf and into an election campaign. Hence the contemptible offer to send troops to Darfur in an effort to forestall a vote of non-confidence by getting David Kilgour on side.

The idea that the slime in Ottawa are capable of sending Canadian troops in harm’s way as a way to make sure they keep their cushy jobs is worse than the idea of buying votes in Quebec. at least when they steal money, there isn’t a risk that someone might die as a result (unless maybe one of them eats or drinks himself to death). But to put our young men and women at risk, as a political expedient is an outrage that I didn’t think even Big Paulie was capable of.

So, what’s next? are they going to whack Stephen Harper? Will they put anne McLennan on the street? Will they try to buy Giles Duceppe? These are all real possibilities, considering that the Liberals are so desperate that they are ready to do aNYTHING to stay in power.

It’s no secret that power has become an addiction for the Liberals and like all addicts, they are in dire need of life-saving intervention. Let’s hope that the people of Canada recognize this and help the Libs beat their addiction.