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Suicide by multiculturalism

by Klaus Rohrich
Tuesday, august 2, 2005

Britain’s multicultural chickens have come home to roost and Canada’s won’t be far behind. Daily the news media reveals more and more about the extent to which the concept of multiculturalism in Britain has failed to achieve its stated goals. In fact there is now strong evidence that the policy is detrimental to the well being of society at large.

Will this do anything to affect the thinking of small-l liberals who see multiculturalism as a panacea against american cultural imperialism so feared by all right thinking Canadians? Not likely. More realistically, when faced with the choice of liberals’ moral relativism and america’s moral certainty, most liberal Canadians would rather risk getting blown up in the subway than take a definite stand.

When I think of the multicult fetish to which so many of us have bought into, I think about the game of baseball. In baseball it takes nine players on each team to hold a proper game. In a multicultural context you play alone. How can you pitch, when there is no one to bat? Conversely, how can you bat, when there isn’t another team in the field? The point is that under the multicultural model we’re playing alone, while the others play among themselves. The multicultural quilt is nothing more than a congregation of solitudes

Through multiculturalism we sacrifice our own history and traditions to avoid offending newcomers and making sure that they are socially comfortable in their new country. Our assumption is that our cultural mores and our history are offensive to immigrants who do not share the same cultural background. Hence, we abandon our traditions and history in favor of being nice and undergo the ridiculous contortions around Christmas with the politburo’s attempt to eradicate it and replace it with "winter fest" or some other travesty. While our politically correct attitude toward our own culture and history gives us the conceit that we are being ‘inclusive’, to our immigrant neighbors we are deeply into self-loathing.

Most newcomers to Canada originate in countries that do not have a liberal Judeo-Christian heritage, nor are many of these countries democracies. The first thing they see as they look about are fat, complacent Canadians in total denial of their heritage- religious, cultural, historic. If we Canadians don’t like ourselves, how can we expect new immigrants to like us?

What’s the worst thing that a white Canadian can call another white Canadian? "Fundamentalist Christian"! Look back at the election of 2004 where Liberal Party candidates dogged Conservative leader Stephen Harper, accusing him of wanting to turn Canada into a Christian theocracy. No one seemed particularly offended by these religious slurs, as we have come to see Christianity as a greater threat to our sense of moral relativism than Islamofascism is to our lives.

as Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London so famously declared on July 20th, the real terrorists weren’t the bombers themselves, but the testosterone driven governments like the U.S., Israel and Britain whose foreign policy resulted directly in today’s terrorist threat. Livingstone went to great lengths to try to convince people that the perpetrators of these crimes were the smallest possible minority of Britain’s Muslims, no more than a handful of rotten eggs. However, the Yougov poll taken immediately after the 7/7 London bombing showed that this "small minority" is worth worrying about. Some 6 percent of British Muslims believed that the London bombings were justified. While 6 percent does sound like a small number, in actual fact it translates into 100,000 people. If that isn’t enough to frighten even the most complacent and guilt-ridden self-loather, it’s worth noting that 56 percent of British Muslims said they understood why the bombers did what they did. That’s almost 900,000 people who "understood" the motivation of the bombers.

From here on things will only get worse, as more and more radicalized young Muslims find their way into our midst with no other intention but to wreak maximum terror among the West’s population. Curiously, with minor variations they all seem to follow the same pattern. Enter as a refugee without papers. Go on welfare. Join a radical mosque. Travel to afghanistan or Pakistan to get some "religious" education and then return and turn yourself into a bomb taking as many innocent people as possible with you and leaving a more seriously damaged humanity behind.

It’s time that the West demanded of its immigrants a commitment to the culture into which they are moving, and adoption of the values and social goals of the West. We certainly work hard to make sure that fundamentalist Christians do not gain untoward influence and power. We need to work even harder to make sure that we keep Islamofascists from imposing their religious mores on our society. This means the expectation that so-called moderate Muslims turn in any radical elements in their midst to the authorities and that they loudly condemn those who would force their views on others through violent means. after all, we expect this of ourselves, why not expect it of those who want to come and live among us?