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Iran, Nuclear weapons

RX: regime change in Iran

by Klaus Rohrich
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Iran’s bellicosity would seem to be an indication that the country is closer to its goal of possessing nuclear weapons than Western intelligence organizations might think. I believe it’s likely that one day in the not-too-distant future, Iran will launch a sneak nuclear attack on Israel in an effort to eradicate that country, and as many Jew as possible, from the face of the earth.

at a recent conference entitled "a world without Zionism", Iran’s president, Mahmud ahmadinejad stated that Israel "must be wiped off the map". Now I am certain that nothing was lost in translation when Mr. ahmadinejad made this statement, that his meaning is clear, given Iran’s decades long support of Islamist terrorism. The big difference here is that soon Iran will no longer need to rely on its poor schlub suicide bomber surrogates to blow themselves up at Israeli pizza parlors in their never ending efforts to destroy Israel. Soon the Iranians will have the capacity to do the job on their own with one or two well-placed atomic devices.

all the while the luminaries at the UN and the International atomic Energy agency (IaEa) are attempting to "negotiate" with Iran in their effort to bribe the Iranian government into abandoning plans for an atomic bomb.

Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the IaEa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last month for his outstanding work in "stopping nuclear proliferation and to ensure that nuclear energy is used for strictly peaceful purposes". It doesn’t say much for the IaEa’s track record or the Nobel Peace Prize for that matter, considering that under ElBaradei’s watch both Pakistan and North Korea acquired the Bomb and Iran is likely to do so within weeks, if they haven’t already.

The dithering on the part of the so-called "international community" with respect to Iran’s WMD program is an embarrassment, to put it mildly. How can one negotiate with a rabid dog? and how long is the "international Community" prepared to wait before they become proactive in stopping the Iranians? Will it take a mile-wide radioactive crater in what used to be Tel aviv or Haifa? Or will they do the same thing they did with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq after he ignored the 12th UN Security Council directive, which was nothing.

It took the americans’ resolve to finally stop Saddam and still much of the world is complaining that they acted "unilaterally. Unilaterally or not, the americans did the right thing in displacing both the Taliban in afghanistan as well as Saddam. They must now turn their attention to what is probably the most dangerous regime in the world and work to bring about a change in that regime.

Go ahead; call me a warmonger, but the only thing that people with a bellicose mentality understand is a mentality that is more bellicose than theirs. as such, the U.S. should do everything in its power to undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran, including armed intervention on a similar scale of that taken in Iraq. We cannot afford to wait for the Iranians to act, as then it will be too late.

Consider what ahmadinejad’s chief strategist, Hassan abbasi, had to say about the West. He considers the anglosphere, including Britain, the U.S., australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel and certain Gulf states to be the root of all evil. No mistaking his meaning, there. He’s clear and concise, if not judgmental, about what he thinks of our civilization. "We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of the anglo-Saxon civilization. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them."

To me this is a clear indication that Iran probably already has nukes in its possession and is waiting to produce enough nukes, so that it can destroy all 29 "targets" in one fell swoop. Can we afford to take the chance that they are bluffing? I, for one do not believe we have that luxury. any country that officially makes statements of this sort is either insane or in possession of WMDs.

Clearly, Saddam was insane in his pronouncements. Somehow I don’t believe that the Iranians are.