z Paul Martin, chicken hawk

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loudmouth, braggart

Paul Martin, chicken hawk

by Klaus Rohrich
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You’ve all seen him. He’s the pugnacious little guy that goes around badmouthing the biggest kid in the school, knowing full well that the big guy isn’t going to do anything because the braggart is so insignificant. But put in into a situation where fists might fly, the little hawk turns into a chicken.

That’s our prime minister, Paul Martin, who is very comfortable slagging George Bush and the americans because he knows they aren’t really going to do anything about it. and besides, it plays well with the girls, who in this case are the voters of Ontario and BC.

But what happens when the little loudmouth encounters someone that might retaliate? Let’s assume for a moment someone like Iran or Saudi arabia, both countries having done some pretty awful things to the little blowhard’s brothers and sisters. Specifically, Iranian Islamofascists raped and beat Zahra Kazemi, a Canadian citizen, to death and all the little braggadocio did was to say that was "unacceptable", albeit in the end it was accepted. Then the Iranians refused to return the woman’s body to her family in Canada and again, the windbag did nothing.

Similarly, Saudi arabia played fast and loose with a Canadian citizen when they imprisoned and tortured William Sampson, a Canadian engineer, on trumped up "terrorism" charges. Sampson was held for nearly three years in a Saudi prison where he underwent unspeakable torture. In the end it wasn’t prime minister bluster who was responsible for Sampson’s release, but, wait for it, none other than that "evil villain" George W. Bush, the gasbag’s favorite punching bag.

It turns out the americans were holding five Saudi terrorists at Guantanamo Bay and the Saudis wanted them repatriated. So Sampson was held hostage until a deal could be worked out. No thanks to the prime braggart.

Martin’s behavior is an embarrassment to Canadians. Here’s a guy who will do or say anything to hang onto the gravy train he’s been riding for the past decade and a half. He struts about like a bantam cockerel, puffing himself up and venting bellicosity at the americans. Some of that bellicose behavior should have been reserved for the Iranians or Saudis who believe they can kill and torture Canadians with impunity. But that’s the crux. So long as prime minister chicken hawk is in office, other governments aren’t overly squeamish about torturing and killing Canadian citizens, because they know the worst thing to come out of Ottawa will be an expression of "grave concern" wrapped in a generous envelope of hot air.

Martin displays the classic characteristics of a bully. as we all know, bullies will antagonize people that they know can’t or won’t retaliate. However, if there’s a small chance that someone might stand up to them, they proceed more cautiously. I would think that’s why the government of Canada allowed some its citizens to be imprisoned, tortured and even killed at the hands of two Middle Eastern totalitarian regimes. Iran and to a lesser degree Saudi arabia, would not take being criticized in the same way that the americans take it. Besides, there isn’t a whole lot that Canada could do to protects its citizens overseas, given the fact that the Liberals have all but dismantled Canada’s once well-regarded military.

Vilifying america is a cheap and tawdry strategy designed to appeal to some people’s basest sentiments. Paul Martin has become a habitual america basher with his blusterous rodomontade comprised entirely of smoke, mirrors and hot air. But then, what would one expect from a politician such as Martin whose ambitions far outweigh his abilities?