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The Judiciary Stage

The next extinction

By John Burtis
Friday, January 13, 2006

The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are looking at the next evolutionary stage and it's not pretty.

About 250 million years ago, the Permian extinction wiped out almost all creatures on the land and in the sea, ending one of the most prolific bursts of life on the planet and was thought to have been caused by a combination of glaciations, the formation of a super-continent and an enormous outpouring of lava from the Siberian traps.

Once all this had settled down, dinosaurs flourished for some 160 million years until their reign was cut short in the Cretaceous era with the arrival of a meteor of sufficient size to create a global firestorm followed by a prolonged and deep nuclear winter. This event occurred about 65 million years ago and evidence is found in the Chicxulub crater on the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and in the iridium layer found in the KT boundary — a band of sediment found world wide.

Today's dinosaurs, the Democratic senators who inhabit the Judiciary Stage, and who up until recently were expected to rule the process for another 65 million years or so, were startled to find that they may have suffered a calamity akin to that suffered by the dinosaurs in the Cretaceous and that their time on earth may be drawing to a close.

Their Wednesday behavior, which has remained unmodified over thousands of years despite the vast climactic changes going on around them (including their loss of power in both houses of congress, the loss of the Presidency, the noticeable aging of the members on the Judicial Committee, the obvious advanced senility of particular members, the growing sophistication of the American public, the growing failure of the same tired old smear tactics to work like they used to, the near total loss of prestige and the monopolistic power of the mainstream press and the major TV net works, the pitiable yet laughable mumbling of the senior senator, better known now as the Wizard of Ahs, among many other less flattering pseudonyms), was brought up short when their prey refused to take their bait and offered only well thought out and low-key answers to their bullying tactics and outrageous attempts at the most base of slanders.

But the tipping point in this long painful slide into oblivion, the remains of which will be unearthed and reviewed by the whiz kids on endless replays played for months on end, just as the meteor remains are unearthed by drill rigs and examined by paleogeologists, may have been reached when Mrs. Alito was reduced to tears as the nearly endless bullyragging of her husband turned decidedly nasty.

To sum it all up in the brilliant words of that keen etymologist Senator Joe Biden, "I think what's happened here is the system's kind of broken."

Thanks Joe. And it's being run by broken men on a partisan mission to destroy men of higher moral caliber than they themselves possess in an endless media circus. The only thing lacking is the Emperor and his thumb.

But evidence of the approaching mass extinction has been apparent for a considerable period. The aged Velociraptors have lost their speed and the power of the press and the old sauropods can no longer compete for food or air-time. Sadly, we're watching them thrash around in a primordial muskeg, eager to follow the prey into its clutches, but too tired to escape the resulting morass.

And slough there is. Senator Biden was once horrified to found that a home of his family's was encumbered by a disturbing clause limiting its sale to whites. Senator Kennedy has been exposed to moral lapses, from college cheating to fatal driving mishaps. And then there's Senator Schumer, whose staff members were recently involved in the invasion of privacy of Maryland's highest ranking African-American to obtain his credit report and pass it around.

Yet these fading dinosaurs, under the guise of decency, privacy and race, persecute the hapless victim, in a manner sure to rate a violation of the McCain rules on torture, to further a waning liberal cause. Nope, climate change has been in the wind for some time and the chilly weather is affecting the thought processes of these superannuated reptiles, just as their craven hypocrisy is now visible to the least savvy among us.

There are dinosaur tracks in the rock, the only ones in New England, along Route 2, in Gill, Massachusetts. You can walk along the road and find these elusive reminders of the massive creatures which once roamed the planet in an age in which its inhabitants must have thought would never end.

Sometimes extinction happens slowly, as it did in the Permian. Sometimes it happens quickly, as it did in the Cretaceous. The next few weeks will determine the final speed of the Democratic exit from the Judiciary Stage.

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