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aBC, Clinton, Democrats, free speech, The Path to 9/11

The vicious unbridled censorship of the left

By John Burtis

Saturday, September 9, 2006

The notorious Clinton gang and the dingy Democratic leadership of the US Senate really let it all hang out over this past Wednesday and Thursday, when their concerted effort to abolish the First amendment for dissonant media presentations shifted into high gear in their shabby, power hungry, totalitarian attempt to dissuade aBC from showing their upcoming "The Path to 9/11."

Funny, isn't it, if the poor tired old First is applied in a fashion which belittles, humiliates, and tars the left's opponents the color of lamp black, it's upheld judiciously and to the letter by every Democrat in Congress, every former member of the Clinton cabinet, and by Mr. Clinton himself. But when the shoe is on the other foot, it's quite a different matter, indeed.

Remember that fraud of hoax of prevarications wrapped in layers of sheer falsehoods, entitled "Fahrenheit 9/11?" It was a movie concocted of assembled out-takes, questionable verisimilitudes, hokum, and outright mendacity.

But because it was anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-oil, anti-Republican, and anti-american, and fit the left-wing bill, it was widely trumpeted by leading Democrats, the drive-by media, and fawned over by the progressive press, whose syrupy adulatory comments were only bested by the laudations delivered by attending Democrats to the breathless sycophantic rapporteurs assembled outside the venues showing that supreme kinetic masterpiece.

Little notice was ever paid, of course, to the many individuals who stated that their comments were taken out of context -- a usual Democratic ploy -- and those who sued Mr. Michael Moore, the movie's increasingly hefty and increasingly unkempt producer, claiming that they were unknowingly involved in a fraud.

No, the findings of the abbreviated kangaroo courts of assembled pundits, rank journalists, the David Gregory's, CNN commentators, Howard Dean aficionados, Clinton groupies, and key Democratic leaders, found the Moore production to be a work of pure cinematic genius and to be a perfect offensive tool in the endlessly escalating war against President Bush.

But then, not long ago, aBC and Disney dared to assemble a two part mini-series on the events leading up to 9/11, using the findings of the 9/11 Commission Reports, and a 9/11 Commission member as the technical advisor for the production.

Shockingly, there are certain immutable and all too lamentable facts involved with the run up to 9/11 which must be described. They include the criminal weakness so often shown by the Clinton regime in their avoidance of terror, their refusal to recognize and to later eliminate Osama bin-Laden, their inability to adequately respond to terror, and their refusal to sufficiently strike at terror even after american servicemen have been killed. and aBC, if they are to present any semblance of truth during this eight-year period, must touch on them.

However, because of the Clintons' fears over the dizzyingly ephemeral mirage of a legacy, especially when combined with the overall Democratic abhorrence that everyday americans may recognize that their plans for our security are as fugacious as the Clinton pedigree, a autocratic cabal was hastily assembled to stop the aBC show.

It cannot be pointed out any clearer that these two Democratic entities, joined as they are at the hip, wallet, and Marxist soul, are constructed of planks of such a flimsy nature that they fear they cannot survive the scrutiny that a flight of television entertainment, a brief mini-series, might inflict upon them.

Such is their trepidation and so great is their gall and dismay that a network enjoying the same freedom of the press which Mr. Moore enjoys would contrive to do so, that leading Democratic members of the US Senate -- Harry Reid, Dick Turban, Debbie Stabenow, the leading privacy advocate Chuck Schumer, Byron Dorgan, all strident advocates of free speech -- wrote a intimidating letter to Robert Isner of the Disney Company, threatening him with licensing issues, among other coercive actions. This letter is an outrageous ultimatum made under the color of authority to limit his freedom of expression.

and not to be out done with this outlandish bit of outright blackmail, the Clinton mob dispatches Mr. Sandy Berger, convicted for the theft of the very documents which bear upon the accurate telling of this whole sad sorry story, to further handicap aBC's efforts to bring this bit of docudrama to the small screen.

While I may choose to disagree with much of what aBC presents as news and commentary, it is absolutely extortionate and scandalous that a former President, who admitted to perjury, and a former security advisor, who admitted to thievery, as well as the fulminating boffins of a political party which has shown themselves to be dangerously anemic on national security, should force a members of the press to curtail its activities.

and while we're involved in all of these machinations, as we watch the unbridled assault upon a national network by the thought police of the left, while we gasp at the use of power by a former president to bully and cow any perceived opposition to what he blithely casts as "history" -- let us speak up quickly before we, too, are shouted down.

It is one thing to murmur when a known terror monger like Mohammad Khatami walks among us spouting his vicious anti-american polemics toward the beams and winks from the left in our halls of enlightenment and in our National Cathedral.

But is it quite another when we allow current and former members of our own government to bully, persecute, and limit our free press at will -- under the threats of the curtailment of the civil rights of their targets.

This blatant attack on aBC must not stand.

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