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Military, Border security,

Canadian Values & Human Rights:
Bamboozling ploys of the Intelligent Idiots

By Dick Field

Thursday, august 31, 2006

In Canadian politics, it doesn't seem to matter the subject discussed or who discusses it because it is a certainty that some intelligent idiot will be sure to say, "Yes, that may be true but if we want to retain our Canadian Values we have to blah, blah, blah." On the negative side, the statement will sound like, "We don't dare do such a thing because we would compromise our Canadian Values." Then all the intelligent idiots present will nod their heads up, down or sideways. Serious debate will come to a full stop and off we go into a la-la-land of confusion and delusion.

Human Rights, is without a doubt the No.2 Bamboozler weapon of these same intelligent idiots. In fact, it is probably right up there with Canadian Values as terminator of intelligent discussion of any controversial issue.

Every time the phrase Canadian Values or Human Rights crops up when used by anyone in the media, a friend, politician, bureaucrat, lawyer, judge, human rights activist, or any vested interest person, make sure to ask, "What Canadian Value or Human Right are you talking about?" When they answer, the truth will become apparent. That truth is that nine out of ten times they haven't the slightest idea. That's right! Try it out. Intelligent they may seem, but 90% are surely Idiots.

Yesterday, there was a serious debate on TV covering several important subjects. The panel consisted of a well known historian, a military person, a university political science expert, an ex-international trade policy wonk and several other people of indifferent credentials. Two of the subjects being debated concerned the use of Canadian troops in afghanistan and NaFTa, particularly our cross border trade and security measures with the USa.

Sure enough, when the debate got serious re peacekeepers or peacemakers up pops intelligent idiot number one with the old bamboozling canard, "but if we engage in aggressive warfare we will be throwing away a fundamental Canadian Value of who we are!" Nobody asked, "What value exactly are you referring to?" They should have. First, peacekeeping is not a Canadian Value, it is rather a military-political activity that (a) wasn't invented by a Canadian* and (b) has rarely been effective unless the warring sides are willing participants. Second, one of Canada's most accepted and honoured value is that we will stand and fight to the death for our fundamental freedoms. Now that is a real Canadian Value!

When the subject turned to trade and border security with the USa, suddenly the discussion turned sharply away from debating a solution to the problem but rather to how our Canadian Values would be compromised. again, nobody asked, "Just what values do you refer to?"

Somewhere in the conversation, some intelligent idiot said well you know we Canadians are known to be nicer than the americans. Nicer? Good gracious, next thing we know the whole shebang of our enemies will come hug us and kiss us on both cheeks! We could send our peacekeepers in bathing suits! We shouldn't have a problem going across the border either; just blow a kiss as we pass by.

Be alert to the big bamboozle! The next time you hear someone talk about Canadian Values be on guard, he or she may be bamboozling you. as an old kid's book character used to say, "Humbug! pure Humbug!"

"Human Rights" is another phrase of the same ilk. Most of the intelligent idiots don't want you to know what they are talking about even if they do know, but most don't. Poverty activists, for example will tell you that they have a "human right" to be fed, clothed, provided housing, have their children educated, have free Medicare etc., all provided by the state just because they are alive and live here.

No, these are not human rights. They are not human rights even under the International Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations. They are "entitlements," subject to the willingness and ability of the state to provide. a real human right is the right to live and not be deprived of one's life unless (in some countries) the laws allow capital punishment for a contravention of their law.

In a free country such as ours, there are many human rights, such as the right to speak freely, the right to a fair trial in a court of law, the right to be presumed innocent if charged with a crime, the right to be considered the equal of every other citizen before and under the same set of laws etc. (abused though these values may now be by the Canadian state). It is these fundamental rights that are our true "Canadian Values." It doesn't make them any less Canadian because we share them with other parliamentary democracies. These are the values our soldiers, sailors, airmen and their ancestors fought and died for through the centuries.

Beware! anytime the bamboozling terms of Canadian Values or Human Rights are used by the intelligent idiots without being challenged or explained, we have a right to feel sick in the stomach because it kills all rational debate.

We also have the right and responsibility to nail these dissimulating idiots and ask the question:

"Whoa Mr. (vwxyz), just what Canadian Value or Human Right are you referring to?"

*Wendell Wilkie was a promoter of an international peacekeeping force in his book "One World" (1943) when he was a Republican Senator. He was also a presidential nominee and supported america's entry into WW2 before the Japanese struck at Pearl Harbour. There were others people who had supported the concept. It was not a new ideawith Mike Pearson.
