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Environment, education, security

The truth about conspiracy theories

By Tom DeWeese

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What is a conspiracy theory? There seems to be a lot of them becauseevery time I write about another government program or policy, thedenials begin as someone starts smirking "conspiracy theory" andcalling me a fringe whacko. It's getting tiresome.

Another name they like to throw around is racist if I happen to writesomething about government programs designed to take my money to giveto someone else. "Racist."

And if I happen to question environmental policy, then I'm a lackey ofbig business who wants to pave the earth. The term they use forradicals like me is the "astro turf crowd."

To sum it all up, apparently, I'm a fringe radical, racist whacko whowants to destroy the earth. Wow. It's got to be a heavy burden havingsomeone like me lurking in society. I'm sure there are lots of laws inthe works to protect those who never get involved in anything frombeing harmed by my rude questioning of our dedicated public servants.

The funny thing is, in forty years of political life I have never onceadvocated passing a law or imposing a regulation or rule to makeanyone do anything. I have spent my life just trying to get others toleave me, my family and my property alone. Whacko indeed.

Of course, the other side of the conspiracy theory charges is thedenial by those actually carrying out the policies I'm questioning.Just ask them if they are doing anything wrong. Of course not. Thepolicy in question, they say, is just a minor adjustment to correct aprogram for the benevolence and safety of us all. "The Republic issafe," they laughingly say into the television camera as a reporterquestions one of my charges. They all have a good laugh over the sillyconspiracy theories that keep springing up on the Internet. That initself may be a good reason to regulate the Internet, to keep us allsafe from the rantings of whackos.

Sometimes I listen to such arguments or read an article defendingpolicies I've questioned and they make it sound so innocent, sobenign. I think to myself, well, maybe I am wrong. Maybe these reallyare just good public servants whose polices aren't really a threat toanyone.

According to them, the UN has no teeth to make policy stick and is nothreat to any nation's sovereignty; the Security and ProsperityPartnership (SPP) is not the beginnings of a plan to create a NorthAmerican Union, just a steps to grow the American economy and improvetrade; America's public education system is really the best in theworld, there is no effort to use the classroom for anything but goodold fashioned reading, ritin, and rithmatic; There is no effortunderway to create a national Big Brother surveillance system, thePatriot Act is just a tool for helping law enforcement fight terrorismand the Real ID Act is not a national ID; and the Nature Conservancyand the Sierra Club really just want to help protect the environment,not restructure our entire economic and social system.

I really would love to have all of these things be true. I would behappy. There would be no need for me to keep fighting such battles. Itis very stressful, you know. I don't like being the one who spoils themood at a party every time someone asks me a political question andthen doesn't like my answer. I would gladly shut the doors of theAmerican Policy Center forever. I could spend my life doing what Ireally want to do; write fiction books; open a printing company; be adisk jockey on the radio; operate a tourist business sailing acatamaran off the coast of Jamaica. So much I would rather do thandeal with the lying sleazeballs who have one purpose in life--to takemy liberty to build power for themselves.

The fact is, these policies and goals do exist. I'm just guilty ofexposing them. By the way, I don't call them conspiracy theories ‚they do. These are simply policies which I believe are wrong becausethey endanger my liberties. It's an issue of political philosophy andones view of the proper role of government. And so I exercise my rightto oppose them.

They are the ones trying to hide their actions. I've always wondered,if someone believes they are doing the right thing, why do they wantto hide their actions? Aren't they proud of their accomplishments?Don't they believe everyone would support them? Instead they cloakthem in secrecy and lie when the light is shown under their rock.That's why they become conspiracies.

Let's take just a very few of today's current "conspiracy theories."To make it really easy for everyone to comprehend the true purpose ofthe policies in question--I'll use their words as much as possible.

They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest that the United Nationsis working to impose global governance and is a threat to nationalsovereignty. Just ask any proponent of the UN and they will tell youthat the UN has no ability to do so. They cynically laugh at thesuggestion that the UN even thinks of such things. The UN, they say,just wants to "promote human rights, improve governance anddemocracies and feed the poor." No conspiracy here. Just good oldfashioned compassion.

The Truth. The UN has held countless international conferencesdedicated to the purpose of implementing global governance. Each ofthese conferences, from the Earth Summit in Rio to the Habitat IIconference in Istanbul, have produced policy documents and treatiesdesigned to bind nations to global economic and environmentalpolicies. Do they spend millions of dollars on these exercises simplyto offer suggestions on how independent nations should act? Of coursenot. Here is what leading spokesmen for support UN policies reallythink of sovereignty.

"Nationhood as we know it will be obliterated, all states willrecognize a single global authority...National sovereignty wasn't such agood idea after all..." Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State,Clinton Administration

"It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercisedunilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful." MauriceStrong, co-chairman UN Commission on Global Governance. "a system of world order--preferably a system of world government --is mandatory...The proud nations someday will see the light and, for thecommon good and their own survival, yield up their precioussovereignty..." Walter Cronkite, A Reporter's Life.

Of course, when I say they say these things, I'm called a nut. Gofigure.

They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest that the BushAdministration is creating a North American Union. "They" all shaketheir heads at this one, with smiles on their faces and they simplysay no, there is no effort to create a North American Union. The BushAdministration's Security and Prosperity Partnership is not using aCouncil on Foreign Relations (CFR) report as a blue print for theplan, and certainly not, there are no plans to throw out the dollarfor a common North American currency called the Amero. The SPP, saysthe "Myths and Facts" section of the SPP web site (put there to calmlyput down those darn conspiracy theorist) is not an agreement nor is ita treaty, In fact, no agreement was ever signed," the document proudlystates.

The Truth. On March 23, 2005, President Bush, Mexican PresidentVicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin met at the BushRanch in Crawford, Texas in what they called a "Summit." After themeeting, the three heads of state then drove to Baylor University toannounce their "signing" of an agreement to form the Security andProsperityPartnership of North America.

Today, 20 working groups operate out of offices in the CommerceDepartment preparing policy papers, memorandums of understanding, andtrilateral declarations of agreement, laying the foundation for howthe agreement will work. Each working group has a counterpart in theother two nations. The Bush Administration refuses to release thenames of the members of the working groups. Members of the groups andtop Administration leaders including the Secretaries of Defense, Stateand Homeland Security have attended top level meetings in Canada andMexico to discuss SPP policy such as "Demographic and SocialDimensions of North American Integration."

Yet, all of these very expensive meetings and travel expenses, paidfor by the Administration have never been authorized by the U.S.Congress. Officially, Congress has never been informed of theactivities of the SPP, nor have they been approved. It's all beencreated behind the scenes with the use of the President's ExecutiveOrder pen.

A key participant in the organization of the SPP is Dr. Robert Pastor,a member of the CFR and author of a 2001 book entitled "Toward a NorthAmerican Commission" which outlined in detail the creation of a NorthAmerican Union, including the creation of a common currency he calledthe Amero.

In May, 2005, the CFR published its own version in a report called"Building a North American Community." Pastor had a guiding hand itwriting that report as well. Yet, the Bush Administration continues todeny there is any connection to Pastor's book or the CFR report, eventhough Pastor is a major player in the implementation of the SPP.

We are supposed to believe that a man who has written passionately toadvocate a North American Union, and travels the world advocating itsestablishment, now quietly sits in SPP meetings but does nothing tohelp promote or implement his ideas. It's even harder to explain thenear identical language in the SPP documents and Pastor's book. Noconspiracy here, just good old fashioned civil servants trying to makethe government run better. Logic and the ability to read and tomentally process such information is simply to be suspended. Anythingother conclusion is simply to be degraded as a conspiracy theory.

They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest the public educationsystem is more interested in employing behavior modificationtechniques to mold children's values attitudes and beliefs rather thanteaching them solid academics. Innovations, new ideas, technology, acommunity working together, focus from a federal department ofeducation, more money, higher standards, all have been put in placeover the past 20 years to assure "no child is left behind" in ourdrive for educational excellence. Corporate leaders have beenrecruited to help assure our children are getting the best educationin the history of the nation. Awards are given to those dedicated,selfless community volunteers who are making a difference. Pats on theback and smiles assure us all is well as test scores are going up.

No one today in public office has a more condescending smile whenchallenged about the lack of knowledge in our children. Teachers areinstructed by the NEA to report anyone using the term "dumbing down."For they must be right wing whackos determined to undermine theprecious public school system.

The Truth. Today's children are academically stupid. Ask any childbasic questions about the Constitution and the uniqueness of oursystem of government; ask them to answer basic math questions withoutthe use of a calculator; ask them to diagram a sentence or find on amap nations mentioned everyday in the news. Most can't do it. Theyhave little knowledge of history, civics, geography or math.

But ask them about global warming, ozone holes and the evils ofbusiness and they will have a lively discussion. The reason--that'swhat classroom time is spent on. Situation ethics and behaviormodification to instill in our children attitudes, values and beliefswhich reflect a specific outcome--a political outcome designed tolead our children toward the "proper" attitude for living in a globalvillage as global citizens.

Consider these quotes from education reformists. "Every child inAmerica entering school at the age of five is insane because he comesto school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, towardhis parents, toward our elected officials, toward a belief in asupernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as aseparate entity. It's up to you, teachers, to make all of these sickchildren well by creating the international child of the future."Chester Pierce, Harvard University to a 1973 Education Seminar inDenver.

"We must stop being curriculum based..." William Spady, father ofOutcome- based Education school "reform"School to Work is one of the three major "reforms" shoved on thepublic school system to create "excellence." Does it education ourchildren or just create a training process to dump kinds into dead endjobs? Let the experts tell you.

"Educated employees have higher turnover rates, lower jobsatisfaction, and poorer promotion records than less educatedemployees."David Hornbeck, STW proponent.

"Most employees under this model need not be educated. It is far moreimportant that they be reliable, steady, and willing to followdirections." Lauren Resnick, Member of the Secretary's Commission onAchieving Necessary Skills (SCANS).

And that is why your children are stupid, But anyone who questionssuch stupidity is called a fringe whacko.

They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest the Patriot Act and theReal ID Act are creating a Big Brother Society. Any member of the BushAdministration will tell you its all about fighting terrorism andprotecting the great freedoms of this nation. No conspiracy, justmaking sure the government has the necessary tools to protect us.

The Truth. In the name of fighting terrorism we are witnessing a newkind of government "urban sprawl" oozing out of Washington, D.C. intoevery back alley, bedroom and underwear drawer in America. In short,we are witnessing the birth of a powerful multi-billion dollarsurveillance lobby consisting of an army of special interest groups,Washington lawyers, lobbyists and high-tech firms with wares to sell.

The personal rights of American citizens are the farthest thing fromtheir minds as they seek to fill their pockets while enablinggovernment to monitor and control our lives to a degree unheard ofprior to 9/11. This army seeks riches from the federal trough as itpushes for laws and regulations to spy on and control the lives oflaw-abiding citizens.

"Follow the money" pretty much sums up the truth about any issue.There is money-a go go flowing in the name of national security. TheWashington Post has reported that one powerful D.C. law firm, Powell,Golden, Frazier and Murphy haw put together a homeland security unitof 50 lawyers. They will seek government contracts for their clients,and one can bet they will spend a great deal of effort lobbying formore intrusive laws to help build the surveillance industry.

IBM has opened a "Government Solutions Shop." Unisys Corporation hasestablished a similar exhibition for inspection by federalsurveillance planners, called the "Homeland Security Center forExcellence." Both corporations are racing to cash in on the billionsof dollars for facial recognition systems at airports and high-tech IDcards.

The Chamber of Commerce has hired a former deputy assistant to theJoint Chiefs of Staff to act as a liaison between the Chamber andbusinesses seeking homeland security contracts.

The target of all of these corporations, lawyers, lobbyists andspecial interests is the massive Department of Homeland Security. Thisone agency, comprised of 22 combined federal departments with 170,000employees, has the ultimate power in the nation. Under the Patriot Actthis one Cabinet Secretary has the power to send federal lawenforcement into private homes without a search warrant. Records andmaterials may be taken from homes, computer records searched, phonestapped, and e-mails monitored without legal protection of rights.

And the Homeland Security Department, which is being so heavilylobbied by the surveillance industry, has the power under the Real IDAct to mandate ID requirements including biometrics scans such asfinger printing, retinal scans, or facial scans. With so much hightech money apply pressure, does anyone have doubt what HomelandSecurity will recommend for a national ID?

Of course it's only paranoid, fringe fanatics who could oppose suchimportant protections in this dangerous time of terrorist threat.

They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest that theenvironmental movement is really destroying human civilization. I'mnot even going to spend time trying to pretend on this one. Let thegreens speak for themselves.

The Truth. "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrializedcivilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring thatabout?" Maurice Strong, Chairman of the UN's Earth Summit, 1992.

"We reject the idea of private property." Peter Berle, President,National Audubon Society.

"Free enterprise really means rich people getting richer. They havethe freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow humanbeings in the process...Capitalism is destroying the earth." HelenCaldicott, Union of Concerned Scientists.

"Pet ownership is slavery. Animals are not ours to eat, wear,experiment on, or be entertained by." Ingrid Newkirk, Founder ofPeople for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA).

"The only really good technology is no technology at all. Technologyis taxation without representation levied by an elitist species uponthe rest of the natural world." Friends of the Earth.

"The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but agood thing...This is not to say that the rise in human civilization isinsignificant, but there is no way of showing that is will be much ofa help to the world in the long run."Editorial in the 'Economist.'

"If you give the idea a chance, you might agree that the extinction ofhomo sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions ofother earth-dwelling species." Wild Earth Magazine

"Among environmentalists sharing two or three beers, the notion isquite common that if only some calamity could wipe out the entirehuman race, other species might once again have a chance." RichardConniff, Audubon Magazine

This is the wasted human corpuscle which dares call me a fringeextremist, yet not once have I called for their eradication, nor wouldI because I value human life--even theirs.

My ideals of governance are exactly the same as those held by thefounders of this nation including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin,Henry and Madison. Their ideas of a controlled government, individualliberty, private property ownership and free enterprise are the oneswhich made this nation the most free, richest and healthiest in theworld.

The opposite--the ideas being promoted today by those who advocatepowerful central government, controlled economies, destruction ofprivate property ownership and redistribution of wealth are the rootof poverty, pain and human misery. Those policies have been proventime and again to fail, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

They seek to control every movement, every action and every decisionpeople make about their own lives. Rather than following ourConstitution, which says we are all born with our rights, givinggovernment the job to protect them, they seek to dictate what ourrights will be. Control, power, and ultimately disaster--caused bytheir policies are the future we face with them in charge.

To cover it up and redirect attention, they call me an extremistwhacko. And the tactic works every time a lazy, uninformed electoratechooses to trust elected officials to make decisions for them.Luckily, I have a tough hide.

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