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Green Sex, Ponzi Schemes, High Priests

Climate change becomes radical fundamentalist cult

By Klaus Rohrich

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It appears that the lunatic fringe is rapidly gaining the upper hand, as fears of global warming have spawned a series of bizarre machinations that under normal circumstances might be ascribed to a comedic farce. You can now purchase anything from "green" clothing to "green" furniture. There's a movement afoot touting "green" sex and as was detailed here yesterday, a number of people, including Al Gore and Maurice Strong are making a killing selling "greenhouse" credits to assuage the guilt of the pitiful shlubs who have bought into the greenhouse gas ponzi scheme. Implausible as this all sounds, let me assure you, I'm not making this up.

Green Hysteria has gone beyond the point of being just a passing fad, like the pet rock of yore. It now threatens to destroy our economy, as the slavering masses are demanding decisive action to save the planet. Problem is that what they are demanding will result in the majority having to make generous use of food banks.

Greenness has become a religion complete with a set theology and a hierarchy of priest and acolytes that minister to the masses. Non-gullible people are accused of being "deniers", which frankly, should be considered an honorific, considering the source. The fundamentalist fruitcakes are now going so far as to accuse the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), who initially brought the issue of global warming to the fore of being heretics.

Legions of religious inquisitors are demanding that the IPCC be burned at the stake for heresy. Here's an example of some of the sins of which the IPCC stands accused:

"Its conflicted primary task involves both the mobilization of best possible scientific engagement with the global "problematique", and also the containment and control of the scientific endeavour on behalf of those vested interests most threatened by its findings."--David Wasdell, International Co-ordinator of the Meridian Programme

"The public needs to know that the summary has been watered down in subtle but vital ways by governmental agents."--Peter Wadhams, University of Cambridge

"British researchers who have seen drafts of last month's report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claim it was significantly watered down when governments became involved in writing it." Fred Pearce, writing in The New Scientist, March 8th 2007.

So it isn't enough to demand self-flagellation. Now the man-made-greenhouse-gas-religion is demanding an inquisition and strict adherence to orthodoxy. And those who do not adhere to the orthodox way stand to be punished.

One wonders what would happen to those who have vested the strongest possible belief in this religion, once their theology has been thoroughly debunked. Given that all the other planets in our solar system are experiencing global warming on an equal or greater scale than Earth, it stands to reason that those who want to continue to blame the Earth's warming on greenhouse gasses will soon be a laughing stock (except for Al Gore and Maurice Strong who will cry all the way to the bank).

Scientists who are questioning the high priests of global warming are receiving death threats by zealots who want to enforce orthodox belief. Dr. Tim Ball, a Canadian climatologist, received numerous emailed death threats because he questions the premise that man is responsible for the planet's warming.

I have nothing against clean air and conservation; don't get me wrong. Our resources should be used wisely and should not be squandered. As such we should all support conservation measures for their own sake. However, attaching a moral dimension to the greenhouse debate has gone too far. It is a typical stratagem of Leftists, whose ability to argue their position from a point of reason is limited, to vilify those who would disagree with their point of view.

But it doesn't make their arguments any more persuasive.

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